An absolutely crucial piece.

How afraid is Karl Rove about Ohio 2004 election fraud evidence coming out?

by Larisa Alexandrovna


John McCain's tech guru is the same technician who helped fix the 
facts around the Ohio 2004 election results. Mike Connell has been a 
Rove tool for ages, and has even recently been subpoenaed to testify 
about his involvement in Ohio's vote rigging during the 2004 election 
cycle. Following in the steps of Rove, Connell has refused to honor 
the subpoena. Before we get to the latest Rove dirty trick, let's do 
a quick run-through of the allegations against Connell:

     COLUMBUS -- A high-level Republican consultant has been 
subpoenaed in a case regarding alleged tampering with the 2004 

     Michael L. Connell was served with a subpoena in Ohio on Sept. 22 
in a case alleging that vote-tampering during the 2004 presidential 
election resulted in civil rights violations. Connell, president of 
GovTech Solutions and New Media Communications, is a website designer 
and IT professional who created a website for Ohio's secretary of 
state that presented the results of the 2004 election in real time as 
they were tabulated.

     At the time, Ohio's Secretary of State, Kenneth J. Blackwell, was 
also chairman of Bush-Cheney 2004 reelection effort in Ohio.


     The case took on fresh momentum earlier this year when Arnebeck 
announced in July that he was filing to "lift the stay in the case 
[and] proceed with targeted discovery in order to help protect the 
integrity of the 2008 election." The new filing was inspired in part 
by the coming forward as a whistleblower of GOP IT security expert 
Stephen Spoonamore, who said he was prepared to testify to the 
plausibility of electronic vote-rigging having been carried out in 


     The interest in Mike Connell stems from his association with a 
firm called GovTech, which he had spun off from his own New Media 
Communications under his wife Heather Connell's name. GovTech was 
hired by Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to set up an 
official election website at to presented 
the 2004 presidential returns as they came in.

     Connell is a long-time GOP operative, whose New Media 
Communications provided web services for the Bush-Cheney '04 
campaign, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Republican National 
Committee and many Republican candidates. This in itself might have 
raised questions about his involvement in creating Ohio's official 
state election website.


     However, the alternative media group ePlubibus Media further 
discovered in November 2006 that was hosted 
on the servers of a company in Chattanooga, TN called SmarTech, which 
also provided hosting for a long list of Republican Internet domains.

     "Since early this decade, top Internet 'gurus' in Ohio have been 
coordinating web services with their GOP counterparts in Chattanooga, 
wiring up a major hub that in 2004, first served as a conduit for 
Ohio's live election night results," researchers at ePluribus Media 

     A few months after this revelation, when a scandal erupted 
surrounding the firing of US Attorneys for reasons of White House 
policy, other researchers found that the gwb43 domain used by members 
of the White House staff to evade freedom of information laws by 
sending emails outside of official White House channels was hosted on 
those same SmarTech servers.

So, now that we know what the issues are here (Rove, Chamber of 
Congress, and Watergate-like dirty tricks), let's examine the latest 

Brad Friedman tells us all about it:

     The latest Republican assault on democracy began earlier this 
week with a 'stunt' raid in (swing state) Nevada, then 
unsubstantiated allegations in (swing state) Missouri last night 
(raid coming soon, no doubt), and just hours ago as AP reports, it's 
(swing state) Ohio.


     Of course, the GOP's ACORN "Voter Fraud" Scam was picked up today 
by John McCain on the stump (and, mercilessly, on Fox "News" all 
morning, naturally).  Here's McCain putting the scare tactics first, 
and democracy and country second, if even that high on his list.

In addition, the GOP has "located" a man who claims to have been 
bribed by ACORN:

     CLEVELAND - A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal 
told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by 
aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 
72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.

     "Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or 
they'll give me a dollar to sign up," said Freddie Johnson, 19, who 
filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month 
period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community 
Organizations for Reform Now.

Here is my question: how much was this man paid to fabricate this 
story? I have an idea, let's get him under oath and ask him just who 
it was that paid him and for what? One of the reasons I find this 
story so suspect is because the Rove thugs have long been attempting 
to fix elections (in some cases, succeeding like in Alabama's 2002 
race), and planting evidence or bribing "witnesses" to cry vote fraud 
as a way to distract from their own activities.

Why is it, for example, only right before an election that GOP 
operatives suddenly scream vote fraud? If you recall, the US Attorney 
scandal was about Rove's push to force indictments of left-leaning 
various groups, people, and candidates for voter fraud back-fired 
when 8 of the US Attorneys would not do it.

Come on, really, this is Rove bullshit 101: plant evidence to 
implicate your opponent in a crime that you are actually committing:

     Rove has testified under oath before investigative bodies twice, 
and in neither case was the truth well served. In 1991, he was sworn 
in before the Texas state Senate as a nominee to East Texas State 
University's board of regents. The state Senate's nominations 
committee, chaired by Democrat Bob Glasgow, was eager to have Rove 
explain his relationship with FBI agent Greg Rampton.

     Rampton was a controversial figure in Texas, and Democrats 
suspected that he'd been consorting with Rove for years. During the 
1986 gubernatorial race, when a listening device was discovered in 
Rove's office, it was Rampton who investigated. No one was ever 
charged - and Democrats suspected that Rove planted the bug himself 
to distract reporters from the faltering campaign of his client, Bill 
Clements (who won the election).

     Then, in 1989, Rampton launched a series of devastating 
investigations into every statewide Democratic officeholder in Texas, 
including Agricultural Commissioner Jim Hightower. Rove (at the time 
running Republican Rick Perry's campaign for that job) often leaked 
things to reporters, such as whose names were on subpoenas before 
they were issued.

The second reason the whole ACORN bribe story smells to me should be 
obvious to anyone who knows Cleveland. The majority of the population 
in the city is African American according to the 2000 census.  Here 
is a wiki entry with all of the sourcing: "The racial makeup of the 
city was 50.99% Black or African American, 41.49% White."

The majority of Cleveland's registered voters are democrats. So the 
real question is why would anyone need to bribe black democratic 
voters to vote for Obama, a black democratic candidate? If it were 
Columbus, for example, where this alleged bribery took place, then I 
might consider looking into these allegations myself. But Cleveland?

Finally, on the point that ACORN is under investigation already - the 
question you need to ask is by whom... the US Department of Political 
Justice? Yet Rove is worried enough to ignite the ACORN bullshit now, 
with the full weight of the Republican propaganda machine helping to 
spread the message far and wide.

I have yet to see actual evidence against ACORN, but there is plenty 
of evidence against Rove, Connell and others. So why is the DOJ not 
going after them?

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