Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
09 Oct 2008
All items are here:

Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal --Coup 
2008 underway: Tens of thousands of eligible 
voters in Colo., Ind., Ohio, Mich., Nev. and N.C. 
illegally removed from rolls, blocked from 
registering 09 Oct 2008 Tens of thousands of 
eligible voters in at least six swing states have 
been removed from the rolls or have been blocked 
from registering in ways that appear to violate 
federal law, according to a review of state 
records and Social Security data by The New York 
Times. Still, because Democrats have been more 
aggressive at registering new voters this year, 
according to state election officials, any 
heightened screening of new applications may 
affect their party's supporters 
disproportionately. The screening or trimming of 
voter registration lists in the six states, 
Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and 
North Carolina, could also result in problems at 
the polls on Election Day.

'in dire peril' 10 Oct 2008 American intelligence 
agencies have warned that Afghanistan is in a 
"downward spiral", casting fresh doubts on the 
viability of the US-led military intervention and 
the prospects of curbing a resurgent Taliban. A 
draft classified report says central authority in 
Afghanistan is breaking down, with rampant 
corruption inside the Government of President 
Hamid Karzai and escalating violence from 

military admits killing 33 civilians in 
Afghanistan air strike 09 Oct 2008 The US 
military has admitted killing 33 civilians in an 
air strike on a village in Afghanistan in August, 
far more than it has previously acknowledged. 
Until now the US has estimated that that no more 
than seven civilians died in the August 22 attack 
on Azizabad, in Heart province. It launched an 
inquiry after it emerged that film recorded on 
mobile phones showed rows of bodies of children 
and babies in a makeshift morgue. The inquiry 
found that of the 33 dead civilians, eight were 
men, three were women and 12 children. The 10 
others were undetermined. [They lying sacks of 
sh*t at the Pentagon tried to cover up another 
Bush war crime -- knowing that their media 
lapdogs don't cover US war crimes -- but 'mobile 
phones showed rows of bodies of children and 
babies.' --LRP]

must rid itself of US troops, Iran says 10 Oct 
2008 Iran is trying to derail an agreement that 
would allow US and British troops to stay in Iraq 
after their mandate expires at the end of this 
year. In a move that has raised concern among 
senior Iraqi and US officials, Tehran is using 
its influence over its smaller neighbour to 
scupper a Status of Forces Agreement, which must 
be reached by January 1. After the deadline US 
and British troops would have no legal basis to 
remain and, in theory, would have to leave. [LOL! 
Ergo, the table is set for the McBush campaign to 
assert that anyone who wants US mercenaries and 
corpora-terrorists out of Iraq -- say, for 
example, Barack Obama -- is on the 'same side' as 

al-Sadr calls for anti-US protest 09 Oct 2008 
Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called for a 
delayed [formerly, April 9] anti-U.S. protest to 
take place in Baghdad. A statement posted on 
al-Sadr's Web site says "it has been decided to 
hold the anti-occupation protest on Oct. 18 in 
Baghdad." The Sadrists oppose negotiations for a 
security agreement that would extend the presence 
of U.S. troops in the country beyond the end of 
the year.

to be U.S. soldier --Family's hopes of becoming 
Canadian citizens shattered after deportation 
order 09 Oct 2008 Jill Hart gripped her husband's 
hand yesterday as the two spoke of their hopes of 
becoming Canadian citizens -- just hours after 
the Canadian Border Services Agency denied the 
couple their bid to stay in Canada on 
humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The 
couple was told yesterday by a CBSA officer they 
must leave Canada by Oct. 30 or they'll be 
deported. They are planning to appeal... Patrick 
Hart, who was stationed in Bosnia in the '90s, 
said when he was deployed to Kuwait in 2003, he 
was horrified by tales from other U.S. soldiers 
who boasted about killing Iraqi civilians and 
picking human flesh and hair out of the grills of 
their vehicles after running over Iraqi children. 
"In '95 I had a sense that the U.S. was the good 
guy, and when I was deployed in 2003, a lot of 
the stories I was hearing, I wasn't hearing of 
heroic deeds or anything of that nature. It was 
stuff that made me disgusted to be an American 
soldier," Hart said.

Angola rule out establishment of U.S. African 
Command in Angola 10 Oct 2008 Both the United 
States and the Angolan government have ruled out 
the establishment of the U.S. African Command 
(Africom), Angola's official news agency ANGOP 
reported on Thursday.

frees detained US journalists 09 Oct 2008 The 
State Department says two American journalists 
who were detained by Syrian authorities have been 
released and are safe at the U.S. Embassy in 

to check itself [!] on US arms export law 09 Oct 
2008 Amid a federal probe into whether Blackwater 
Worldwide smuggled weapons into Iraq, the private 
security contractor said Thursday it has 
established a panel of defense experts and former 
prosecutors to ensure it follows U.S. export 
laws... Federal authorities have been 
investigating since last year whether Blackwater 
improperly brought weapons into Iraq, allegations 
the company has strongly denied. Earlier this 
year, two former employees were sentenced on 
gun-running charges after the company said they 
stole from Blackwater's armory. And in June, 
federal agents seized 22 automatic rifles from a 
company vault. The compliance committee will 
include two former U.S. attorneys -- Robert C. 
Bonner and Asa Hutchinson (R-Maggot) -- and 
former Lockheed Martin Corp. ethics executive 
Carol R. Marshall.

law used for Iceland deposits 08 Oct 2008 
Anti-terrorism powers were used on Wednesday to 
recoup money owed to UK depositors in a failed 
Icelandic bank in a move that risked sending 
Britain's relations with Reykjavik to their 
lowest since the 1970s "cod wars". UK taxpayers 
are likely to pay out at least £2.4bn as part of 
a £4.6bn scheme to compensate hundreds of 
thousands of account holders at Landsbanki, the 
Icelandic lender, according to Whitehall sources.

Used Anti-Terrorism Law to Seize Icelandic Bank 
Assets 09 Oct 2008 Chancellor of the Exchequer 
Alistair Darling used anti-terrorism rules to 
take control of assets held in Britain by a 
troubled Icelandic bank. Darling stepped in to 
protect deposits made by U.K. residents in 
Reykjavik-based Landsbanki Islands hf, which the 
government of Iceland seized yesterday.

Gets More Government Bailout Cash 08 Oct 2008 
Only one day after it was revealed that AIG had 
sprung for a $440,000 spa vacation shortly after 
getting an $84 billion government-loan bailout 
comes this report: The government is loaning AIG 
another $38 billion. AIG, the world's largest 
insurer, said it has already drawn down $61 
billion on its $84 billion line of credit from 
the government.

executives cancel planned California spa retreat 
09 Oct 2008 Still smarting from their spanking 
for blowing $500,000 at a swanky resort after 
getting an $85 billion taxpayer bailout, AIG 
execs have cancelled a planned spa weekend at a 
posh California hotel. The conference for AIG 
agents at the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay next 
week was scrapped, AIG spokesman Joe Norton said 
Thursday. AIG pulled the plug on plans for a 
weekend of pampering for a privileged few after 
the feds agreed to lend AIG another $37.8 billion 
to stay afloat - on top of the $85 billion the 
troubled insurer received just last month.

under fire for $370,000 resort trip 08 Oct 2008 
As Martin Sullivan, the former chief executive of 
AIG, testified before Congress that a single 
accounting rule had caused his firm's near 
collapse, Henry Waxman, the Democratic chairman 
of the House of Representatives' chief 
investigative committee, flashed images of a 
luxury hotel on to television screens. In a 
moment of drama usually reserved for US court 
rooms, Mr Waxman showed off pictures of the grand 
staircase, sparkling fountain and white columns 
at the St Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, 
California. AIG executives had - according to the 
congressmen - convened there for a week-long 
retreat just one week after the US Treasury saved 
it from certain failure with an $85bn (¤62bn, 
£48bn) bail-out. Bills showed the fallen insurer 
- and, some argued, US taxpayers - had paid 
nearly $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals, 
and $23,000 in spa charges.

Spa Trip Fuels Fury on Hill --Lawmakers Blast 
Them About Bonuses 08 Oct 2008 For some people at 
AIG, the insurance giant rescued last month with 
an $85 billion federal bailout, the good times 
keep rolling. Joseph Cassano, the financial 
products manager whose complex investments led to 
American International Group's near collapse, is 
receiving $1 million a month in consulting fees. 
Former chief executive Martin J. Sullivan, whose 
three-year tenure coincided with much of the 
company's ill-fated risk-taking, is receiving a 
$5 million performance bonus. Last week, about 70 
of the company's top performers were rewarded 
with a week-long stay at the luxury St. Regis 
Resort in Monarch Beach, Calif., where they ran 
up a tab of $440,000.

May Take Ownership Stake in Banks 09 Oct 2008 
Having tried without success to unlock frozen 
credit markets, the Treasury Department is 
considering taking ownership stakes in many 
United States banks to try to restore confidence 
in the financial system, according to government 
officials. Treasury officials say the just-passed 
$700 billion bailout bill gives them the 
authority to inject cash directly into banks that 
request it.

Mess --The $200 billion bail-out for predator 
banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked 
By Greg Palast 14 Mar 2008 While New York 
Governor Eliot Spitzer was paying an 'escort' 
$4,300 in a hotel room in Washington, just down 
the road, George Bush's new Federal Reserve Board 
Chairman, Ben Bernanke, was secretly handing over 
$200 billion in a tryst with mortgage bank 
industry speculators. Both acts were wanton, 
wicked and lewd. But there's a BIG difference. 
The Governor was using his own checkbook. Bush's 
man Bernanke was using ours. This week, 
Bernanke's Fed, for the first time in its 
history, loaned a selected coterie of banks 
one-fifth of a trillion dollars to guarantee 
these banks' mortgage-backed junk bonds. The 
deluge of public loot was an eye-popping windfall 
to the very banking predators who have brought 
two million families to the brink of foreclosure.

Lenders' Partner in Crime --How the Bush 
Administration Stopped the States From Stepping 
In to Help Consumers By Eliot Spitzer 14 Feb 2008 
Several years ago, state attorneys general and 
others involved in consumer protection began to 
notice a marked increase in a range of predatory 
lending practices by mortgage lenders... Even 
though predatory lending was becoming a national 
problem, the Bush administration looked the other 
way and did nothing to protect American 
homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead 
to align itself with the banks that were 
victimizing consumers. Predatory lending was 
widely understood to present a looming national 
crisis. This threat was so clear that as New York 
attorney general, I joined with colleagues in the 
other 49 states in attempting to fill the void 
left by the federal government.

plunges 678 points --Wall Street shares plunged 
to their lowest level for five years --US in line 
for a deep recession --Banks take hammering after 
ban on short selling was lifted 09 Oct 2008 A 
collapse in the value of the US stockmarket 
dramatically accelerated Thursday as Wall Street 
shares plunged to their lowest level for five 
years driven by urgent, relentless selling on 
trading floors. Hit by mounting alarm over the 
stability of the global financial system, the Dow 
Jones Industrial Average dived by 678 points to 
8,579 in the blue-chip index's third worst points 
fall of all time. In percentage terms, the Dow 
fell by 7%, exceeding the damage caused by last 
week's record one-day slump of 777 points.

Supreme Court won't halt 'troopergate' probe 09 
Oct 2008 The Alaska Supreme Court today rejected 
an attempt by a group of six Republican 
legislators to shut down the Legislature's 
investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin. The ruling 
means that Steve Branchflower, the investigator 
hired by the Legislative Council, will release 
his report as scheduled on Friday.

call McCain housing plan 'half-baked' [Like 
McCain himself] 09 Oct 2008 John McCain's 
surprise policy offering Tuesday night to have 
the government buy bad mortgages is... a bit 
perplexing to nearly everyone. From economic 
experts to political pundits, from liberals to 
conservatives, the proposal has been greeted with 
a collective sense of puzzlement that is raising 
questions not only about the substance of the 
plan, but of the seeming hastiness surrounding 
its rollout. The few details available about 
McCain's American Homeownership Resurgence Plan 
give the impression the plan is "half-baked," 
according to Larry Sabato, director of the 
University of Virginia's Center for Politics.

"You can't call yourself a maverick if all you've 
been is a sidekick." 
McCain is no maverick 09 Oct 2008 (MO) At a stop 
in Liberty this afternoon, Sen. Joe Biden ripped 
Republican John McCain repeatedly as being out of 
touch with the American people. And he urged the 
crowd of several hundred to ignore McCain's 
recent attacks on the Democratic ticket, calling 
the charges inadequate and misguided. "The false 
charges are designed to get you to stop paying 
attention to what's going on," he said. Biden 
brought the crowd inside a gymnasium at William 
Jewell College to its feet when he accused McCain 
of failing to "look Barack Obama in the eye" and 
level those accusations during Tuesday night's 
debate. "If you got something say, look them in 
the eye and say it," he said. Biden also 
ridiculed the popular image of McCain as a 
maverick because the Arizona senator has voted 
with President [sic] Bush more than 90 percent of 
the time.

Strikes Back At Palin's Age Crack 09 Oct 2008 
Sarah Palin took on Joe Biden's more advanced age 
(65) on the trail and in an interview with Fox 
News prior to last week's debate, saying "I think 
he was first elected when I was like in second 
grade." Ripping into McCain's proposal to spend 
$300 billion to buy bad mortgages from banks at 
face value, Biden said "Tuesday night, in the 
debate, John McCain said, speaking of lurching, 
he was going to spend - he had a new idea. Sarah 
Palin says, I was in second grade when Joe Biden 
was elected to the United States Senate at age 
29. That's true," he said. "But she was in 6th 
grade the last time John had a new idea." The 
crowd of 500 at William Jewell College loved the 
line, bursting into laughter.

Pies for 'That One' By Maureen Dowd 08 Oct 2008 
He [John McCain] cynically picked a running mate 
with less care than theater directors give to 
picking a leading actor's understudy. And he has 
been running a seamy campaign originally designed 
by the bad seed of conservative politics, Lee 
Atwater. Atwater relished teaching rich, white 
Republicans to feign a connection to the common 
man so they could get in office and economically 
undermine the common man. In the 1988 campaign, 
the Machiavellian ran to help George Bush Sr. 
defeat Michael Dukakis with this unholy quintet 
of charges: The Democrat was a '60s-style liberal 
who would raise taxes and take away guns. He was 
weak and would not protect the country 
militarily. He was a member of the elite "Harvard 
Yard's boutique." He had a foreign-sounding name 
and was not on "the American side." He was on the 
side of the Scary Black Man. Sound familiar?

Republican senator criticizes McCain, supports 
Obama 09 Oct 2008 Lincoln Chafee, a former 
Republican U.S. senator from Rhode Island, is 
throwing his support behind Democratic 
presidential candidate Barack Obama, saying he is 
disillusioned with Republican John McCain. "Sen. 
Obama is the first Democrat I've ever voted for," 
Chafee said during a stop in Grand Rapids this 

Daily: Obama 52%, McCain 41% --Obama maintains 
significant lead 09 Oct 2008 The latest Gallup 
Poll Daily tracking report shows Barack Obama 
maintaining a 52% to 41% lead over John McCain, 
unchanged from Wednesday's report.

now' to beat bird flu 09 Oct 2008 A vaccine 
available right now could help save lives in a 
future bird flu pandemic, UK scientists claim. A 
jab against one strain of avian flu, given years 
earlier, may "prime" the immune system to fight 
foment a wide range of bird flu strains. When the 
pandemic arrives, "pre-vaccinated" people could 
then be given a booster shot, and be protected 
far quicker, said researchers.

the Eleventh-Hour Assault on Endangered Species 
--It may be the eleventh hour of the Bush/Cheney 
Administration, but that's not stopping their 
efforts to undermine the Endangered Species Act. 
03 Oct 2008 The Administration wants to make 
serious changes to this landmark law that would 
eliminate some of the most important checks and 
balances that protect our polar bears, 
wolverines, whales and other imperiled wildlife. 
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking 
public comments on this proposal until October 

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Previous lead stories: 
Guantánamo Procedures Used on U.S. Soil (ACLU) 08 
Oct 2008 According to newly released military 
documents, the Navy applied lawless Guantánamo 
protocols in detention facilities on American 
soil. The 
which include regular emails between brig 
officers and others in the chain of command, 
uncover new details of the detention and 
interrogation of two U.S. citizens and a legal 
resident - Yaser Hamdi, Jose Padilla and Ali 
al-Marri - at naval brigs in Virginia and South 

Police Put Activists' Names On Terror Lists 
--Surveillance's Reach Revealed 08 Oct 2008 The 
Maryland State Police classified 53 nonviolent 
activists as terrorists and entered their names 
and personal information into state and federal 
databases that track terrorism suspects, the 
state police chief acknowledged yesterday. Police 
Superintendent Terrence B. Sheridan revealed at a 
legislative hearing that the surveillance 
operation, which targeted opponents of the death 
penalty and the Iraq war, was far more extensive 
than was known when its existence was disclosed 
in July.

government reportedly held talks with Taliban 08 
Oct 2008 A reports from Saudi Arabia says 
Afghanistan's government held talks with the 
Taliban in Saudi Arabia last month. A leading 
Saudi daily newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, bases its 
report on what it calls informed Afghan sources. 
It says the three-day talks were held under Saudi 
auspices in the Muslim holy city of Mecca.

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