In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

Gretta Duisenberg, whose husband is the Dutch president of the European Central Bank, 
has received a death threat because she flew a Palestinian flag outside her house. She 
said that the flag was merely an expression of "sadness" about continuing violence and 
that she was "unhappy with the way in which the Netherlands and Europe have responded 
to what Sharon's government has done to the Palestinians." How true, don't you think?

Well, a Dutch Jewish organisation thinks otherwise. They are accusing Mrs. Duisenberg 
of anti-semitism and filed a case against her in a court. 

So now flying a Palestinian flag is an act of anti-Semitism - a term which is grossly 
misused and overused. Ssomeone needs to remind these pro-Israelis that Arabs are also 

Let's all of us put a "Free Palestine Ribbon" on our websites. You can get one from: 

    Free Palestine Ribbon

You can either use the link to "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" as provided on this 
site or use the ribbon without a link, your choice.

Here are some news links on Gretta Duisenberg's story (somehow my search on NYTimes, 
WashintonPost and some other US sites returned no results, I wonder why! ):,2763,725754,00.html

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