        To make sure I understand, I'm spitting back my
interpretation of your tutorial. Perl I know not...

> Hashes are also sometimes called "associative arrays" - so they are
> kind of like arrays. Except that the data that's stored in a
> `regular' array is referenced by a number whereas the data stored in
> a hash is referenced by an arbitrary string (the key).
        So, e.g., listing some or all of the days of the week is an
array ('Monday' 'Tuesday' 'Wednesday' 'etc.'), and one of
those days is a string. And, all values in an array must be
sequentially arranged from an arbitrary start point.
(1,2,3,4... M,T,W... -5,-10,-15...)

> E.g if you have an array @ARRAY ("@" is Perl way to say `this is an
> array') you could ask what is the third member of @ARRAY or you could
> put a string in the first position of @ARRAY. On the other hand, if
> you have a hash %HASH ("%" again is the Perl way to say `this is a
> hash') you would ask what data is associated with the key
> "AnyString". The keys of a hash have no particular order.
        Ok, 1st, hashes do not have to be sequentially arranged
like arrays. 2nd, hashes are interpretations of arrays.
E.g., the array Week has values Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su. So,
%Tdays{'@Week'}=Tu,Th, where Tdays is the hash, Week is the
array, and Tu,Th are the keys?

> So what does the selectkeys handler do? Simple! You have a hash with
> lots of different data associated with different keys and you need
> only the small part of that data that's associated with a few select
> keys.
        So if I want to extract the key(s) Tu,Th, from array @Week,
I define the filter like this:
<filter name=selectkeys keys=Tu,Th> to retrieve all links on
my target page matching this key, or invert-esly, to prevent
any strings from my target page matching that to be
        If I'm lost, please correct me. I am good at logic, but
pretty slow on the uptake of new languages.

Thank You Jan,

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