In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

It is very important that we not only read the news coverage but also send our 
comments to the writer and the media outlet that publishes it. This includes balanced 
and unbalanced coverage of the events. Here is an article from Chicago Tribune. Read 
it carefully as it explains how media is used. And always remember, polite, short and 
to-the-point comments will make a difference. Hostile comments will most likely be 
used against you and the cause that you are supporting.

Here is the article...

Web sites potent weapon in shaping Middle East story
By Rita Ciolli 

The media are caught in the crossfire over their Mideast coverage in a way that makes 
the days of the thoughtful letter or the angry call seem quaint.

Political activists are using Web sites to spotlight offending media outlets. These 
media watch sites offer detailed critiques of coverage, background reports on news 
organizations or journalists considered especially biased and suggest action for 
readers to take--from firing off an e-mail to planning boycotts or protest rallies.

"Unless I owned a major newspaper or a powerful TV network, would I be so effective at 
getting my message across?" asked Ali Abunimah, vice president of the Arab American 
Action Network, a pro-Palestinian group.

Read the complete article at (you may have to cut and past the complete url):

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