Still no probe of possible Kosovo mass grave

26 August 2010 | 09:55 | Source: Tanjug 

PRIŠTINA, BELGRADE -- An EULEX spokesperson said on Wednesday that the EU 
mission was preparing for establishing the location of a possible mass grave 

The location is believed to be in the vicinity of the central Kosovo town of 
Obilić, and to contain the remains of killed Serbs and other non-Albanians.

“The EULEX team within the Department of Forensic Medicine (former Office on 
Missing Persons and Forensics) is currently in the preparatory stage for the 
beginning of the assessment of the site,” Irina Gudeljević told Tanjug. 

The Serbian government Commission on Missing Persons insists that EULEX should 
start the search of the terrain in the vicinity of the town of Obilić, central 
Kosovo, or more precisely, of the the Belaćevac mine site, President of the 
body Veljko Odalović told Tanjug. 

“We will assume that any further postponement represents an obstruction, 
because we believe there is no reason for the delay,” Odalović said. 

He announced that a session of the Belgrade-Pristina Joint Working Group for 
missing persons will be held in Belgrade on Friday, at which the Belaćevac 
issue will be one of the topics. 

Belgrade also insists on searching a site at the Košara village on the border 
with Albania, of Lake Livočko near the city of Gnjilane in eastern Kosovo, and 
of the area of Suva Reka, a town in southern Kosovo. 

The list of the Serbian government commission now comprises a total of 533 
persons, of the total number of 1,300 persons that have been gone missing 
before, during and after the Kosovo war. 

According to the authorities in Belgrade and Priština, another 1,873 missing 
persons are still being searched for in Kosovo. 


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