In your message of: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:53:48 EDT, you write:
>As I mentioned before, the undefined value bug is a problem in the
>File::Cache module that News Clipper uses. I've submitted a patch, and
>am waiting for the new release of the module.
>In the meantime, people experiencing the File::Cache undefined value
>problem can do the following to fix it. (This only applies to users
>that are not running the pre-compiled versions.)

This almost works for me.  I no longer have trouble with the
File::Cache undefined value bug, but I now get a memory fault.

I have changed the appropriate parts of to read:

        #   %$data_ref = %{ thaw($frozen_object_data) };
        # Start Patch
        #    if the %$frozen_object_data is corrupted, thaw will return undef
            my $thawed_data = thaw($frozen_object_data);
            return unless defined $thawed_data;
            %$data_ref = %$thawed_data;
        # End Patch

Running NewsClipper -d shows that the cache is located in
/home/lessem/.NewsClipper/cache, which is correct, and maxcachesize is
10485760, which is also correct.  With an empty cache NewsClipper will
run, but once the cache is populated it will usually die on the first
URL it checks, but occasionally it will get past the first one.  For
each one it gives something like:

<!--DEBUG: GetUrl is getting URL:                                           -->
<!--DEBUG:              -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking cache for data for URL:                                 -->
<!--DEBUG:              -->
<!--DEBUG: Couldn't find cached data                                        -->

and the run abruptly ends with:
bin/ 16434 Memory fault
(the address changes, is 
    #rm -rf /home/lessem/.NewsClipper/cache
    /usr/local/bin/ $@ -i /home/lessem/public_html/template.txt \
    -o /home/lessem/public_html/NewsClipper.html

I can find the appropriate page in the cache, so I don't know why
NewsClipper can't.  All of the pages in my cache contain a bit of
binary data at the beginning and end.  I assume this is put there by
the cache.

If there is any other debugging information I can provide, please let
me know.  I am using perl v5.6.0 built for alpha-dec_osf and
NewsClipper 1.24 Open Source.

Jeff Lessem.

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