Here is an appalling story of gross prisoner mistreatment here in the 
United States.
These are non-violent offenders--not that any prison inmate should receive such
lethal treatment.

If we're the people who we like to say we are, we must take steps 
ASAP to stop the
routine hideous abuse of our vast prison population (which is, of 
course, too big by
millions). It's unconstitutional, immoral, socially destructive and, 
as well, far more
expensive than a range of more humane and rational alternatives. In 
every sense,
we simply can't afford it.



I found this to be a very shocking article. I think what Dr. B. 
Cayenne Bird found should be
exposed as widely as possible because I think the same conditions 
could exist in many other
prisons (both public and private) across the country and even around the world.

I think you may have some contacts who can help expose and possible 
help to remedy this
problem.  We should not be knowingly poisoning anyone, let alone 
anyone who is trapped
in conditions beyond his or her control.

Bob Getsla

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