(re-directs to: 

<http://usacoup.scoop.co.nz/?p=835>We Do Not Consent - Open Letter To The Media

October 24, 2008<http://usacoup.scoop.co.nz/?cat=6>Press Release

A current list of this letter's signers can be found (as of 10/23 @ 
Noon PT) at 
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We Do Not Consent - Open Letter To The Media


(Note: you will need to provide an email address)

A Public Media Campaign Launched By Dave Berman Of 
<http://wedonotconsent.blogspot.com/>We Do Not Consent

Dear Media Colleagues,

You are receiving this message because you are known to American 
progressives as a truth-teller. In this presidential campaign, 
despite the typical horse-race coverage, we also see the overall 
corporate media narrative influenced by daily debunking efforts from 
candidates' rapid response teams, the blogosphere, and the 
reality-based coverage and reporting that you provide.We need to take 
this to the next level.

There are three very simple basic facts about the way US federal 
elections are conducted now, and we think they lead to an inescapable 
conclusion that must be addressed.

See if you agree:

1. We have secret corporate vote counting computers counting more 
than 95% of the votes cast in the United States;

2. The absence of paper ballots, and in some cases state's law, 
prevents meaningful re-counts throughout much of the country;

3. These electronic voting machines frequently produce results 
impossible in a legitimate election, such as John Kerry's negative 25 
million votes in Youngstown, OH (Nov. 2004), or Palm Beach County's 
12,000 votes in excess of the number of voters (Aug. 2008).

To us this suggests the conclusion that federal election results are 
unprovable, even though the media reports them as fact.

Can you draw any other conclusion?

It will surprise nobody this November when the outcome is a spoiled 
mess, riddled with controversy. In fact, we can already say the 
results-based on the conditions-are guaranteed to be inconclusive, 
unknowable and unprovable.

We must challenge our industry to refuse to report as fact what can't 
be proven and hasn't been independently verified, particularly when 
the only source of the information is the government itself.

The reality is that the media should be the greatest advocates of 
hand counting paper ballots because this method of counting allows 
media greatest access to observing and documenting the process, 
affording the reported results the greatest credibility.

Transparent coverage of a transparent counting process would create a 
basis for confidence in the reported results where none currently 

As we all know, there is a vibrant community of engaged citizens 
across the US who collectively self-identify as the "election 
integrity community." They are asking us truth-tellers to challenge 
our industry, essentially reframing the debate.

Many of them have appeared on our shows and in our columns over the 
past few years, and they are eager to be sources for us now. But they 
are also counting on us to take this message forward and we don't see 
how we can be truth-tellers without doing that.

Please join us in this concerted effort to use truth-telling yet 
again to change the corporate media narrative of this presidential 

Respectfully yours,

Dave Berman, 
Voter Confidence Committee of Humboldt, CA

Mark Crispin Miller, Author, 

Alastair Thompson, Co-Editor/General Manager, 

Michael Collins, "The Money Party," 

Ernest Partridge, Co-Editor, The Crisis Papers 

Bernard Weiner, Co-Editor, The Crisis Papers 

Rob Kall, Executive Editor & Publisher, 

Joan Brunwasser, Election Integrity Editor, 

Rady Ananda, Senior Editor, <http://www.OpEdNews.com>http://www.OpEdNews.com

Tom Courbat, Founder, SAVE R VOTE, <http://www.savervote.com>www.savervote.com

Dan Ashby, Co-Founder and Director, 

Linda Milazzo, OpedNews Senior Editor;  HuffingtonPost blogger

Lynn Landes, freelance journalist, 

Jan Baumgartner, Managing Editor, 

Cheryl Biren-Wright, Managing Editor, 

David Swanson, Co-Founder AfterDowningStreet.org

Joanne Lukacher, Communications Director, Re-Media Election 
Transparency Coalition, 

Andi Novick, Legal Counsel, Re-media Election Transparency Coalition, 

Amanda Lang, OEN Managing Editor, 

Valerie Lane, Chair, SAVElections Monterey County

Peter B. Collins, syndicated talk show host, 

David L. Griscom, Ph.D., impactglassman.blogspot.com; Co-Founder, 
AUDITAZ, auditaz.blogspot.com; Member Coordinating Committee, 
Election Defense Alliance, 


(Note: you will need to look up an email address)

A current list of this letter's signers can be found (as of 10/23 @ 
Noon PT) at 
If you would like to add your name, please use the form on that page 
or submit your name and affiliation via e-mail to: 
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