Running mate scares off some voters

C. Smith, Times Political Editor

Published Friday, September 19, 2008 11:11 AM

ST. PETERSBURG - Five weeks ago, the St. 
Petersburg Times convened a group of Tampa Bay 
voters who were undecided about the presidential 
election. Their strong distrust of Barack Obama 
suggested it was a group ripe for John McCain to 
win over.

Not anymore. The group has swung dramatically, if 
unenthusiastically, toward Democrat Obama. Most 
of them this week cited the same reason: Sarah 

"The one thing that frightens me more than 
anything else are the ideologues. We've seen too 
many," said 80-year-old Air Force veteran Donn 
Spegal, a lifelong Republican from St. 
Petersburg, who sees McCain's new running mate as 
the kind of "wedge issue" social conservative 
that has made him disenchanted with his party.

"I'm truly offended by Palin,'' said Republican 
Philinia Lehr, 37, of Largo, a full-time mother 
with a nursing degree who voted for George Bush 
in 2004. Like Palin, she has five children and 
she doesn't buy that the Alaska governor can 
adequately balance her family and the vice 

"You're somebody's mom and what are you going to 
do, say, 'Excuse me, country, hold on?' Š She's 
preaching that she's this mom of the year and 
taking that poor little baby all over everywhere. 
And, you know, what she's doing to her 
17-year-old daughter is just appalling.'' Lehr 
said she's bothered by the way Palin's pregnant 
daughter has been brought into the national 

Of the 11 undecided voters participating in the 
discussion one recent evening at the Times - four 
Republicans, five Democrats, and two registered 
to no party - only two Republican men applauded 
the selection of Palin.

Nobody had finalized a choice, but seven of the 
panelists said that McCain's running mate 
selection had made them more likely to vote for 
Obama, and in several cases much more likely.

"And that ticks me off because I do not want 
Obama,'' said Democrat Annette Kocsis, 68, a 
former Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter from 
Clearwater, scoffing at "the pit bull in 
lipstick," as Palin has called herself.

Palin, who makes her first Florida campaign stop 
Sunday in a Republican stronghold in 
north-central Florida, has generated enthusiasm 
among conservatives. But at least with this 
randomly selected group of swing voters, she 
appears to be an obstacle to McCain's winning 
over disillusioned Democrats or moderates.

"That was almost insulting," Democrat Rhonda 
Laris of Temple Terrace, another strong Clinton 
backer skeptical of Obama, said of the Palin 
pick. "Do they think we're really stupid? Š I'm 
definitely leaning toward the Democratic side 
now. Sarah Palin scares ... me."

Obama is not making inroads because of anything 
he has done or said. It's more that McCain has 
repelled these swing voters in the biggest 
battleground region of the biggest battleground 
state. In several cases, voters who had sounded 
hungry for a reason to vote for McCain now sound 
resigned to settling for Obama.

"It's McCain's beliefs," said Annette Maakestad, 
57, of St. Petersburg, explaining why she's 
shifting toward Obama. "I don't think he's 
changed or he's going to change his party that 

But they're still not sold on the Illinois senator.

"I really wanted someone youthful and someone who 
could relate more to the future generations," 
said Republican Jim Soltis, 70, of Holiday, who 
is weighing his desire for expanded health 
insurance access with maintaining Bush's tax 
cuts. "So I keep watching and watching and hoping 
for Obama to say the right things, and he's not 
saying them."

Most members of the panel participated in a 
similar meeting in August, though three new 
voters joined the group this week. The 
conventions did nothing for them - bored them, in 
many cases - and they're looking for the debates 
starting Friday to finally help them make up 
their minds.

"I'm not crazy about Obama, and I'm really not 
crazy about McCain," said Democrat Carlos 
Gonzalez, a 70-year-old higher education 
administrator from Oldsmar, who preferred 
Clinton. "I really have not heard anybody saying 
what they're going to do with this mess we have."

Rebecca Montilla, a 22-year-old premed student at 
the University of South Florida, began 
questioning her Democratic allegiances when it 
struck her in the primary that Democrats were 
sounding reckless about yanking troops out of 
Iraq. Obama's inexperience worries her, but she 
comes from a lower-middle-class family in Orlando 
that is increasingly struggling to keep food on 
the table. McCain offers no reassurance.

"I go back and forth, like, every day,'' she 
said. "It just seems like a lot of bickering, and 
it's really difficult for me to see what McCain's 
going to do and what Obama's going to do."

Said Lehr: "I wish we could put them both back in 
the hat, shake it up, and start over and pick two 
new candidates."

Adam C. Smith can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (727) 893-8241.

What they're saying about Palin

"The one thing that frightens me more than 
anything else are the ideologues. We've seen too 

Donn Spegal, 80, St. Petersburg, Republican Air Force veteran

"I'm truly offended by Palin. You're somebody's 
mom and what are you going to do, say, 'Excuse 
me, country, hold on?' "

Philinia Lehr, 37, Largo, Republican full-time mother

"That was almost insulting. Do they think we're 
really stupid? ... I'm definitely leaning toward 
the Democratic side now. Sarah Palin scares ... 
me." "

Rhonda Laris, Temple Terrace, Democrat

"She is Dick Cheney with a dress on."

Bill Chever, 56, St. Petersburg, Independent Air Force veteran


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