Howdy Folks,
        I'm using the O.S. version of Newsclipper with Win95a, and
I can't seem to adequately define two output sources for two
input sources. The entire text of my newsclipper.cfg file is
copy/pasted down below my name, but here's the section that
I think I'm screwing up:

# $inputFiles is a list of quoted, comma-separated input
# $outputFiles is a list of quoted, comma-separated output
# Each input file is transformed by News Clipper into the
corresponding output
# file. (i.e. There should be one input file for each output
'inputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/input.txt'],
'outputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/output.html'],
'inputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/test.html'],
'outputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/testout.html'],

        I've tried it this way (above) and it *always* only gives
me the relevant In/Out for test.html -> testout.html ; I've
also tried it like this:

'inputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/input.txt'],
'inputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/test.html'],
'outputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/output.html'],
'outputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/testout.html'],
        and it gives me the same results - test.html ->
testout.html. What am I missing? As it is, the program works
perfectly for what it does input/output, but I'd like to do
more than 1 input/output chain, :-).

Thank you,
Chuck Heffner

# use perl                                  -*- mode: Perl;

# This is the configuration file for News Clipper. Feel free
to modify any of
# the values here.  See userman.html for more information.

$ENV{TZ} = 'EST' if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'dos');

%config = (

# Enter your email here. It's used during the registration
'email' => 'YOUR_EMAIL_HERE',

# Enter your registration code here.
'regKey' => 'YOUR_REG_KEY_HERE',

# $inputFiles is a list of quoted, comma-separated input
# $outputFiles is a list of quoted, comma-separated output
# Each input file is transformed by News Clipper into the
corresponding output
# file. (i.e. There should be one input file for each output
'inputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/input.txt'],
'outputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/output.html'],
'inputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/test.html'],
'outputFiles' => ['c:/nc/io/testout.html'],

# Registered users should try this input file instead
#'inputFiles' => ["sample.txt"],

# You can specify one or more directories where News Clipper
can find
# handlers.  Note that installed handlers automatically go
into the first
# directory.  Specify the directories separated using
commas, and quote them.
'handlerlocations' => ["$home/.NewsClipper"],

# This value is set for single user installation, so that
News Clipper will be
# able to find it's supporting modules. Not needed for
compiled versions.
'modulepath' => '',

# News Clipper uses a cache to store acquired HTML, which
the handlers use
# during times between update times. maxcachesize is in
megabytes, and should
# be at least 5.
# !!! News Clipper will not work without this cache, since
handlers only
# update the acquired data at certain times. !!!
'cachelocation' => "$home/.NewsClipper/cache",
'maxcachesize' => 5,

# The next three values are used by the cacheimages filter.
They are here to
# allow system administrators to set a global image cache
for all users.
# maximgcacheage is in days.
'imgcachedir' => "$home/public_html/NewsClipper/imagecache",
'imgcacheurl' =>
'maximgcacheage' => 7,

# $socketTimeout is the length of time, in seconds, to allow
any particular web
# service to respond.
'socketTimeout' => 40,

# $scripttimeout is the length of time, in seconds, to allow
News Clipper to
# run.
'scriptTimeout' => 240,

# Set $proxy if you use a proxy. For example,
'proxy' => "",

# If you need to supply a username/password to your proxy
server, you can
# specify it here.
# If you supply a password of '', you will be prompted for a
password *if*
# News Clipper is run interactively. If not, the password
will default to "",
# which, is almost certainly not what you want.  So, this
feature is not very
# useful if you're using this program from "cron".
# If you supply a real password here, this password will be
used.  If you use
# this option, please make sure that you take appropiate
measures to make sure
# that this file can't be read by others.
'proxy_username' => '',
'proxy_password' => '',



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