This is an action alert. If you know anyone in the following 15 
states:  Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, 
North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, 
Texas, Utah, West Virginia, or Wisconsin, make sure to pass this on 
to them.  Early voting has already begun. This affects millions of 

Thank you.

Joan Brunwasser, Election Integrity Editor, OpEdNews


Original Content at 

October 20, 2008

Snopes confirms danger of Straight Ticket Voting (STV)

By Joan Brunwasser

Snopes confirms danger of Straight Ticket Voting (STV)

Most of us have run across Snopes in its 13-year history.  It has 
become the most well-known website to investigate urban legends, 
rumors, and myths.  On numerous occasions, I have been saved from 
passing on unsubstantiated claims by a timely look at Snopes.  

This weekend, I got an email from my brother, John.  He was passing 
along something that he had received from a friend.  It was 
validation of citizens' concerns about STV - Straight Ticket Voting.

Having sounded the alarm for years about the perils of electronic 
voting, I was thrilled that such a well-respected source chose to 
deal with even one aspect of this subject. As far as I know, this is 
Snopes' first foray into election issues.

Before I overreacted, though, I wanted to check out the specifics 
included in the Snopes report.  I sent the link around to various 
people in the election integrity movement and got a clear consensus 
that, while Snopes' article was a great attention-grabber, the 
<>VotersUnite! article by Ellen Theisen is 
superior, offering more detail and is ultimately more useful.

I spoke with Ellen this morning.  She pointed out that votes get lost 
in every election, for a variety of reasons, including straight 
ticket voting.  It is impossible to know exactly which ones, where, 
or even how many are lost or changed.  Just today, an article in the 
Chronicle tells of early voters who voted a Democratic STV and saw 
their presidential vote flip to John McCain.  

Ellen has talked to numerous election officials across the country. 
She was struck by how many of them weren't quite sure themselves of 
their particular state's rules regarding STV.  So, here are three 
ways for a potential mix-up:
The officials may not provide the correct information to the voter, 
the voter might not execute the vote properly (either because of not 
understanding what was said or because of confusion over the use of 
the voting apparatus) or the programmer might have goofed it up. 
Also, the way STV works in one state may be completely different than 
the way it works in the state right next door. Because of these 
reasons, Ellen sees STV as "one more layer of opportunity for an 
electronic miscount".  Even if you familiarize yourself with all the 
ins and outs of your state's requirements, there is still too much 
risk of something going wrong if you vote STV.

Ten second take-away
Ellen went to a tremendous amount of trouble to gather the 
information for the fifteen states that use STV.  It is provided at 
the <>VotersUnite! website.  Nevertheless, her 
advice would be:  avoid using STV.  Vote for each and every race 
individually, even if it takes a little longer.  This is a clear case 
of more convenient not being better.  Avoid Straight Ticket Voting!

Who's affected
Here are the fifteen states that offer STV (sometimes known as SPV, 
straight party voting).  Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, 
New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, 
South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin.  If you add 
up the population in those states, you're at around 90 million.  So, 
we're talking about tens of millions of voters including those from 
four of the ten most populous states.  It is quite likely that all of 
us have contacts in at least one of the fifteen states.  Since early 
voting has already started, it's critical to get this information out 
to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Millions of 
votes could be at stake.

Of course, if you were to say that this should be the job of the 
Election Assistance Commission, you would be 100% correct.  The EAC 
was created by the Help America Vote Act in 2002, to be a national 
clearinghouse for election information.  They have fallen far short 
of the mark up until now; it is unlikely that they will suddenly drop 
everything to sound the alarm about this.    On the other hand, this 
is a perfect opportunity for us to step in.  

In making this information widely known and urging people to avoid 
STV, we can make a difference!

Many thanks to Ellen Theisen for her help!

Authors Bio: Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of 
for Election Reform (CER) which exists for the sole purpose of 
raising the public awareness of the critical need for election 
reform. We aim to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure 
elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. 
Electronic (computerized) voting systems are simply antithetical to 
democratic principles.

CER set up a lending library to achieve the widespread distribution 
of the DVD Invisible Ballots: A temptation for electronic vote fraud. 
Within eighteen months, the project had distributed over 3200 copies 
across the country and beyond. CER now concentrates on group 
showings, OpEd pieces, articles, reviews, interviews, discussion 
sessions, networking, conferences, anything that promotes awareness 
of this critical problem. Joan has been Election Integrity Editor for 
OpEdNews since December, 2005.
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