This report is not from a small newspaper in Peshawer. Its from Human Rights Watch. 
What's our peacekeeping forces doing in Afghanistan? Certainly not keeping peace.

Gang-rape of two women, aged fourteen and thirty, in Balkh city

N., a thirty year old Pashtun woman who lives in Balkh city, was gang-raped together 
with her fourteen year old daughter by a group of soldiers of the ethnic Hazara 
Hizb-i-Wahdat party, who also looted her home in late December 2001. The Hazara 
soldiers also beat her invalid husband unconscious. She was interviewed by Human 
Rights Watch on February 19, 2002. 

They took all the women and girls to another room and started with my 
fourteen-year-old daughter. She was crying a lot and imploring them not to do this 
because she is a virgin. But one of the men threatened her with his gun and said he 
would kill her if she did not undress. She was raped three times. 

The commander raped her twice, and another soldier raped her once. Then the two who 
were inside went out and the three who were outside came in and forced me next. I was 
raped five times. 

Then…they tried to rape my twelve-year-old daughter. But, I resisted by keeping 
my arms around her while they kept trying to hit her. We cried and said that we are 
poor people with no enemies, so why are you doing these things to us. 

The commander said, "It is our choice. You are Talib [a member of the Taliban] and you 
are Pashtun." 

I am concerned about the future of my daughters. No one will marry my daughters. There 
is nothing left for us; marriage and honor is gone. 

Read the complete report....
Anti-Pashtun Violence in Northern Afghanistan: Recent Testimonies

FARIDI NETWORK - "Sharing the Knowledge"

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