Ref:  "US private military contractor (MPRI) hit with lawsuit charging with 
complicity in genocide filed in Chicago federal court."

This is a copy of MY letter to Major General Vernon B. Lewis, MPRI  in 1995.  I 
wonder why I never received any response!!! Stella




Major General Vernon B. Lewis, President 28 November 1995

Military Professional Resources Inc.

Alexandria, VA 22314

General Lewis:

Yesterday, my husband, Colonel George Jatras, USAF (Ret), wrote a letter to The 
Washington Times with his comments regarding your organization.

This letter is from his wife and her thought on a group of "honorable" men; men 
who should have held themselves in higher esteem than to have allied themselves 
with what can be considered the most corrupt administration in the history of 
this nation. You serve a master who refused to wear the uniform of his country 
when he was called; a man of such despicable character that common sense, let 
alone a sense of honor, should have made you run, not walk, away from this 
abomination we now call President.

With your "military expertise" and the treachery of this President, you and 
your colleagues have helped a fascist nation, Croatia, destroy a people who 
were our allies in two world wars, a people who rescued over 500 downed 
American pilots while at the same time, the fascist Croats along with their 
Muslim allies, were turning our airmen over to the Nazis. You have helped 
destroy a people who suffered untold agony at the hands of their Nazi 
tormentors and who perished in Croatia’s extermination camps so violent that it 
even disgusted Hitler’s SS. You have assisted in the slaughter of 15,000 
Krajina Serbs and to "ethnically cleanse" over 200,000 of a once proud and 
brave people from their ancestral lands. Did you have even the slightest tinge 
of conscience when Croatian jets strafed, bombed and killed fleeing Serbian 
refugees? Or when Croatian troops murdered two Danes and one Czech 
peacekeepers? Today, Croatia flies its Nazi flag and has renamed it streets 
after their Nazi war criminals. Recently there was an incident ast a soccer 
game between Croats and Americans assigned to a medical unit in Zagreb. During 
the match, President Tudjman of Croatia arrived and was greeted by the Croats 
with their version of a "wave." The difference was that the Croats performed 
the "wave" blatantly using the Nazi "Sieg Heil" salute which has returned to 
common use at Croatian ceremonies and celebrations. The Croats then insisted 
that the Americans join in the salute. When the American refused, the Croats 
threatened to bring charges against them for not showing proper respect for the 
Croatian President. Did we fight fascism in World War II only for you to 
reestablish it in 1995?

And you call yourselves honorable?

But this is not the end, my friends. This is just the beginning. By your 
actions, you have given THIS President the courage he needed to send 20,000 of 
our finest into harms way. Are any of yours sons, daughters, or grandchildren 
being sent into that abattoir? How many of them will return in body bags?

There are no words to express my disgust with what you have done. You have 
disgraced your uniform and your country and in the end, we will all pay for 
your arrogance.

Stella L. Jatras

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