I was perfectly happy staying with the old ver of Newsclipper(1.0102 i
think) but the past few months have brought about some changes in the
sites i have set to grab news from, slashdot, freshmeat, theregister and a
few others no longer give any useable data, even after upgrading the
handlers i still get nothing.

so my quest is to try to upgrade to the newest newsclipper (1.17-os) i
tried once and failed, now im working a bit harder at it but am still
having trouble.  I ran a systemwide install(after downloading/installing
fresh copies of all the perl modules it wants) it installed fine.

The problem is, NewsClipper cannot find the configuration file(I saw
something like this in the archives but that guy didnt have the prob i am)

Sample output is:

[root@aphro ~/public_html] ./NewsClipper.pl -d
News Clipper could not load your system-wide configuration file
"/etc/NewsClipper.cfg". Make sure your NEWSCLIPPER environment variable is
set correctly. The error is:
 Permission denied
Undefined subroutine &main::DEBUG called at ./NewsClipper.pl line 701.
END failed--cleanup aborted.

When running a strace on it the only file that rejected opening was
/etc/shadow (why would NewsClipper even try to access /etc/shadow ?? i saw
no references to it in the script itself) the trace showed no error when
it tried to open the confg file (i chmod the whole .NewsClipper dir to


open("/etc/shadow", O_RDONLY)           = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
open("/home/aphro/.NewsClipper/NewsClipper.cfg", O_RDONLY) = 3
fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2871, ...}) = 0
write(2, "News Clipper could not load pers"..., 150News Clipper could not
load personal configuration file 
"/home/aphro/.NewsClipper/NewsClipper.cfg" because of the following
error:  Permission denied

I tried to specify the config file..
[root@aphro ~/public_html] set | grep NEWSCLIPPER ; ./NewsClipper.pl -d -c
News Clipper could not load your system-wide configuration file
"/etc/NewsClipper.cfg". Make sure your NEWSCLIPPER environment variable is
set correctly. The error is:
 Permission denied
Undefined subroutine &main::DEBUG called at ./NewsClipper.pl line 701.
END failed--cleanup aborted.

(I have a systemwide NewsClipper.cfg in /etc as well)

I am running perl 5.004_04 (i386) on a Debian 2.1r3(Slink) machine, linux
2.2.10 SMP

Am I missing something?  Getting the older newsclipper up was pretty easy
and never had anything like this.

thanks to all .. newsclipper rocks!


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