In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

On one side Israel and its western "caretakers" claim that Arafat doesn't punish the 
Palestinian "terrorists" who are targetting "innocent" Israelis. On the other side, 
Amnesty International is calling on Arafat to accept Palestinian court decision and 
release Ahmad Sa'adat who has been detained without charge. With all the questionable 
history of Arafat, I am not sure if he is right or wrong. But I do know that... 

          "It's the occupation, Studpid" 

Ahmad Sa'adat must be released and his safety ensured

"Following the decision of the Palestinian High Court of Justice in Gaza ordering that 
Ahmad Sa'adat be released immediately, Amnesty International is calling on the 
Palestinian Authority (PA) to respect this decision and free him from detention 
without further delay..."

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