I've been using NewsClipper for over a year, but I've got a problem with the 
newest version (1.20). I installed the new version of Perl (5.6.0) and 
NewsClipper. I got new handlers, and converted my NewsClipper.cfg file. When I 
run NewsClipper.pl, I get no html output. Running it with the "-d" option shows 
errors for each function. Here's an excerpt from the debug output:

<!--DEBUG: Operating system:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   linux                                                          -->
<!--DEBUG: Version:                                                         -->
<!--DEBUG:   1.20, Open Source                                              -->
<!--DEBUG: Command line was:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/bin/NewsClipper.pl -d                               -->
<!--DEBUG: Options are:                                                     -->
<!--DEBUG:   d: 1                                                           -->
<!--DEBUG: $ENV{NEWSCLIPPER}:                                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   <NOT SPECIFIED>                                                -->
<!--DEBUG: Home directory:                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG:   /home/bergman                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Current directory:                                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   /home/bergman                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG: System-wide configuration file found as:                         -->
<!--DEBUG:   Not specified                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Personal configuration file found as:                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   /home/bergman/.NewsClipper/NewsClipper.cfg                     -->
<!--DEBUG: @INC before loading configuration:                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0                                     -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux                -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:   .                                                              -->
<!--DEBUG: @INC after loading configuration:                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/etc/NewsClipper/Handlers                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0                                     -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux                -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:   .                                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/NewsClipper               -->
<!--DEBUG: Configuration is:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   proxy:                                                         -->
<!--DEBUG:     <NOT SPECIFIED>                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   proxy_username:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:     <NOT SPECIFIED>                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   inputFiles:                                                    -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/personal               -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/daily-update           -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/news                   -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/linux                  -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/weather                -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/solaris                -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/security               -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/perl                   -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/palm                   -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/geek-news              -->
<!--DEBUG:   sysconfigfile:                                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:     Not specified                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   product:                                                       -->
<!--DEBUG:     Open Source                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG:   numberpages:                                                   -->
<!--DEBUG:     1                                                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   numberhandlers:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:     1                                                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   proxy_password:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:     <NOT SPECIFIED>                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   modulepath:                                                    -->
<!--DEBUG:     /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/NewsClipper             -->
<!--DEBUG:   cachelocation:                                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:     /var/tmp/NewsClipper_cache                                   -->
<!--DEBUG:   socketTimeout:                                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:     40                                                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   userconfigfile:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/.NewsClipper/NewsClipper.cfg                   -->
<!--DEBUG:   scriptTimeout:                                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:     240                                                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   regKey:                                                        -->
<!--DEBUG:     YOUR_REG_KEY_HERE                                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   ftpFiles:                                                      -->
<!--DEBUG:     HASH(0x82a932c)                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   handlerlocations:                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:     /usr/local/etc/NewsClipper/Handlers                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   socketTries:                                                   -->
<!--DEBUG:     1                                                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   auto_download_bugfix_updates:                                  -->
<!--DEBUG:     yes                                                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   email:                                                         -->
<!--DEBUG:     YOUR_EMAIL_HERE                                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   outputFiles:                                                   -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/personal.html                      -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/daily_update.html                  -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/news.html                          -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/linux.html                         -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/weather.html                       -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/solaris.html                       -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/security.html                      -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/perl.html                          -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/palm.html                          -->
<!--DEBUG:     /home/bergman/public_html/geek-news.html                     -->
<!--DEBUG:   maxcachesize:                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG:     5242880                                                      -->
<!--DEBUG: Now processing /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/personal => 
/home/bergman/public_html/personal.html -->
<!--DEBUG: Now processing /home/bergman/public_html/DailyUpdate/daily-update => 
/home/bergman/public_html/daily_update.html -->
<title>Daily Update</title>
<meta name=generator content="News Clipper 1.20 Open Source">


<meta name=generator content="News Clipper 1.20 Open Source">
Created on:
<!--DEBUG: Found newsclipper tag:                                           -->
<!--DEBUG: <!--newsclipper                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG: <input name=time>                                                -->
<!--DEBUG: -->                                                              -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "time" is okay to use.                       -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "time" needs to be updated.                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler "time"                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler as NewsClipper::Handler::Acquisition::time   -->
<!--DEBUG: Found handler as:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:  /usr/local/etc/NewsClipper/Handlers/NewsClipper/Handler/Acquisition/
time.pm -->
<!--DEBUG: Skipping functional update check -- -n not specified             -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking for a new version for handler "time"                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler "time"                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Handler "time" already loaded                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler "time"                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Handler "time" already loaded                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Found local copy of handler in:                                  -->
<!--DEBUG:   /usr/local/etc/NewsClipper/Handlers/NewsClipper/Handler/Acquisition
<!--DEBUG: Version code for handler "time" is:                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   0.5                                                            -->
<!--DEBUG: Local version for handler "time" is: 0.5                         -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking for new version for handler "time"                      -->
<!--DEBUG: No new version is available                                      -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler "time"                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Handler "time" already loaded                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Creating handler "time"                                          -->
<!--DEBUG: Executing 0 commands.                                            -->
<!-- News Clipper error message:
The following errors occurred while attempting to execute the News Clipper
commands: The handler "time" was loaded, but the default handlers could not be

The following errors occurred while executing the handler "time" with this
sequence of commands: Constant subroutine DEBUG redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/constant.pm line 91.

The sequence of commands was:
<input name=time>
This input command was expanded using the default filter and output commands
for the handler, which resulted in:
<input name=time>

<!--DEBUG: Found newsclipper tag:                                           -->
<!--DEBUG: <!--newsclipper                                                  -->
<!--DEBUG: <input name=date>                                                -->
<!--DEBUG: -->                                                              -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "date" is okay to use.                       -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "date" needs to be updated.                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler "date"                                    -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler as NewsClipper::Handler::Acquisition::date   -->
<!--DEBUG: Found handler as:                                                -->
<!--DEBUG:  /usr/local/etc/NewsClipper/Handlers/NewsClipper/Handler/Acquisition/
date.pm -->

The error:
        The following errors occurred while attempting to execute the News Clipper
        commands: The handler "time" was loaded, but the default handlers could not be
        The following errors occurred while executing the handler "time" with this
        sequence of commands: Constant subroutine DEBUG redefined at
        /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/constant.pm line 91
appears for each handler in all the template files.

Has anyone seen this error? Any suggestions?


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