In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Also, please note that NCPA (National Council of Pakistani Americans) has released an 
alert that in their meeting with the INS, it was specifically stated that those 
registrants who are out of status or have minor violations can be detained and face 

>>>>> Alert from CAIR


(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/9/03) - (Alhamdulillah, praise be to God.) A Delaware Muslim held 
pending deportation to Pakistan has been granted a humanitarian parole by the INS. 
That move came on the same day that an Islamic 
civil rights group requested the parole based on the medical needs of the family's two 
American-born children.

A representative of the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Philadelphia District 
Office called the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) late 
today to say the parole had been granted and that concerned Muslims no longer need 
contact the office to support the group's request. (Earlier in the day, CAIR issued an 
"Action Alert" to Muslims nationwide asking that they contact the INS District 
Office about the case.)

The man granted parole had been detained by the INS on an eight-year-old deportation 
order. (The family's request for asylum was denied at that time.) Two of his children 
are American citizens who have severe congenital conditions that require 
round-the-clock medical care.

The children's physicians say it is unlikely that they would be able to obtain 
adequate long-term treatment or therapy for these conditions if their mother and 
father, who have been responsible for their care, 
are deported to Pakistan.

"We thank INS Acting District Director Theodoro Nordmark for recognizing that the law 
is not incompatible with mercy. His compassionate decision will help two American 
children who are in desperate need of both proper medical care and their parent's 
support," said CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.

                   - END -

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