Diplomatic war over Kosovo in New York

Hillary Clinton collecting votes against Serbia 

T. Spaić | 25. 08. 2010. - 00:02h | Foto: FoNet | Komentara: 0 

As ‘Blic’ learns from diplomatic sources in New York, Hillary Clinton, the USA 
Secretary of State and William Hague, British Foreign Minister have undertook 
the leadership in lobbying against Serbian resolution at the UN General 
Assembly. In their letters that ‘Blic’ had insight into, sent to presidents and 
prime ministers of about fifty countries including China, there is request for 
rejection of Serbian resolution with rather insulting claims aimed to explain 
‘unreasonable moves by Serbia’.

In the two letters, both on two pages, it is said that the UN General Assembly 
at the request of Serbia sought opinion from the ICJ whether Kosovo declaration 
on independence was contrary to the international law. It is pointed out that 
the ICJ replied it was not. It is then said that Serbia is rejected to accept 
that opinion and has filed a resolution to the UN GA. The letters request 
rejection of the resolution ‘since the future of both Kosovo and Serbia is in 
the EU’, 

Clinton and Hague have been joined in lobbying against Serbian resolution by 
foreign ministers of France and Saudi Arabia, ‘Blic’ learns from diplomatic 
sources. Such intensive diplomatic activity is understood in international 
circles as a consequence of concern by the USA in the first place, for 
stability in Kosovo. 


At the moment Belgrade has promise by 50 countries that they shall vote for the 
Serbian resolution. According to diplomatic sources, the USA, GB, France and 
Saudi Arabia got promise by 65 countries that they shall vote against. Many 
countries under pressure by big forces promised not to vote for the Serbian 
resolution, but shall not vote against it either. It is not known how 30 
countries are going to vote and they are the target of diplomatic fight. 


‘The opinion by the ICJ shall get its real conclusion only with the resolution 
that shall be adopted by the UN General Assembly. That is why this is so 
important. In the best outcome, our resolution shall be adopted what shall 
anull the effect caused initially by the ICJ opinion. In the worst scenario, 
the resolution shall be changed by an amendment or a new resolution shall be 
adopted accepting the existing situation of the international protectorate 
until finding of a solution acceptable for both Serbia and Kosovo. Resolution 
which would explicitly support independence of Kosovo has no chance to get 
majority. Both variants, the best one and the worst one, are favorable for 
Serbia. After that negotiations will follow’, a high Serbian source says for 


As we learn unofficially, Serbia Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic has also prepared 
a letter to his colleagues worldwide seeking support for Serbian resolution 
pointing out that Serbia is faced with unilateral secession today what may 
happen to any other country tomorrow. 


The USA Ambassador to Serbia Mary Warlick said in her statement to the Tanjug 
yesterday that the USA was not preparing any resolution of its own thus 
partially denying claim by Washington analyst Obrad Kesic. 


The UN General Assembly shall according to announcements from New York debate 
over proposal of Serbian resolution on Kosovo on September 9. 


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