Dangerous New Turn in DoJ Investigation
by David C. Iglesias


Last week brought a dangerous new turn to the ongoing United States 
Attorney and Justice Department disaster. Based on the evidence, 
career, non-partisan investigators recommended the appointing of a 
special prosecutor to determine whether criminal laws were violated 
in my ouster and that of my colleagues. No longer just a civil matter 
to blithely ignore, this ominous development could result in current 
and high level officials being indicted for crimes. I suspect the 
special counsel will "follow the emails" in the way that "follow the 
money" brought down Nixon's men during Watergate.

The Justice Department's independent watchdog offices, the Inspector 
General and Office of Professional Responsibility, finished the 
definitive investigation about the firings, stating that U.S. 
Attorneys may not be removed for an "illegal or improper reason." I 
was not disappointed or surprised by the findings contained in its 
blistering report which I cooperated with fully. Every reason given 
for my ouster was examined and rejected as "disingenuous 
after-the-fact rationalizations" by former Justice Department 
personnel, thus sounding the death knell to my alleged 
"performance-related" problems. More importantly, the firings of my 
colleagues and me "severely damaged the credibility of the Department 
and raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecutive 
decisions" according to the investigation. Several Republican 
officials took key roles damaging America's premier crime fighting 

The 392-page report described a "fundamentally flawed" process of 
termination, one in which politics were allowed to overrule the 
historic independence of U.S. Attorneys. Pat Rogers, the New Mexico 
Republican committeeman, despite his incessant drone of criticism, 
curiously refused to cooperate with the Justice Department 
investigators, as did Senator Pete Domenici, his chief of staff Steve 
Bell, former White House Advisor Karl Rove, former White House 
Counsel Harriet Miers, and former DoJ official Monica Goodling. The 
Attorney General, Michael Mukasey called it straight, the removals 
were "haphazard, arbitrary and unprofessional". He further stated the 
reputations of the terminated US Attorneys were "unfairly tainted by 
the removals and their aftermath."

The local New Mexico GOP power brokers, on the other hand, did not 
care about the evidence, all they cared about was partisan wins, by 
any and all means. Rogers, former Republican Committeeman Mickey 
Barnett and New Mexico Republican Chairman Allen Weh, among others, 
will never get it. Once in office, United States Attorneys, like 
federal judges, are required to stay out of politics. We were not 
like other political appointees since we are the only presidential 
appointees that have the power to take away a citizen's life, 
liberty, property and reputation. This is an awesome responsibility 
and must be administered fairly and without consideration of partisan 

Independence is not just a town in Missouri, it is the lifeblood of a 
prosecutor who must base his or her decisions solely on the law and 
evidence. Yet, Rogers, Weh, and Barnett with zero experience as 
prosecutors thought they knew best. Based on rumor and innuendo, they 
and others tried to improperly influence me to file cases that were 
non-provable or not ready to indict. This type of reprehensible 
practice may be acceptable in corrupt third world countries but it 
has no place in the United States where we venerate the rule of law 
and the Constitution.

The DoJ investigation was unsparing in its harsh criticism of our 
removals. The report summarized the issue succinctly, "If a U.S. 
Attorney must maintain the confidence of home-state political 
officials to avoid removal, regardless of the merits of the U.S. 
Attorney's prosecutorial decisions, respect for the Department of 
Justice's independence and integrity will be severely damaged and 
every U.S. Attorneys' prosecutorial decisions will be suspect. The 
longstanding tradition of integrity and independent judgments by 
Department prosecutors will be undermined, and confidence that the 
Department of Justice decides who to prosecute based solely on the 
evidence and the law, without regard to political factors, will 
disappear." This is the touchstone of our criminal justice system, 
without which we are slouching towards institutional corruption.

I pledge my full cooperation with Special Counsel Nora Dannehey, a 
career federal prosecutor. One thing is for certain; I will not 
second guess, criticize or attempt to improperly influence her in the 
way that Republican officials attempted to do to me. I've learned 
many lessons these past eighteen months -- prosecutorial independence 
is not a talking point and seeking justice can never be viewed as a 
political "wedge" issue.

David C. Iglesias was the United States Attorney for the District of 
New Mexico between 2001 and 2007. His is the author of the book, "In 
Justice: Inside the Scandal that Rocked the Bush Administration."

Last week brought a dangerous new turn to the on-going United States 
Attorney and Justice Department disaster. Based on the evidence, 
career, non-partisan investigators recommended the appointing of a...
Last week brought a dangerous new turn to the on-going United States 
Attorney and Justice Department disaster. Based on the evidence, 
career, non-partisan investigators recommended the appointing of a...
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