Trifkovic Packs the House at Liberty University

By Taylor Rose


At the school of the Moral Majority, Srda Trifkovic, invited by Liberty 
University YWC, spoke to a packed lecture hall  Monday on the new wave of jihad 
in the West. Accompanied by several patriotic and anti-jihad LU professors, 
Trifkovic was able to deliver a fiery and passionate message about the rise of 
Islam in the West and how the Left is facilitating the reemergence of the Islam 
against the West. Just as exciting as Trifkovic’s speech was the number of 
students there to hear it. Though the room reserved for the event only had a 
capacity of 100 people, approximately 150 showed up, filling the hallway and 
lining the walls just to hear the speech.

This event was a major victory for our chapter of YWC. This was our first 
official public event due to complications with the school bureaucracy.

We thank Mr. Trifkovic for the rousing, thought-provoking speech and can't wait 
to have similar events in the future in order to promote discussion on issues 
of vital importance to the West.



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