What will happen when Britain and France run out of money,
 the immigrants in Germany refuse to assimilate,
 and Mr. Tourabi’s hand-waving fails to accomplish anything?

 One thing is certain, though – things cannot go on like this for much longer.



At the Crossroads

Europe and Bosnia Seeking a Way Out

by  <http://original.antiwar.com/author/malic/> Nebojsa Malic, October 23, 2010 

 <http://antiwar-talk.com/> Antiwar Forum 

One of the principal arguments of advocacy journalists in the 1990s was that 
the "international community" had a duty to intervene in the Bosnian war to 
save the "multicultural" government in Sarajevo from the ethnically exclusive 
Serbs and Croats. This was a myth; the regime in Sarajevo was overwhelmingly 
Muslim, and led by an internationally recognized theorist of Islamic 
revolution. But it was a myth the nascent American Empire found convenient, and 
built into the foundation of the 1995 Dayton peace agreement.

Although Bosnia has historically been a home of Orthodox and Catholic 
Christians, Muslims and Jews, these communities never lived together, but 
rather side by side. They began intermixing only in the secular, socialist 
Yugoslavia, following WW2. As novelist and commentator Muhrem Bazdulj noted on 
October 19, on the pages of the Sarajevo daily Oslobodjenje, prior to the 1990s 
conflict the communities in Bosnia had their distinctions, but were actually 
amazingly mono-cultural: they spoke what they considered the same language, and 
weren’t segregated.

If multiculturalism means parallel ghettoes, Bazdulj argues, then Bosnia today 
truly is multi-cultural. People live side by side, and not very happily. It is 
this concept that German Chancellor Angela Merkel rightly declared a failure. 
"Of all the ‘multis’ in vogue," wrote Bazdulj, "only the multivitamins remain."

A Rotten Compromise

Merkel’s condemnation of multiculturalism, in remarks to a party conference 
last weekend, was somewhat unexpected. Just last month, Merkel had joined the 
attacks on Thilo Sarazzin, a banking official who criticized Germany’s 
immigration policies. Germany Abolishes Herself, his controversial bestseller, 
argued that the failure to assimilate the overwhelmingly Muslim immigrants was 
threatening the immediate future of Germany. Sarazzin was hounded out of his 
job and kicked out of his party (the Social Democrats), but his arguments 
appear to have hit a mark.

Unlike, for example, the UK or France – whose immigrant populations came from 
the former colonies – Germany’s immigrants were a legacy of the "guest worker" 
program implemented after WW2 to make up for labor shortages caused by wartime 
casualties. Since these contractors weren’t supposed to stay, or bring their 
families along, there was no strategy or policy to assimilate them. This worked 
well until the 1970s, when the Turkish laborers began to bring in their 
families and ask for asylum, following a military coup in Ankara. Many former 
Yugoslavs did the same in the 1990s. With any discussion of the German identity 
under the cloud of Hitler and the Holocaust, the government in Bonn resorted to 
multiculturalism: in exchange for loyalty to the German state, the Turks were 
not required to assimilate into the German society. The result was a parallel 
Turkish society, which in some instances even embraced the militant 
manifestations of Islam.

Twilight of the Welfare State

Much of the critical work concerning Europe’s immigration woes has focused on 
the salient fact that Muslim immigrants do not appear willing or able to 
peacefully coexist with Europeans’ secular humanism. Politics of guilt, 
political correctness, cultural and political Marxism have all combined to 
preclude any debate as to why an Islamic takeover of, say, France, would be a 
bad thing. Politicians in Sweden are on the record as planning for the day when 
Swedes become a minority in their own country.

Another part of the puzzle, however, seems to have gone unnoticed. Namely, 
western Europeans love their welfare states. A concept originally developed in 
19th-century Prussia, the welfare state manages the lives of its subjects from 
cradle to grave, in exchange for much of their income and service to the 
government. The system is capable of functioning, for a while, in societies 
where the populace has a stronger sense of duty than of entitlement. When 
entitlement wins out, however, the welfare state quickly becomes an 
unsustainable parasitic organism, wherein the indolent many live at the expense 
of the productive few. Temporary boosts to the productive populace through 
importation of immigrants tend to exacerbate the problem in the long run, as 
immigrants’ sense of entitlement quickly overwhelms any sense of duty (if one 
exists in the first place), and they become dependents of the state.

For the past ten days, millions of people have taken to the streets in France, 
disrupting traffic, business, fuel deliveries and flights to protest President 
Sarkozy’s proposed pension reform. The stopgap solution aimed at salvaging 
France’s exhausted treasury would raise the retirement age from 60 to 62.

Under Tony Blair’s Labor government, the UK expanded its welfare state 
dramatically. Unable to support it much longer, the Cameron-Clegg government is 
radically trimming the budget, including major cuts to Britain’s armed forces.

Unlike Berlin, Paris and London have yet to address their immigration problem. 
Without that, their austerity efforts won’t amount to much. Soon, Europeans 
will have to face the stark reality. They can have a welfare state, or open 
immigration with multiculturalism – but not both.

Germany Rising?

Looming over it all is the question of whether the transnational institutions 
such as the EU and NATO will survive for much longer. The EU has been sorely 
tested by the 2008 financial crisis, and the resulting need to bail out Greece, 
Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland. As Germany was called upon for much of the 
bailout, many hard-working Germans feel like the proverbial ant beset by 
European grasshoppers.

When NATO was established in 1949, a British ambassador described its purpose 
thus: "Keep the Americans in, Russians out, and Germans down." The Soviet Union 
is long gone, the Americans can’t afford to stay in, and the Germans are 
increasingly reluctant to stay down.

The Balkans wars of the 1990s went a long way in freeing Germany from the 
stigma of WW2. The guilt and shame of the Holocaust were projected onto the 
Serbs, demonized in the German press as genocidal aggressors. Very few people 
noticed or cared when the Bundeswehr was deployed outside of Germany for the 
first time since 1945. Deployed to Bosnia as peacekeepers, by 1999 they were in 
Kosovo as occupation troops, while the Luftwaffe flew bombing missions over 
Serbia as part of NATO’s Operation Allied Force.

Though presented as a magnificent success for NATO, the Kosovo operation 
actually revealed the alliance’s limitations and shortcomings. Behind the 
victory celebrations was the embarrassing fact that NATO didn’t actually win 
the 78-day conflict by force of arms, but by diplomatic deceit. More to the 
point, the conflict demonstrated that only Americans had the capability to 
conduct the full spectrum of military operations; other NATO members were able 
to serve as auxiliaries at best. The Alliance hasn’t done much since, as 
evidenced by its symbolic presence in Afghanistan and refusal to take part in 
Bush the Lesser’s Iraq adventure.

Kanzlerin Merkel now talks of a need for immigrants to adopt a German identity. 
Her predecessor, Gerhard Shroeder, went on to work with the Russians on 
building a major pipeline through the Baltic Sea, over American objections. 
Merkel herself met with France’s Sarkozy and Russia’s Medvedev earlier this 
week, hinting at a new power axis emerging in Europe, beyond the traditional 
confines of NATO and the EU.

If This Goes On…

Against this background, EU’s top official, Herman van Rompuy, came to Sarajevo 
on Wednesday to hector the Bosnian politicians on the need for "reforms." 
Bosnia, said van Rompuy, needs to be "one country, speaking with one voice," 
before it is allowed to join the illustrious clubs headquartered in Brussels – 
EU and NATO. Yet such a Bosnia is no more possible than European welfare states 
with an ever-shrinking productive base.

Over the past 20 years or so, Bosnia has been a laboratory for nation-builders, 
interventionists, humanitarians, and activists the world over. They have tried 
every dogma and ideology dear to their hearts, from tribal democracy to 
multiculturalism and welfare statism. All have failed.

Today, Bosnia’s communities are divided as never before, poverty and crime are 
widespread, and thousands of people pay to see faith healer Mekki Tourabi, 
having exhausted all other avenues of improving their lot.

The question now is what will happen when Britain and France run out of money, 
the immigrants in Germany refuse to assimilate, and Mr. Tourabi’s hand-waving 
fails to accomplish anything. One thing is certain, though – things cannot go 
on like this for much longer.

Read more by Nebojsa Malic

*        <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/10/08/the-bosnian-standoff/> 
The Bosnian Standoff – October 8th, 2010 
*        <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/09/24/after-empire/> After 
Empire – September 24th, 2010 
Capitulation, Not Compromise – September 10th, 2010 
Westerwelle’s Big Adventure – August 27th, 2010 
*        <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/08/06/the-sorrow-of-empire/> 
The Sorrow of Empire – August 6th, 2010


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