>Many say the 2008 election is being stolen right 
>now. If two stolen elections are two too many, 
>are you prepared to accept a third?
>Please read the following important call to 
>action from Liberty Tree, together with Rev. 
>Jesse Jackson, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill 
>Fletcher, Daniel Ellsberg, David Cobb, Frances 
>Moore Lappé, Frances Piven, Holly Near, Jerome 
>Scott, Jim Hightower, John Cavanagh, John 
>Nichols, Manning Marable, Marcus Raskin, Maude 
>Hurd, Medea Benjamin, Mimi Kennedy, Norman 
>Solomon, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Rev. Lennox 
>AYearwood, Robert McChesney, Starhawk, Tom 
>Hayden, Van Jones, and many more.
>Then, if you haven't already, please go to 
>and join us -- 
>the pledge of action.
>Finally, please forward this message far and 
>wide. Let's make certain that ~this~ time, the 
>will of the people decides Election Day.
>TO ACTION: No More Stolen Elections!
>Please join us in taking the No More Stolen 
>of Action:
>"I remember Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004, and I am 
>willing to ta ke action in 2008 if the election 
>is stolen again. I support efforts to protect 
>the right to vote leading up to and on Election 
>Day, November 4th. I pledge to join nationwide 
>pro-democracy protests starting on November 5th, 
>either in my community, in key states where 
>fraud occurred, or in Washington D.C.. I pledge: 
>No More Stolen Elections!"
>We can debate about how to define the change in which we believe.
>But no change is possible if our democracy is broken.
>That's what happened in 2000 and again in 2004.
>Just mention the names of two states - "Florida" 
>and "Ohio" - and you have summed up one of the 
>most dangerous barriers to change, and 
>democracy, in America.
>When the promise of a fair vote and fair count 
>is denied, elections become meaningless 
>And when that happens, the status quo cannot be peacefully altered.
>If we are serious about not just change but 
>democracy, we must be serious about assuring 
>that the 2008 presidential election is neither 
>gamed nor stolen.
>We must act against:
>           o Voter intimidation and vote suppression
>           o Ballot tampering and short ages
>           o Broken voting machinery
>           o Hackable voting machines
>           o Suspect vote counting methods
>           o Unreasonable barriers to ballot access and closed debates
>           o Media announcements of "results" 
>before the votes are cast and counted
>       &n bsp;   o Corrupt and partisan election officials
>           o Suppressed and aborted recounts
>The assault on American democracy in recent 
>years has been so extreme and so consistent 
>that, months before Election Day 2008, we 
>already know what to expect.
>Millions of Americans will be denied the right to vote.
>Millions more will be prevented from voting for the candidate of their choice.
>And with Black Americans leading two 
>presidential tickets, the intentional 
>suppression of voter turnout in communities of 
>color will continue to be not just a threat but 
>a virtual certainty as those who cannot win the 
>Black vote seek to suppress it.
>Recent experience and mounting evidence tell us 
>beyond any reasonable doubt that powerful 
>interests are prepared, at the very least, to 
>attempt to steal another presidential election.
>There is not hing unreasonable, nothing radical about that statement.
>After all, these same interests have already rigged the system in their favor:
>They have stacked the deck with winner-take-all 
>elections, partisan gerrymandering, and the 
>Electoral College.
>They have enacted laws designed to prevent 
>people of color, youth, and the poor from voting.
>They have undermined public financing of campaigns.
>They have declared corporations entitled to free 
>speech rights to invest in candidates and buy 
>They have mad e it very difficult and expensive 
>for new parties to form and run candidates.
>Much of this explains why so many Americans 
>believe that their vote doesn't matter and why 
>the U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts in 
>the world. We are plagued by undemocratic 
>elections that result in the severe 
>under-representation in government of women, 
>people of color, youth, and working people. No 
>wonder so many of America's social, ecological, 
>and economic problems persist.
>Between the rigging and theft of elections, 
>Americans are rightly concerned that history 
>will repeat in 2008. We may hope for change, but 
>we fear that once again we will find ourselves 
>ruled by a non-elected, dangerously powerful P 
>In 2000, we were caught unprepared, we mobilized 
>too late, and the Supreme Court chose the 
>President. In 2004, we prepared the "No Stolen 
>Elections!" campaign, mobilizing tens of 
>thousands of people across the country for what 
>was to become the Ohio Recount.
>In 2008, we're ready to mobilize and demand much more.
>On Election Day, November 4, we will be ready to 
>protect the sacred right to vote. On the next 
>day, November 5, regardless of the declared 
>presidential victor, we will act.
>1.      If there is reason to believe that the 
>election is likely to be stolen, as was the case 
>in Florida 2000, we will act to prevent this 
>from happening - pressing to prevent the theft a 
>nd, if that is impossible, demanding a new 
>honest election.
>2.      If it is unclear whether voting rights 
>violation rise to the level of election theft, 
>as was the case in Ohio 2004, we will mobilize 
>everywhere to demand a full and complete count 
>of the vote.
>3.      If it appears that the election result 
>was defined by the rigging of the process, we 
>will rally nationwide to press for progress in 
>enacting democratic reforms.
>We call on all concerned Americans to commit 
>yourselves to these efforts by signing the "No 
>More Stolen Elections!" 
>of Action:
>"I remember Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004, and I am 
>willing to take action in 2008 if the election 
>is stolen again. I support efforts to protect 
>the right to vote leading up to and on Election 
>Day, November 4th. I pledge to join nationwide 
>pro-democracy protests starting on November 5th, 
>either in my community, in key states where 
>fraud occurred, or in Washington D.C.. I pledge: 
>No More Stolen Elections!"
>We understand that the "No More Stolen 
>Elections!" campaign is one part of a far 
>greater struggle for democracy, one that began 
>long before the 2008 election, and that will 
>continue well beyond it. Millions of 
>our20forbears personally risked everything to 
>make real the promise of American democracy. In 
>honor and respect for them, and for our own 
>human dignity, we pledge no less.
>Please join us in pledging yourself to action to 
>protect our elections, and to heed the call to 
>mobilize on November 5th. 
>the pledge now and join the growing U.S. 
>democracy movement.
>(*all organizations listed for identification purposes only)
>Michael Albert, Z Magazine
>Aimee Allison, KPFA Radio
>Andy Gussert, trade activist
>Austin King, director, Financial Justice Center
>Barbara Ehrenreich, author, Nickled and Dimed
>Ben Manski, executive director, Liberty Tree 
>Foundation for the Democratic Revolution
>Bill Fletcher, American Federation of Government Employees
>Blanche Wiesen Cook, professor, author, Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. I, II, III
>Bob Fertik, Democrats.com
>Camilo Mejia, chair, Iraq Veterans Against the War
>Charlie Derber, professor and writer
>Daniel Ellsberg, Truth-Telling Project
>David Cobb, initiator of 2004 Ohio Recount
>David Rovics, musician
>David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org
>Doyle Canning, SmartMeme
>Emma's Revolution, Sonny O and Pat Humphries, musicians
>Ge orge Friday, national coordinator, Independent Progressive Politics Network
>George Martin, national co-chair - United for Peace & Justice
>Glen Ford, executive editor, BlackAgendaReport.com
>Greg Coleridge, American Friends Service Committee, Ohio
>Frances Moore Lappé, author, Democracy's Edge
>Frances Piven, professor, author, Why Poor People Don't Vote
>Head Roc, <http://www.head-roc.com>www.head-roc.com, Capitol Resistance
>Holly Near, musician, activist
>Jamala Rogers, national organizer, Black Radical Congress
>Jane Anne Morris, author, Gaveling Down The Rabble
>Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes
>Jerome Scott, co-director, Project South
>Jim Hightower, radio personality
>John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies
>John Nichols, author, The Genius of Impeachment
>John E. Peck, executive director, Family Farm Defenders
>John Stauber, executive director, Center for Media and Democracy
>Jonathan Simon, executive director, Election Defense Alliance
>20Jonathan Tasini, executive director, Labor Research Association
>Kaitlin So poci-Belknap, director, Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County
>Karen Dolan, director, Cities for Progress
>Kevin Martin, executive director, Peace Action
>Kevin Zeese, executive director, TrueVote.US
>Leslie Cagan, national coordinator, United for Peace and Justice
>Lori Price, managing editor, Citizens for Legitimate Government
>Manning Marable, director, Center for 
>Contemporary Black History, Colombia University
>Marcus Raskin, co-founder, Institute for Policy Studies
>Matt Nelson, Freedom Now! Collaborative
>Matt Rothschild, editor, The Progressive
>Maude Hurd, president, ACORN
>Medea Benjamin, co-founder, Global Exchange
>Michael Dolan, activist
>Mimi Kennedy, actress, activist
>Mike Ferner, author, Inside the Red Zone: A 
>Veteran For Peace Reports from Iraq.
>Mike McCabe, executive director, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
>Norman Solomon, activist, author
>Pabitra Benjamin, Rights Working Group
>Patrick Reinsborough, SmartMeme
>Rabbi Michael Lerner, chair, Network of Spiritual Progressives
>Rev. Jesse Jackson, civil rights leader
>Rev. Lennox Yearwood, president, Hip Hop Caucus
>Robert McChesney, professor, author, The Problem of the Media
>Rahul Mahajan, author, The New Crusade: Ameri ca's War on Terrorism
>Randy Shaw, editor, BeyondChron.org
>Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, Middle Collegiate Church
>Ronnie Cummins, founder, Grassroots Netroots Alliance
>Sarah Manski, DemocracySquare.org
>Sharon Lungo, Ruckus Society
>Sissy Farenthold, attorney at law
>Starhawk, Earth Activist Trainings
>Steve Cobble, activist
>Sue Udry, Defending Dissent Foundation
>Ted Glick, climate change activist
>Tim Carpenter, executive director, Progressive Democrats of America
>Tom Hayden, activist
>Van Jones, founder, Green for All
>Victor Wallis, editor, Socialism and Democracy
>Please join us in pledging yourself to action to 
>protect our elections, and to heed the call to 
>mobilize on November 5th. 
>sign the pledge now. 
>You are subscribed to this list as 
>Click <mailto:unsubscribe.299631.23838 
>to unsubscribe, or send email to 
>Please support No More Stolen Elections! right now.
>Our postal address is
>P.O. Box 260217
>Madison, Wisconsin 53726-0217
>United States
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