from Velvet Revolution:

  Our elections are in peril once again. Mike Connell of 
GovTechSoutions, who is now John McCain's chief technical officer, is 
now working together with Karl Rove to electronically purge voter 
registration lists and manipulate vote totals on Election Day.

Brad Friedman of The Brad Blog 
<> and Velvet 
and author Greg Palast ( have been tracking 
various vote manipulations for a number of years. This year, they 
have already reported efforts to purge voter registration lists in 
Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado and Ohio this year.

Although there are slightly fewer voting machines without paper 
trails (DRE's) in '08 than '04, this year's presidential election is 
predicted to be fraught with just as much if not more 
behind-the-scenes manipulation than in '04.
Whistleblowers and other Informants

Velvet Revolution has been working with Republican whistleblowers and 
insiders who are dismayed with the behind-the-scenes rigging in the 
McCain campaign. Two informants inside the McCain campaign have 
reported that the GOP intends to manipulate elections in at least six 
states. Disappointed with the dishonesty within their own campaign, 
they have been giving VR information on how to track and stop these 
people from stealing the 2008 election. One of them, a Stephen 
Spoonamore has left the campaign and has submitted an affidavit 
regarding the unreliability of US tabulators.. Stephen Spoonamore 
agreed to become an expert witness regarding these manipulations. See 

Spoonamore's affidavit is also being used in the Ohio lawsuit King 
Lincoln Bronzeville vs Jennifer Bruenner. in which prosecuting 
attorney, Cliff Arnebeck has subpoenaed Mike Connell and  now Karl 
Rove to appear in court. As one might expect, both Karl Rove and Mike 
Connell are strongly resisting going to court. Ohio Secretary of 
State Jennifer Bruenner's name is on the lawsuit document because she 
was the Secretary of State that replaced the last Ohio Secretary of 
State, Ken Blackwell who is the one who committed many crimes of 
voter manipulation.

Mike Connell, GovTechSolutions and Vote Manipulation in 2004 and 2006
Mike Connell who has been working for the Bushes and for Rove since 
2000 is a devout Catholic who views abortion as a terrible sin. He 
was at one point dismayed with Rove and Cheney because they did not 
eliminate abortion in the country during Bush's presidency. We were 
informed that he was likely to confess what he had done. When McCain, 
at Rove's suggetion chose Sarah Palin as Vice-President, Mike Connell 
and the Religious Right have now recommitted to the campaign.Sarah 
Palin like Mike Connell is strongly opposed to abortion.

It has been widely reported that in 2004, there was massive vote 
suppression in Ohio.  What has not been widely reported is that there 
were also vote tabulation manipulations by GOP partisans at the 
direction of Karl Rove. All '04 Ohio votes were processed in 
Chattanooga, Tennessee after midnight on Election Day. on a 
Republican server before the vote totals were sent back to Secretary 
of State Ken Blackwell , who was also Bush's campaign manager.
And in 2006, the year that the Democrats won a majority in Congress, 
exit polling indicated that about 4.7% of the votes was shaved off 
electronically from the vote totals of Democrats running for office 
in many races. Some races were lost within this percentage, such as 
the close one in Tennessee, Harold Ford for Senator. Factoring this 
in to the final totals, it is clear that the Democrats actually won 
by a margin of 11% all around the country.
Whistleblower Warnings on Election Manipulation in 2008

Stephen Spoonamore and others working with Velvet Revolution indicate 
that the computer patches can be put on vote tabulators to decrease 
vote totals up to 12% and can be done in real time with a click of a 
mouse. It appears that some patches will be put on long before the 
election happens and others will be adjusted electronically as 
November 4th nears. Additionally, computer experts hired by foreign 
governments can penetrate our election system and have an influence 
on the election of our candidates.
GovTechSolutions and Capitol Hill Email Traffic

Additionally, it is also important to know that Mike Connell and 
GovTechSolutions manage all Republican email traffic on Capitol Hill 
and in six Congressional Committees. This means Connell can break 
through the firewall and read all of the emails of the following 
House Committees: the Ways and Means Committee, the Judiciary 
Committee, the Finance Committee, the House Administration Committee, 
the Intelligence Committee and the Ethics Committee.

What you can do:

If you would like to learn more about what is going on and contribute 
financially to an Ohio lawsuit against Karl Rove and Mike Connell, 
and the associated PR efforts, go visit About 
$300,000 is needed for the Ohio lawsuit and the PR designed to expose 
Karl Rove, Mike Connell, Jack Abramoff, Bob Ney and others in helping 
to set up and manage this electronic manipulation. Some money has 
already been raised. We are hoping that exposing the vote 
manipulation that is going on will stimulate swing states, ,DRE 
states and counties to set up paper ballots and mandatory hand 
recounts to insure a more honest election.

Election protection is a democracy issue. We all want to be able to 
trust our vote.

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