Whenever I try to get a forecast with weatherchannel2.pm I end up with:

News Clipper 1.32 started: Fri Jan  4 22:54:56 2002
Processing forecast.inc => /dev/null
Found newsclipper tag:
<input name=weatherchannel2 zip=32608 type=forecast>
The following errors occurred while attempting to execute the News Clipper
Commands: Get function for handler weatherchannel2 failed.

Trying to load handler "weatherchannel2"
Handler "weatherchannel2" already loaded
Creating handler "weatherchannel2"
Calling Get function for handler weatherchannel2.
Update times are: 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23
GetUrl is getting URL:
Checking cache for data for URL:
Comparing dates:
  Last Updated: 1010193519
  Most Recent Update Time: 1010192400
  Now: 1010203178
Update is not needed
Reusing cached data
Aborting execution for this News Clipper tag.

My copy of weatherchannel2.pm is current as of today.

I don't have any problems fetching using a type of "current", or with



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