On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Jim Elsenbeck wrote:

> I didn't find an Output Filter that allows me to change the
> font size, does one exist?  I have a page with a column that
> I want headlines to appear in (formatted into 2 columns) but
> since the font size is my page default some headlines get
> split into 2 lines, making my desired 2col x 5row output
> become more like 2col x 8rows.

There isn't such a handler -- yet. One thing you could do is this:

<font size=-1>
<!-- newsclipper ... -->

Another thing you can do is use a combination of the map and searchrep filters
to add what you need. For example:

<!-- newsclipper
<input name=yahootopstories>
<filter name=map filter=searchrep search='^' replace='<font size=-1>'>
<filter name=map filter=searchrep search='$' replace='</font>'>
<output name=array>

('^' matches the beginning of each item in the array, and '$' matches the


David Coppit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        President, Spinnaker Software
http://www.newsclipper.com/ -- Snip and ship dynamic content to your website

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