
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
August 30, 2010

Serbia to open mission at NATO headquarters inSeptember 

Belgrade: Serbia is set to open a mission at NATO when Defence Minister Dragan 
Sutanovac visits Brussels in September, an official said Monday.

"We do not have an exact date yet, but it should happen in September," a 
Defence Ministry spokesman said.

Serbia has uneasy ties with NATO, which bombed it in 1999 to end the war in 
Kosovo, effectively ending Belgrade's rule over its former province.

Relations improved following the fall of...Slobodan Milosevic a decade ago, 
leading to a NATO invitation to Serbia to join the Partnership for Peace 
programme in 2006.

Ties meanwhile deteriorated, again over Kosovo, which declared independence 
from Serbia in 2008, following a nod of approval from leading Western nations.

Some Serbian politicians, including...former prime minister Vojislav Kostunica, 
regard NATO as a foe because of the bombing and the military alliance's support 
of Kosovo. 

NATO still maintains a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, though its size has been 
reduced from 50,000 in 1999 to the present 10,000. 

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