In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Is US Media really fair, as it claims to be? Lets sort out the news items from major 
media outlets on the anti-war rally in Washington, DC, where protesters marched 
against the possible war in Iraq.

There is a huge difference in the reporting of number of attendees, ranging from 
10,000 to 100,000. The reporting of the reaction of the organizers ranges from 
disappointment to "extremely, extremely successful":

"Fewer people attended than organizers had said they hoped for" -- Lynette Clemetson, 
NY Times - 27 Oct 2002

"It was not as large as the organizers of the protest had predicted. They had said 
there would be 100,000 people here. I'd say there are fewer than 10,000." -- Nancy 
Marshall, NPR - 27 Oct 2002

"More than 100,000 demonstrators marched around the White House on Saturday to 
protest, peacefully but loudly, President Bush's plan to use military force in Iraq." 
-- David G. Savage and Arianne Aryanpur, LA Times - 27 Oct 2002

"100,000 Rally, March Against War in Iraq" -- Monte Reel and Manny Fernandez, 
Washington Post - 27 Oct 2002

"Participants said the shootings in and around the city in the last three weeks had 
kept people from planning to visit Washington." -- Lynette Clemetson, NY Times - 27 
Oct 2002

"Organizers said it was the largest antiwar rally in the nation's capital since the 
Vietnam War." -- LA Times - 27 Oct 2002

"antiwar demonstration that organizers and police suggested was likely Washington's 
largest since the Vietnam era" -- Monte Reel and Manny Fernandez, Washington Post - 27 
Oct 2002

"[T]he march was 'just extremely, extremely successful.'" -- organizer Mara 
Verheyden-Hilliard told the Washington Post 

So, who is correct? NPR/NY Times or Washington Post/LA Times? Both can't be right.

4) Washington Post article is not online but abstract can be searched 
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