ANALYSIS: Serbia in turmoil over Kosovo shift 


Posted : Fri, 10 Sep 2010 15:02:31 GMT

By : Boris Babic 

Category : Europe (World)  <> 






Belgrade - The Serbian political scene went into turmoil Friday after Belgrade 
made a stunning U-turn in its Kosovo policy in the United Nations 
<>  by abandoning its hardline 
stance aimed at blocking any independence of its former province.

Belgrade bowed to pressure from the European Union, most of which supports 
Kosovo's independence and which has threatened to isolate Serbia over its 
effort to hamper Kosovo's recognition.

While Belgrade's move pleased the international community, however, it shocked 
its own people as the political turnaround came without any warning at home.

The change of policy was decided mostly by President Boris Tadic. He had not 
involved the parliament when Belgrade submitted the original, hardline 
resolution <>  on Kosovo to the 
UN. On Thursday, he again did not involve parliament, when he hammered out the 
soft version in a deal with the EU.

"Of the resolution, which Serbia submitted under unclarified circumstances on 
July 28, virtually nothing remained," the daily Danas commented on Friday.


Meanwhile, Tadic's Democratic Party was trying to present the "compromise" with 
the EU as a "massive success which keeps the European path clear and allows it 
to continue fighting for its sovereignty."

Undermining this view, local newspapers quoted sources as saying that Tadic was 
preparing to fire his most loyal ally, the hawkish Foreign Minister Vuk 
Jeremic, as soon as the diplomat returns from New York.

The opposition, led by the nationalist Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), went a 
step further and declared that just firing Jeremic would not do.

The SNS insisted in a statement that Tadic and the entire government had to 
take responsibility for the "diplomatic debacle" over Kosovo and called for 
early elections in its wake.

Too big, the SNS insisted, was the split between the government and the people 
of Serbia after Thursday's events.

"We are informing the EU that its contacts with representatives of the regime 
are legal, but are no more an exchange of opinions and agreements with the 
majority in Serbia," SNS said in a statement.


The nationalist former premier Vojislav Kostunica's Democratic Party of Serbia 
said Belgrade had "capitulated" and "handed the fate of Kosovo and the whole 
Serbia to Washington <>  and 
Brussels <>  bureaucrats."

The opposition accused Tadic, who has limited formal authority but in fact 
holds more power in his hands than any other politician in Serbia, of lying to 
the nation by promising to keep Kosovo Serbian over the past two years since it 
declared independence.


Whilst the government insists it had not sold out on its stance that Kosovo 
belonged to Serbia, the UN resolution implies - at least in practical terms - 
that the two sides will now approach each other as independent parties trying 
to regulate their relatoins as neighbours.


The daily Politika quoted sources as saying that the talks under EU auspices 
between Serbia and Kosovo on technical issues - such as power supply and 
transport, via customs affairs and passport issues to practicalities such as 
the mutual recognition of education 
<>  standards - may begin as early 
as this year.

"Once again we have defeated ourselves," a commentator told Belgrade TV 
broadcaster B92.

Regardless of the outcome of the political crisis in Serbia itself, it is also 
unclear what comes next in its relations with Kosovo and also the EU.

Jeremic may face unemployment, but before he left New York, he told the General 
Assembly that Serbia would "never tire" of not recognizing Kosovo and his 
remarks were echoed by the pro-European G17 party, a junior partner in Tadic's 
ruling coalition.

"We believe that Serbia's European integrations must accelerate, but that at 
the same time Serbia must never recognize Kosovo," a high-ranking G17 official, 
Suzana Grubjesic, told reporters in Belgrade.

What is clear is that by taking the bitter pill of at least nodding in the 
direction of Kosovo, Serbia created itself room to another attempt at 
approaching EU membership, after remaining on collision course over the past 
few years.

But it took somebody in Kosovo to point it out bluntly to Serbs - the Pristinqa 
daily Koha Ditore said that Serbia will "benefit" from its own diplomatic 
defeat, beacuse the compromise over Kosovo opens doors to its European 

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