by James Bissett


A review of The Krajina Chronicle <>  by 
Srdja Trifkovic,  
published  in the September 2010 issue of Chronicles


Srdja Trifkovic is no stranger to Chronicles readers, many of whom have found 
his articles commenting on foreign affairs, with particular attention to the 
Balkans, to be insightful, penetrating, and written with authority. His latest 
book, The Krajina Chronicle, provides further confirmation of his extraordinary 


The book is a history of the Serbian warrior-farmers who formed the first line 
of defense against Islamic invasions into the Habsburg Empire. It is a story of 
heroism and tragedy that reaches far beyond the old military frontier of the 
western Balkans. It is also a story that touches on some of the most eventful 
periods of European history. It ends tragically with the mass expulsion of the 
Krajina Serbs from their ancestral lands by Croatian military forces in August 
1995, during Operation Storm. These forces, trained and equipped by the United 
States, drove out almost all of the Serbs from Croatia in a matter of days. The 
operation was made easier because the Krajina Serbs were ordered not to resist 
by their supposed ally, Serbian President Slobodan Milošević.


The Krajina Chronicle begins by tracing the early Slav settlements in the 
western Balkans in the sixth century and describes how, over time, the 
antipathies that developed between Croats and Serbs were intensified by 
religious and cultural differences, the Croats becoming Roman Catholic and the 
Serbs adopting the Orthodox Faith of the Byzantine Empire. By the Middle Ages, 
Trifkovic documents, Serbian settlements were well established in a number of 
regions in territory that was later to become Croatia—a fact that is denied by 
some Croat revisionists. These settlements were strengthened over the years by 
influxes of Serbian refugees fleeing the march of the Ottoman Turks. These 
hardy settlers eventually were transformed by their Austrian hosts into the 
warrior-farmers of the Krajina. And warriors indeed they were! Quite apart from 
resisting Islam’s encroachment into Central Europe, these Serbs fought in 
almost all of the wars entered into by the Habsburg monarchy from the 17th to 
the 20th century.


Used primarily as light cavalry and infantry, they played an important role in 
all of the many battles in which they were engaged. In the Seven Years’ War, 
for example, the Serbs contributed 88,000 troops to the Habsburg armies, and 
during the Napoleonic Wars they sent 11 regiments against Napoleon’s forces. 
(In World War I, when Austria invaded Serbia in 1914, the Krajina Serbs fought 
against their fellow Serbs.) In return for military service, the Serbs were 
given land and special privileges exempting them from local taxes and laws. 
They owed their loyalty to Vienna, not to the Croatian or Hungarian nobility. 
The special status afforded the Serbs was deeply resented by their Croatian 


As Croatian nationalism became increasingly prominent in the 19th century, the 
existence of a Serbian population with special privileges, a different 
religion, and different loyalties complicated and impeded the ability of 
Croatian leaders to deal with their Hungarian and Austrian rulers. As Trifkovic 
explains, this led to extreme antagonism, bordering on a “morbid obsession,” 
toward the minority Serbian population. This hatred of the Serbs was 
exemplified by speeches and writings of the Croatian political activist Ante 
Starčević (1823-96), who was ahead of his time in advocating genocide against 
the Serbs. Starcevic wrote that the Serbs are “the race of slaves, beasts worse 
than any other,” fit for extermination. Trifkovic points out that there is 
hardly a town in today’s Croatia that does not have a street, square, or 
institution named for Starčević, who is often referred to as the Father of the 


Notwithstanding Croatia’s almost pathological hatred of the Serbs, it was 
Serbia that saved Croatia from being carved up at the end of World War I. 
Having been on the losing side of that conflict, Croatia, under the terms of 
the Treaty of London, risked losing much of her territory to Italy and Serbia. 
She would have been reduced to four counties around Zagreb and lost much of her 
coastline. Serbia rejected the Treaty of London, however, opting instead to 
incorporate Croatia into the new Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, 
thus uniting all of the South Slavs in one state that was to become Yugoslavia. 
While uniting all of the South Slavs may have been seen as a logical step in 
the spirit of Slavic self-determination, the new state soon ran into the same 
old difficulties. No sooner had it been proclaimed than Croatian politicians 
began agitating to break it apart.


In fact, Trifkovic argues, the bitter legacy of Serb-Croat relations seems to 
have been accentuated by the union:


From the moment of its creation at the end of the Great War until its 
disintegration just over seven decades later, Yugoslavia was constantly beset 
by national problems. . . . [P]roblems which proved impossible to solve, in the 
first royalist Yugoslavia [1918-41] were no less difficult in the second, 
communist one [1945-91].


The Krajina Chronicle provides a stirring narrative of the events that followed 
the formation of the first Yugoslavia until its abrupt and violent breakup 
after the Nazi invasion in April 1941. Hitler quickly gave control of Croatia 
and Bosnia-Herzegovina to Ante Pavelić, the leader of the Croatian fascist 
Ustasha movement. The Ustashe immediately embarked on a murderous campaign 
against the Serbs in Croatia. The policy was explicitly proclaimed: Kill one 
third, convert one third to Catholicism, and expel the remaining third from 


Trifkovic’s story of this mass murder spares no ghastly detail of the insane 
slaughter that took place in that spring and summer of 1941. Most of the 
killing was done by cutting victims’ throats or by smashing their heads with a 
mallet or an ax. Later, when camps were set up to deal with the large numbers 
of the dispossessed—mainly Serbs, but also Jews and gypsies—the killing methods 
remained the same. How many lost their lives is not known, but estimates by 
holocaust historians range from 500,000 to 530,000. (Almost all of the author’s 
sources are senior German and Italian military or diplomatic personnel. When 
senior SS officers complain to Berlin about the killings, the reader is left 
with no doubt about the horrors inflicted upon the Serbs of the Krajina.)


The book also deals with the intricacies of wartime Yugoslavia and with the 
factional disputes and battles between Tito’s Partisans and Draža Mihailović’s 
royalist Chetniks. Although both were engaged in a ferocious resistance against 
German and Italian occupiers, their real struggle was against each other in a 
bloody civil war.


Here again, Trifkovic presents a perceptive analysis of the forces at play in 
wartime Yugoslavia and of the eventual decision by Churchill to back Tito and 
to stop further military support to the Mihailović forces. The Soviet army’s 
entry into Yugoslavia in the fall of 1944 decided the fate of the anticommunist 
forces, including thousands of Krajina Serbs. Although many found their way 
into Austria, hoping to be welcomed by the Western allies, they were betrayed 
by the British and Americans at the Yalta conference in February 1945, when 
Churchill and Roosevelt acceded to Stalin’s demand that all Soviet citizens be 
returned to the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, anticommunist Serbs were included 
in this category.


In May 1945 the British army returned to Yugoslavia several thousand 
anticommunist Serbs who, upon arrival, were summarily shot. Fortunately, 14,000 
Serbs, most of them from the Krajina, managed to find their way to Italy, where 
U.S. authorities refused to hand them over to Tito. Many of them ended up in 
the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia.


In Tito’s communist Yugoslavia, the Krajina Serbs were not granted any favors 
by the new regime. Their dreadful suffering at the hands of the Ustashe was not 
formally acknowledged, and the survivors were, in effect, denied the right to 
mourn and had to accept the new regime’s slogan of “Brotherhood and Unity.” 
Thousands of homeless and refugee Krajina Serbs were denied permission to 
return to Croatia and were resettled instead in the northern region of 
Vojvodina, on the Hungarian border. Throughout the Tito years the Serbian areas 
of Croatia remained economically underdeveloped and without a clearly defined 
political identity.


In the concluding chapters of the Krajina Chronicle, Trifkovic recounts the 
futile attempt by the Krajina Serbs to remain a part of what was left of the 
disintegrating Yugoslav Federation. When Franjo Tudj­man’s right-wing 
nationalist party came to power in 1990 with the undisguised aim of separating 
Croatia from Yugoslavia, the Serbs, determined to remain with Yugoslavia, 
formed an autonomous region and took up arms.


Croatia’s declaration of independence in May 1991 led to bitter fighting 
between the secessionist Croats and the Serbian minority. The conflict 
continued until a cease-fire was arranged in January 1992, which lasted with 
some exceptions until the devastating assault in August 1995 of Operation 
Storm, described by Carl Bildt, the U.N. special envoy to the former 
Yugoslavia, as “the most efficient ethnic cleansing we’ve seen in the Balkans.” 
Abandoned and betrayed by Milošević and left to the mercy of a cowardly 
European Union and a vengeful Croatia supported by U.S. and NATO forces, the 
Krajina Serbs had come to the end of the line.


It is a credit to Srdja Trifkovic that his book will stand as a fitting, if 
perhaps the sole, testimony to a brave and extraordinary people—a compelling 
story, recounted in a stimulating and incisive narrative that covers a broad 
canvas without losing the attention to detail that brings life to historic 
events. The book also reveals the disturbing truth that the weak, however 
righteous their cause, remain at the mercy of the powerful.


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