Reporting from the Middle East; A Shame for Reporters
Nauman Faridi

Reporters are supposed to report fairly, accurately and completely. Incomplete reports 
are as wrong as false reports.

In reference to the latest suicide bombings by the Palestinians and then the military 
attacks by the Israelis, almost all US newspapers quickly blamed Palestinian Authority 
(PA) leader Yasir Arafat for not doing enough to stop it. In addition, they failed to 
mention other facts that surrounded the incidents. They were not fair, accurate and 
complete. They were not being reporters.

Before we look at the situation in detail, let me stress on the fact that Islam has no 
support for suicide bombings. Not whatsoever. Anyone who engages in such activities 
can only be politically motivated and must not have a strong faith in Allah and His 
revenge against the oppressors. It should also be noted that it’s not the clash 
of the religions. It’s Israelis oppressing innocent Palestinians. Also, please 
remember that it’s Israelis who are the occupying force and not the other way. 

Now, lets explore some facts.

After the suicide bombings, some newspapers reported:

"Arafat didn't send the suicide bombers, but he didn't stop them either," 
-- CBS Evening News

 “Mr. Arafat's lieutenants said they would crack down on two powerful extremist 
groups, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and began making arrests. Mr. Arafat had said before 
that he would take this step, without doing so.”
-- NY Times

In reference to the Israeli military attacks on Yasir Arafat’s compound and 
seven other sites, one report would suffice:
-- New York Daily News front-page headline (12/04/01)

Do you know why fully functional human beings gave up their lives in these suicide 

Before these attacks, Israeli forces attacked and killed Mahmoud Abu Hanoud, a Hamas 
leader. Yet another Internationally unacceptable ‘targeted killing’. He 
must have trained and armed military groups, as claimed by the Israelis, but Israelis 
didn’t have the right to kill him without a proper trial. That’s how the 
democratic governments work and Israel ‘claims’ to be the only democratic 
government in the Middle East. If you are one of those who believe that Israelis 
didn’t have any choice and Arafat should have done something to capture this guy 
before then you don’t know anything.

So the news was reported by NY times: “Firing missiles from helicopters at a van 
on a West Bank road, Israeli forces tonight killed a top leader of the Palestinian 
extremist group Hamas who had eluded them for years, Hamas officials said. The man, 
Mahmoud Abu Hanoud. (NY Times, 11/23/01)

Then came the suicide bombings and the same paper reported: "The Islamist group Hamas 
claimed responsibility today for the attacks here and in Jerusalem, saying it was 
seeking to avenge the killing by Israelis on Nov. 23 of its senior West Bank leader, 
Mahmoud Abu Hanoud" (NY Times, 12/03/01).

So there was a reason. Retaliation. Israelis killed their leader and so they replied 
in killing themselves, unacceptable by Islam, along with some Israelis.

In recent times, PA has arrested number of militants. Don’t you wonder why Abu 
Hanoud was not arrested? I do.

According to the Associated Press, on August 26 of last year, Hanoud was wounded by 
Israeli forces in a shootout near the West Bank town of Nablus. He then surrendered to 
the PA, and four days later he was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Palestinian 
military tribunal for training and arming military groups (Associated Press, 9/2/00). 

He surrendered. He was sentenced for 12 years. By the same PA, claimed by NY Times to 
have an “uneasy relations with Hamas”. Relations are uneasy no doubt. Just 
not the in the same way as NY Times reported. The paper failed to report that Hamas is 
an unaffiliated rival of the PA (FAIR, 12/06/01).

So when Abu Hanoud was jailed by PA what was he doing out at the time when Israeli 
forces attacked and killed him. Did PA release him after sentencing in prison for 12 
years? I bet that’s the case.

On May 18 2001, Israel launched an F-16 attack on the Nablus jail where Hanoud was 
being held, in an attempt to kill him. The action proved disastrous: Eleven 
Palestinian police officers are believed to have died, and Hanoud escaped (New York 
Times, 5/20/01). Castro Salameh, the Palestinian commander of the Nablus post, told 
the Times, "Abu Hanoud has been my charge for nine months, and I have kept him under 
lock and key... But now Israel has liberated him. I have absolutely no idea where he 
has gone to." (FAIR 12/06/01)

I lost my bet.

Note: This article was motivated by FAIR’s Media Advisory: NYT Should Tell Full 
Story in Terror Blast (12/6/01)
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