In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

For US subscribers only...

CAIR has launched a year-long project called "Explore Islamic Civilization and 
Culture." The purpose of this project is to provide informative materials on Islam to 
the public libraries in the US. This "library package" is available for $150 and 
contains 18 items including books, videos and audio cassettes. The process is that you 
contact CAIR, identify a library, and pay for the package. The sponsor will be 
informed when the material is shipped to the library. More information on the project 
is available from:

If you are intersted, please find the closest public library and contact CAIR. You can 
decide to sponsor a library or share the cost with someone else. But please, do 
consider it.

For those who don't know what CAIR is, please check their website at CAIR is a civil rights champion for Muslims -- and others who are 
in need and ask for help -- in the US. If you don't know what CAIR does, its time to 
find out.

FARIDI NETWORK - sharing the knowledge

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