Pentagon Pro-Troop Group Misspent Millions, Report Says

By Noah Shachtman December 12, 2008 | 4:12:00 PmCategories: Cash 
Rules Everything Around Me, Info War, Money Money Money  


While the Pentagon preps for a new administration, a scandal from an 
earlier era is rearing its head.

A Defense Department project, supposedly designed to support U.S. 
troops, was used instead to channel millions of dollars to personal 
friends and allies of its chief. The "America Supports You," or ASY, 
program was led in a "questionable and unregulated manner," according 
to a Department of Defense Inspector General report, obtained by 
Danger Room. At least $9.2 million was "inappropriately transferred" 
by the project's managers. Much of that money served only to further 
promote ASY, instead of assisting servicemembers.

In 2004, the office of then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld set 
up ASY as a six-month effort to showcase the U.S. public's backing 
for the troops and their families. "If you're serving overseas, and 
you watch the mainstream media coverage, sometimes you can't tell if 
America knows you're there," one official overseeing the program 
says. America Supports You was seen as a way to counteract that sense.

In time, however, the program grew. Pro-troop rallies were organized. 
Special wristband and dog tags were made. Special-edition comic books 
were printed up. Processions were held on the National Mall, on the 
9/11 anniversary. Sesame Street characters were enlisted to make DVDs 
that encouraged families with young children to talk about overseas 
deployments. America Supports You became a kind of umbrella group for 
all sorts of charity-related work for service members and military 

Meanwhile, ASY began to spend millions - not to help the troops, the 
Inspector General says, but to help itself. "Instead of focusing on 
its primary mission of showcasing and communicating support to the 
troops and their families, the ASY program focus [turned to] building 
or soliciting support from the public," the Inspector General's 
report notes. In 2006 and 2007, for instance, more than $600,000 was 
spent ginning up support for America Supports You among 
schoolchildren. Another $165,000 went to a pro-ASY concert aboard the 
USS Intrepid, docked on Manhattan's west side. And $15,000 went to 
actor and musician Gary Sinise's "Lt. Dan Band" to play a separate 
show. The report calls all of these "questionable and unregulated 

By mid-2007, allegations began to surface that the Pentagon official 
in charge of the program, Armed Forces Information Service chief 
Alison Barber (pictured, left), was improperly redirecting millions 
of dollars in public funds.

 From fiscal years 2004 to 2007, the Inspector General's report notes, 
Barber funneled $8.8 million in contracts to the public relations 
firm Susan Davis International - to set up the myriad events, and to 
promote the ASY "brand." The work was incredibly lucrative; Davis' 
executives made as much as $312,821 to $662,691 per year. "Paying a 
public relations contractor annual salaries approaching 
three-quarters of a million dollars does not appear to be a 
cost-effective means to support the ASY program and the war fighter," 
the report observes.

But what made it even harder to stomach was that Davis was a friend 
of Barber's, and a well-known Republican operative, according to 
former Defense Department lawyer Diane Beaver. Another half-million 
went to media consultant Mitch Semel, for web work.

Worse still, in the eyes of many, was that Barber used the Stars & 
Stripes newspaper as a kind of money-laundering service, to pay Davis 
and Semel. The paper is partially financed by the Pentagon, and was 
part of Barber's American Forces Information Service. But Stripes has 
a decades-long tradition of fierce independence. Editors were galled 
to discover that Barber's office was pouring money into the paper's 
coffers - and then paying Davis and Semel out of accounts with less 
congressional oversight and fewer spending restrictions than typical 
Defense Department funds.

"Readers need to know that the newspaper they trust to provide them 
independent, accurate, credible news is not in any way operating in a 
compromised position," managing editor Doug Clawson said. "If, in 
fact, Stripes was helping handle public relations work on behalf of a 
political appointee it doesn't look good, and could taint the 
editorial department, and thereby the readers' perceptions of this 
newspaper's mission."

The Department of Defense's Inspector General had already launched 
investigations into financial wrongdoing and organizational 
mismanagement at America Supports You, the Armed Forces Information 
Service, and the Defense' Secretary's public affairs office. In 
October 2007, the Inspector General widened its review to include 
Stars & Stripes.

Barber is no longer at the Pentagon. Two months ago, she abruptly 
resigned as the heads of both American Supports You and of Defense 
Media Activity, the new organization that oversees Stars & Stripes. 
America Supports You has been moved under the Defense Department's 
community relations office. "A lot of the big issues have been 
addressed - how we do contracting, how we use appropriated funds," 
one member of that office tells Danger Room. "We're back in the 
comfort zone, running a program in the way that the government is 
used to running it."

Photo: DoD

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