This story broke on Friday. It's now Tuesday--and, so far, the New York Times
has not reported it.

Now, there are other stories that are just as timely, and important, 
and the Times has
done them justice. In this morning's paper, for example, there's "Obama Briefly
Leaving Trail to See Ill Grandmother," and "Palin Breaking Out of Cocoon" ("On
the trail, a candidate wriggles free of her handlers"). And lately 
Alessandra Stanley
had a very trenchant piece about the fine job Palin did on "Saturday 
Night Live."
There's also lots of stuff about the latest polls, and how much both 
candidates are
spending; and, today, an item on Obama's tactful take on the World Series.

So if the Times can handle such big news, surely they can find some 
time, and space,
to note Obama/Biden's strong response to the Republican conspiracy to 
use the myth
of "voter fraud" to throw the race McPalin's way.


Obama camp calls for special prosecutor in fraud investigation 

BYLINE: From Martina Stewart CNN


LENGTH: 583 words

October 17, 2008 Friday 2:39 AM EST

The Obama campaign announced Friday that it is asking Attorney 
General Michael Mukasey to turn over any investigations of voter 
fraud or voter suppression to Special Prosecutor Nora Dannehy.
Dannehy is also the special prosecutor recently appointed to 
investigate the U.S. attorney firing scandal.

It's the latest salvo in an escalating war over allegations of 
possible voter irregularities during the upcoming presidential 

"What they're actually about is the unprecedented effort to 
essentially sap the American people of confidence in the voting 
process," Bob Bauer, the Obama campaign's general counsel, said 
Friday on a conference call.

Bauer said partisan politics was behind Thursday's leak from senior 
governmental officials about a preliminary FBI investigation into the 
voter registration activities of ACORN, the embattled community 
organizing group that has become the focus of Republican efforts to 
highlight possible fraud as the election approaches.

"ACORN is a tool for attacking voters," Bauer said.

"We need to have these matters removed from the day-to-day 
department's direct control and put into the special prosecutor's 
independent hands," Bauer told reporters Friday. "She should have 
responsibility for reviewing any and all matters involving 
allegations of fraud and suppression in this election."

The McCain campaign suggested that Obama and his campaign were 
engaging in partisan politics by requesting the special prosecutor's 
involvement. In a statement issued Friday night, McCain-Palin 
spokesman Ben Porritt calledObama's request "absurd" and said it was 
an attempt to "criminalize political discourse."

"Rest assured that, despite these threats, the McCain-Palin campaign 
will continue to address the serious issue of voter registration 
fraud by ACORN and other partisan groups, and compliance by states 
with the Help America Vote Act's requirement of matching new voter 
registrations with state data bases to prevent voter fraud," Porritt 

Since ACORN's extensive voter registration drive ended recently, 
allegations of voter registration fraud relating to the group's 
activities have surfaced in several states. The McCain campaign 
recently targeted ACORN's ties to Obama, and Republicans in Congress 
called for a federal investigation of the group and an end to any 
federal funding going to the group.

McCain personally called for an investigation into ACORN last week 
during a campaign event. At the final presidential debate, he also 
said ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the 
greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying 
the fabric of democracy."

At issue is ACORN's practice of hiring local residents to register 
potential voters. Some of those hired have filled out registration 
forms themselves and handed in forms for non-existent people. ACORN 
says it has fired people for that offense.

Voter registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, in which 
individuals attempt to fraudulently cast ballots. Voter registration 
fraud leads to inflated voter rolls, but has little effect on voter 

The Obama campaign has said that ACORN has no role in its general 
election voter registration efforts, and that it has never paid ACORN 
to register voters. The Obama campaign hired an offshoot of ACORN 
during the primary to canvas neighborhoods seeking votes.

In a statement issued Thursday, ACORN said it was confident it "would 
be exonerated" in any federal investigation into its voter 
registration activities.


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October 17, 2008 Friday 2:39 AM EST

camp calls for special prosecutor in fraud investigation

BYLINE: From Martina Stewart CNN


LENGTH: 583 words


campaign  announced Friday that it is 
General Michael Mukasey  to turn over any investigations of voter 
fraud or voter suppression to Special Prosecutor Nora Dannehy.

Dannehy is also the special prosecutor recently appointed to 
investigate the U.S. attorney firing scandal.

It's the latest salvo in an escalating war over allegations of 
possible voter irregularities during the upcoming presidential 

"What they're actually about is the unprecedented effort to 
essentially sap the American people of confidence in the voting 
process," Bob Bauer, 
campaign 's general counsel, said Friday on a conference call.

Bauer said partisan politics was behind Thursday's leak from senior 
governmental officials about a preliminary FBI investigation into the 
voter registration activities of ACORN, the embattled community 
organizing group that has become the focus of Republican efforts to 
highlight possible fraud as the election approaches.

"ACORN is a tool for attacking voters," Bauer said.

"We need to have these matters removed from the day-to-day 
department's direct control and put into the special prosecutor's 
independent hands," Bauer told reporters Friday. "She should have 
responsibility for reviewing any and all matters involving 
allegations of fraud and suppression in this election."

campaign  suggested 
and his campaign were engaging in partisan politics by requesting the 
special prosecutor's involvement. In a statement issued Friday night, 
McCain-Palin spokesman Ben Porritt 
's request "absurd" and said it was an attempt to "criminalize 
political discourse."

"Rest assured that, despite these threats, the McCain-Palin campaign 
will continue to address the serious issue of voter registration 
fraud by ACORN and other partisan groups, and compliance by states 
with the Help America Vote Act's requirement of matching new voter 
registrations with state data bases to prevent voter fraud," Porritt 

Since ACORN's extensive voter registration drive ended recently, 
allegations of voter registration fraud relating to the group's 
activities have surfaced in several states. 
campaign  recently targeted ACORN's ties 
and Republicans in Congress called for a federal investigation of the 
group and an end to any federal funding going to the group.

McCain personally called for an investigation into ACORN last week 
during a campaign event. At the final presidential debate, he also 
said ACORN "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the 
greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying 
the fabric of democracy."

At issue is ACORN's practice of hiring local residents to register 
potential voters. Some of those hired have filled out registration 
forms themselves and handed in forms for non-existent people. ACORN 
says it has fired people for that offense.

Voter registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, in which 
individuals attempt to fraudulently cast ballots. Voter registration 
fraud leads to inflated voter rolls, but has little effect on voter 

campaign  has said that ACORN has no role in its general election 
voter registration efforts, and that it has never paid ACORN to 
register voters. 
campaign  hired an offshoot of ACORN during the primary to canvas 
neighborhoods seeking votes.

In a statement issued Thursday, ACORN said it was confident it "would 
be exonerated" in any federal investigation into its voter 
registration activities.


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