...  The current coalition government in Serbia was  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2008/06/26/return-of-the-reds/> brought 
together by envoys from Washington and London as well. For that matter, 
Washington has been pulling the strings in Serbia since October 2000  ...

...  Since the 1990s, the Balkans have become a playground for power-drunk 
diplomats from Europe and America. Nowhere else in the world, not even in  
<http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7211667.stm> Afghanistan, do envoys of 
the Empire enjoy such power. 

Yet neither the envoys, nor the capitals they represent, seem to realize what 
they are doing is playing with matches in a tinderbox.  ...



Diplomats Gone Wild

Imperial Envoys in the Balkans

by  <http://original.antiwar.com/author/malic/> Nebojsa Malic, November 06, 

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When it comes to the former Yugoslavia (currently hiding behind the politically 
correct term "the Western Balkans"), normal rules simply don’t apply. 
International law is  <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/07/22/cry-havoc/> 
infinitely bendable, states can blink in and out of existence at one’s 
convenience, and conventions of diplomacy can be dispensed with. In Bosnia, for 
example, the U.S. and UK ambassadors now have more pull than the Imperial 
viceroy — who used to have the kind of  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2004/07/08/the-tyrant-of-bosnia/> absolute 
power the tyrants of yore could only dream of. The current coalition government 
in Serbia was  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2008/06/26/return-of-the-reds/> brought 
together by envoys from Washington and London as well. For that matter, 
Washington has been pulling the strings in Serbia since October 2000, when a 
CIA-NED coup deposed Slobodan Milosevic and went on to  
<http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/laughland8.1.1.html> become the template for 
"color revolutions" elsewhere in the world.

Since the 1990s, the Balkans have become a playground for power-drunk diplomats 
from Europe and America. Nowhere else in the world, not even in  
<http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7211667.stm> Afghanistan, do envoys of 
the Empire enjoy such power. Yet neither the envoys, nor the capitals they 
represent, seem to realize what they are doing is playing with matches in a 

Love Thy Bomber

Last week, at a conference called "Serbia, Western Balkans and NATO — towards 
2020," German ambassador to Belgrade said that Serbia joining the Alliance that 
bombed it in 1999 was not a matter of whether, but of when. Ambassador Wolfram 
Maas also  <http://www.zastonato.org/?p=889&preview=true> reportedly said that 
the Serbs should teach their children that the bombing was  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2005/03/24/an-evil-little-war/> just and 

"I must criticize the Serbian government for still using the terms like ‘NATO 
bombing.’ Imagine walking down Kneza Milosa street [a place in downtown 
Belgrade where the bombed-out military and police HQ still stand] and your 
child asks, ‘Daddy, who did this?’ and you answer ‘NATO’. What, then, would you 
expect that child to think of NATO? As a young man in Germany, I saw ruins in 
my home town too, but I did not hate the people who did that, because there 
were people who could explain to me why they did it."

The notorious Roman emperor Caligula used to say,  
<http://www.sacklunch.net/Latin/O/oderintdummetuant.html> Oderint dum metuant — 
let them hate me, so long as they fear me. Fear is not enough for NATO, though. 
This instrument of the Atlantic Empire demands unconditional love from its 
victims. Nothing else will do.

And yes, while asking to be loved, Maas did just compare Serbia to Nazi 
Germany. German officials and the media have been doing this for almost two 
decades, perhaps seeking to emerge from under the cloud of Hitler and the 
Holocaust by projecting it onto the Serbs. Germany also used the Balkans 
conflicts to break its armed forces out of their post-1945 isolation; the  
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftwaffe> Luftwaffe engaged in combat in both 
Bosnia and Kosovo, while the Bundeswehr were deployed as "peacekeepers."

In April 2007, Maas’s predecessor Andreas  
<http://grayfalcon.blogspot.com/2007/04/zobel-raus.html> Zobel threatened 
Serbia with the loss of more territory if it continued to resist the plan to 
declare the NATO-occupied province of Kosovo an independent state. Official 
Belgrade bristled, and even sent a diplomatic protest to Berlin, but instead of 
expelling Zobel settled for a half-hearted apology.

Since then, however, the ambassador-installed regime did everything to make 
Zobel’s prediction become a reality. As if following instructions, they first 
gave the northern province of  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2009/02/05/not-done-yet/> Vojvodina 
unprecedented powers, then set up "national minority councils," giving an 
official platform to the militant Islamic mufti, Muamer Zukorlic, to advocate 
an "autonomous Sanjak."

Any self-respecting government would bristle at Maas’s comparison with the 
Nazis. Remember, however, that this is a government that earlier this year  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/04/11/boriss-blunder/> embraced just 
such a comparison.

"Death to the State and Capitalism"

Compared to the excesses of her predecessors, Washington’s current envoy to 
Serbia, Mary Warlick, is downright demure. The most scandalous thing she has 
done so far was taking part in the "Belgrade Pride" parade on  
October 10, along with many other diplomats.

The march through downtown Belgrade was organized by the government. Far from 
promoting the rights of homosexuals, it  
 abused them to deliver an object lesson in coercion to the still recalcitrant 
population of Serbia. In the end six thousand police battled some five thousand 
mostly young and angry rioters, while some three hundred politicians, 
diplomats, and professional activists from Serbia and abroad marched down the 
emptied Belgrade streets. One of them carried a sign that read "Death to the 
State and Capitalism," ( 
<http://www.pravda.rs/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DSC_0140.jpg> photo) ironic 
given that the parade itself was a demonstration of statism at its worst. It is 
unclear what Warlick may have thought of the sign, if she noticed it at all.

The Curious Case of William Montgomery

Making waves isn’t just the province of standing ambassadors. No other envoy 
has made such a mark on the region as William Montgomery (Croatia, 1998-2000; 
Serbia, 2000-2004). Though he left  
<http://www.mail-archive.com/news@antic.org/msg05618.html> under a cloud of 
scandal, Montgomery chose to remain in the region and write opinion columns 
from his villa on the Croatian coast. Officially, he is now just a private 
citizen. Yet he retained some ties to Foggy Bottom; the manuscript of his 
latest book, describing the U.S.-sponsored coup in 2000, was vetted by the 
State Department prior to publication.

After the Ovations: Struggling with Democratic Transition was just published in 
a Serbian translation. Its revelations, however, were nothing the Serbian 
public didn’t already suspect. The U.S. government was directly behind the 
"United Serbian Opposition," to the tune of $100 million? Old news. Much more 
interesting were his  
 remarks to a Bosnian TV station earlier this week, when he said that Bosnia 
was an untenable country and its dissolution looked "realistic."

Montgomery’s quip prompted immediate denials from the U.S. embassy in Sarajevo, 
which reiterated Washington’s official commitment to the continued existence of 
the Bosnian state (as centralized as possible). It also drew denunciations from 
the viceroy’s office. But was Montgomery truly "off the reservation"? Last 
year, he  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2009/06/16/the-enigmatic-proconsul/> stirred 
a similar storm of controversy with a New York Times op-ed, calling for 
(minimal) revisions to U.S. policies in the Balkans, Bosnia included. It is 
extremely unlikely a simple private citizen could get space in the NYT for a 
proposal the Imperial officialdom vehemently disagreed with. Which begs the 
question: who does Montgomery speak for?

>From Dayton to Disaster

Fifteen years ago this week, peace talks began at the Wright-Patterson AFB 
outside Dayton, Ohio. It was the crowning achievement of Richard Holbrooke’s 
endeavors to threaten, bully, cheat, steal and bomb the way to a peace in 
Bosnia. In the end, he did  <http://www.antiwar.com/malic/m052903.html> end 
that war; but his callous disregard for the rules of civilized conduct also set 
a precedent that may well see the Balkans  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2009/11/26/daytons-end/> descend into 
another conflict, as soon as the strings holding up its current reality go  
<http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/09/24/after-empire/> the way of the 
Empire that put them in place. 

Read more by Nebojsa Malic

*        <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/10/22/at-the-crossroads/> At 
the Crossroads – October 22nd, 2010 
*        <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/10/08/the-bosnian-standoff/> 
The Bosnian Standoff – October 8th, 2010 
*        <http://original.antiwar.com/malic/2010/09/24/after-empire/> After 
Empire – September 24th, 2010 
Capitulation, Not Compromise – September 10th, 2010 
Westerwelle’s Big Adventure – August 27th, 2010


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