Commentary: Is Kosovo Independence Precedent for Karabagh? 

By Editor <>  on Aug 2, 2010 in 
Opinion <> 

By Edmond Y. Azadian

After Kosovo declared its independence in 2008 with the support of the Western  
countries, the Serbian government brought the case to the International Court 
of Justice in The Hague, accusing Kosovo of violating international law.

On July 22, the court made its verdict public that Kosovo had not violated any 
intentional law. The verdict is of an advisory nature and thus not enforceable. 
The Belgrade government refused to accept the verdict, but it does not have any 
recourse to reverse it, since the godfathers of that independence have already 
a 10,000-strong UN force in place “to preserve” peace. Actually, it is to 
forestall any potential revanchist move from Belgrade or the Serb minority 
regularly harassed by the Kosovar in their region.

As much as the verdict was symbolic, the reaction from the Serbian president 
was equally academic, ruling out the use of force to reverse the course 
inKosovo. Besides, the Belgrade government is very anxious to join the European 
Union, and with that prospect in mind, has cooperated with theWest and the 
International Court by handing many former Serb leaders to the court aswar 
criminals.Of course, trying to commit that murder in the middle of Europe could 
not go unseen.

The court verdict stirred many reactions from different quarters. Countries 
which upheld the principle of territorial integrity raised their voices against 
it, while others, who believed in the principle of self-determination, spoke 
the opposite.

Some countries were caught between the two principles: Turkey recognized 
Kosovo’s independence, although itself is in a controversial position; Ankara 
is for self-determination in Northern Cyprus, but against that principle in the 
case of the Karabagh issue.

Turkey has a vested interest in Kosovo. First, as a former colonial power in 
the Balkans, it wields a lot of influence in the region. And second, support 
for Kosovo will consolidate the second Muslim nation in the heart of Europe, 
paving the way for the third one.

Russia, in its turn, is caught in the dichotomy. On the one hand, Moscow 
recognizes the self-determination and independence of Abkhazia and South 
Ossetia; on the other hand it is refusing to recognize Chechnya’s 
self-determination. In solidarity with their Serbian brothers, the Russians 
refused to recognize Kosovo’s independence, citing UN Resolution 1244, which 
calls for continued negotiations until an equitable solution is reached to meet 
the demands of the opposing parties.

The dismantling of the Yugoslav Federation was Washington’s plan to draw a line 
in the sand, limiting Russia’s influence in Europe, and second, to pay lip 
service to the Muslim world, which has been antagonized by the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A case in point is Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s statement at a press 
conference in Europe, when she was asked if Moscow was consulted on the 
Rambouillet Agreement (partitioning Yugoslavia) and she retorted, “We don’t 
need anyone’s opinion on our decision.”

Along with the verdict of the International Court, it was announced that 
Kosovo’s independence cannot serve as a precedent to other similar cases. Many 
countries were heartened by it and also inspired, including the people of 

Kosovo’s independence was an artificially-created one, yet 69 countries have 
recognized it, because the US has actively promoted it. Former Yugoslavia was 
partitioned and rag-tag street gangs in Kosovo were armed to become the Kosovar 
Liberation Army. And following the declaration of independence, an 
international force was put in place to guarantee that independence.

By comparison the Karabagh conflict was caused by a genuine threat to the 
Armenians living in that autonomous region; Azerbaijan declared war to 
depopulate the region as it had depopulated Nakhichevan, during the Soviet era, 
courtesy of Heydar Aliyev, former KGB colonel.

The reason the Kosovo verdict does not apply to other conflict areas is because 
it is based on political premises, rather than any tenet of the international 

For many years now, the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and 
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has been negotiating with the opposing parties, 
based on the Helsinki resolution, which calls for the respect of territorial 
integrity, adherence to the principle of self determination, and the exclusion 
of use of force in any conflict resolution. The first two principles cancel 
each other and render the combined principle into a square wheel, preventing 
any progress in the negotiations.

The assumptions also open the door for wild interpretations, inviting each 
party to define the principles in a way that suits their purposes.

For the leaders in Baku self determination for the Karabagh Armenians means 
“highest level of autonomy within Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.” Nobody 
yet knows what the “highest level of autonomy” means, except the Nakhichevan 
Armenians who were expunged from their native land and Karabagh Armenians who 
were subjected to ethnic cleansing.

Each member state of the Minsk group has given its own interpretation of 
Kosovo’s independence and the principle of self-determination. However, it is 
very interesting to quote the interpretation of the British representative at 
the International Court. That interpretation fits exactly the Karabagh 
situation. Here is the British interpretation: “The principle of the 
territorial integrity applies when a certain country is under threat by another 
country. If the right for self-determination of any indigenous group is 
trampled by the central government, than the principle of territorial integrity 
does not apply.”

A war was thrust upon the Karabagh-Armenians by the Azeri government and the 
people in Karabagh rose in self-defense and defeated the aggressor.

Now, rather than paying war reparations to Karabagh Armenians, the Baku 
government has subverted the main cause of conflict and has reduced it to the 
issue of the “return of occupied territories.”

The Karabagh parliament assessed Kosovo verdict as a precedent and issued an 
announcement stating: “The verdict of the UN International court of Justice 
confirms that the principle of a nation’s self determination does not 
contradict any international law nor infringes on territorial integrity…the 
Republic of Mountainous Karabagh is ready to assume its responsibility in the 
situation created in the international arena to achieve peace and stability in 
the region.

“On December 10, 1991 the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh declared its 
independence in conformance with the principles of international law and the 
constitution of USSR extent at that period. During the last 20 years, the 
Republic was able to repudiate Azerbaijani aggression. During that entire 
period, Karabagh has demonstrated that it has achieved the status of a 
legitimate state.”

The autonomous region of Karabagh seceded from the USSR exactly in the manner 
Azerbaijan did. And since Karabagh has never been an integral part of 
Azerbaijan’s territory, it had been placed under its administrative rule by 
Stalin’s arbitration; therefore, its independence does not infringe upon the 
latter’s territorial integrity.

The Helsinki Principles can be applied to the Karabagh situation only when the 
parties agree on the assumption that Karabagh is not breaking away from 
Azerbaijan, since it has most importantly dissociated itself from the USSR.

Unfortunately, the oil factor has been proving to be more effective than any 
logic and any principle of international law. Countries constituting the Minsk 
Group keep assuming that Karabagh was and should continue to be part of 
Azerbaijan’s territory. Even non-binding resolutions have been passed by the UN 
general assembly giving credence to Azeri claims.

Unless mediators are convinced otherwise, the Helsinki Principles will be 
locked in a square wheel and the conflict will remain unresolved.

Some quarters blame Armenia’s diplomacy, which has not been able to convince 
the international community that Karabagh has never been a part of Azerbaijan. 
These people forget the oil factor.

When the major powers decide to create political facts, they will interpret the 
law to justify their actions. Kosovo was part and parcel of the former 
Yugoslavia. The Kosovars did not fight to obtain independence. It was handed to 
them on a silver platter, after Yugoslavia was partitioned by force. Therefore 
the principle of self-determination applies more to Karabagh than to Kosovo. 
But the powers behind the verdict of the International Court of Justice warn 
that the decision on Kosovo cannot be applied to any other similar conflicts.

The French writer La Fontaine concluded one of his fables with the following 
adage, which is more appropriate to use here: “The reasoning of the mighty is 
always the best.”

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