November 2010.




Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is essentially 
political. It is in line with the position of the western governments 
supporting the terrorist KLA/UCK from at least 1998. In fact, the view that the 
international law does not touch upon the declarations of independence, was in 
circulation by diplomatic representatives of a number of western countries, 
particularly USA and Great Britain, long before ICJ advisory opinion was made 

During the NATO aggression in 1999. KLA/UCK acted as a ground force of NATO. 
When the Albanians proclaimed unilateral secession in March 2008, NATO member 
countries were among the first to recognize this illegal act. Today, those 
countries are establishing Kosovo's army composed of the KLA/UCK elements. At 
the same time they are blackmailing Serbia to enter a deal - to recognize 
Kosovo in exchange for membership in the EU.

>From legal point of view, ICJ did not even touch the essential question - 
>whether unilateral secession of the national minority from a sovereign state 
>is in accordance with the international law, or not? 

It should be noted that Albanian nation has its own state - Albania. Therefore, 
Albanians in Serbia, i.e. in Kosovo and Metohija, are national minority within 
Serbia. According to the international law, the right to self-determination, 
including own state, belongs only to nations, not to the national minorities. 
On the same line, Serbia as a sovereign state has internationally recognized 
borders, which includes Kosovo and Metohija, and according to the Helsinki 
Final act those borders must not be changed unilaterally, without consent of 

Finally, unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija represents a blatant 
violation of not only principals of UN Charter, but very concrete provisions of 
UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)guaranteeing sovergnity and 
territorial integrity of Serbia.


As for the implications of unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija they are 
visible and felt, in several directions.


Undermining the role of UN system and particularly the role of the UN Security 
Council is the first one. Unilateral secession was conducted in collision with 
the UN SC decision, while the Province was under UN SC mandate and without 
consent of that organ. 

Unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija, which was preceded by 1999 NATO 
aggression against Serbia made the whole region unstable for unforeseeable 
period hindering development of many countries. "soft stomach" of Europe 
continues to be unstable. Kosovo hot potato produced primarely by USA, with 
significant contribution of Great Britain and Germany (!) will be burning the 
hands of EU for years if not decades to come. For many reasons EU would 
certainly be better off without rather then with „independent Kosovo“. Appart 
from the fact that the Province is „hole without botom“ as far as financial 
requirements are concerned, it is a safe heaven and a jumping board for islamic 
extremists and variety of bossess of organized crimes whose real aim is to 
cover EU member countries. 

Unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija has further weakened Serbia and 
will remain an extremely heavy burden from security, economy and moral point of 
view. In fact, Serbia will be internally even more unstable from now on then 
before unilateral seccession was announced in Pristina. Other separatist 
tendencies in Serbia have grown since then, government rating is falling down, 
social and political tensions growing. Having regard Serbia’s potentials and 
geostrategic position, its instability would certainly affect situation in the 
region. Serbia has also weakened its international reputation after abondoning 
its own draft resolution at the UN General Assembley on the advisory oppinion 
of International Court of Justice and last minute accepting EU/USA dictated 
text which does not refer to unacceptability of unilateral secession neither to 
the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) guaranteering sovernty and territorial 
integriti of Serbia. These negative effects to Serbia’s state interests, 
stability and reputation could hardly be compensated by „carrots“ from any 


Recently, Albanian representatives from Kosovo and Metohija, from southern 
districts in Serbia (Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja), Macedonia, Albania, 
Greece and Montenegro gathered in Tirana from where they publicaly demanded 
establishment of "natural Albania", meaning "Greater Albania". This was 
repetadly preceded by declarations of the high government representatives of 
Albania, including Albanian Prime minister, that all Albanians have the right 
to unite. This is nothing less than asking for further redrawing of the 
international borders, i.e. for further violations of the Helsinki Final Act 
and UN Charter.

William Worker former USA ambassador and former Head of OSCE mission in Kosovo 
and Metohija (september 1998 to March 1999), who in fact was responsible for 
preparing the ground for the start of NATO aggression, declared after Tirana 
gathering that Albanians outside of Albania have the right to unite with 

Implications include also, that 11 years after, about 220.000 of Serbs and 
other non Albanians displaced from the Province still are not permited to 
return to their homes. They live in miserable conditions various places in 
Serbia which has a burden of another 300.000 refugees who are not allowed to 
return to Croatia after being in refuge for 15 years. 


Whether the case of Kosovo and Metohija had encouraged proclamations of 
independence of Abhazia and South Osetnia, may be disputable. But there is no 
doubt that illegal, unilateral secession of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia and 
its subsequent recognition by major western countries, has been and will serve 
as a precedent. Like it, or not. "unicality of the case of Kosovo" as claimed 
by USA, Britain and some other countries, has been a baseless pretention which 
had some temporary tactical role in preparing the public before and immediately 
after declaration of unilateral secession. Now, nobody mentions it.   

There are and there will be many "Kosovo cases" in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin 
America. The devil got out of the bottle. 


Živadin Jovanović


Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals



With my best wishes,


Živadin Jovanović

Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals

Sremska 6/IV sprat

Tel:   + 381 11 32 83 778

Mob: + 381 63 327 859



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