On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, [iso-8859-1] Anilkumar wrote:

> my handler is working fine but i have a small problem
> , my output links contain 
> some HTML tags i want to remove all HTML tags from my
> output,

Use the StripTags function in your Get function to remove unwanted
tags. Also use the StripAttributes to remove any unwanted attributes.

See http://www.newsclipper.com/writinghandlers.html

> and other problem is
> i want to open every link in new windows, if any one
> know the solutions of my problem
> please give me a solutions.

If you have an array of links, you can try doing something like this:

@$data = grep { $$_ =~ s/>/target="new_window">/ } @$data;


David Coppit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        President, Spinnaker Software
http://www.newsclipper.com/ -- Snip and ship dynamic content to your website

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