From Andi Novick:

Dear Fellow New Yorkers:

Please help us save our mechanical lever voting machines and 
prevent software-based secret vote counting in New York!

Please send the letter below (in blue) to your County Legislators
(NYC residents, send it to your City Councilmembers)

Thank you,

Andi Novick
Re-Media Election Transparency Coalition, 


Last month Dutchess County became the first county in New York to 
UNANIMOUSLY pass a resolution to keep lever voting machines! You can 
read it here: 


Now we need to pass more resolutions from more county legislatures!

Send the letter below (or your own letter) to your County Legislators 
(in NYC, City Councilmembers) to urge them to pass a similar 
resolution to save our lever voting machines! The more legislators we 


Our current fiscal crisis will prevent new computerized voting 
equipment from being handled responsibly. And we shouldn't waste our 
money on budget-breaking new voting machines when we already have 
superior, secure, reliable lever voting machines that won't cause the 
problems and skyrocketing costs other states have had with 
unreliable, computerized equipment.

Democrats, Republicans and members of other parties have praised our 
lever voting machines: NY State Election Commissioners Kellner, 
Aquila and Peterson; Nassau County Election Commissioners Biamonte 
and DeGrace; Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy; the entire Dutchess 
County Legislature and the over 1,500 New Yorkers who have signed our 


1. Send the letter below to your county Legislators or NY City Councilmembers.

Find your county legislator: go to 
<> and enter your county's name 
followed by the words "county" and "new york" (ie. Dutchess County 
New York)

Find your NY City Councilmember: click here: 

2. Send a copy of your letter to your county election commissioners as well.

Find your county election commissioners here: 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
letter to cut, paste, fill in your own info, and send to your 
legislator and election commissioners:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear County Legislator (or NYC Councilmember),

Last month the Dutchess County Legislature unanimously passed a 
resolution to retain our lever voting machines (see: 
<> As 
the resolution says, "it is in the best interest of the public" to 
continue to use our lever voting machines.

In this time of economic crisis, it is not responsible to move ahead 
to computerize our elections. In other jurisdictions, computerization 
has raised the cost of running elections. Now is the wrong time to 
take actions that will end up requiring us to raise taxes or take 
monies away from other essential services.

We already have an affordable, secure, reliable voting system that 
doesn't need to be replaced.

The cost of transition to computerized voting machines will exceed 
funds received from the federal government. Worse, the money is not 
for a good purpose, because the new systems lack integrity and 
violate our constitutional rights.

New York's Election Reform and Modernization Act of 2005 (ERMA) 
requires replacement of our lever voting machines. The Voters 
Campaign to Save our Secure Electoral System is commencing litigation 
next month to have ERMA declared unconstitutional. ERMA precludes 
election officials from fulfilling their responsibilities to observe 
and safeguard the elections by surrendering their duties to the 
invisible processes of software. More information is at 

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) enabled citizens with special needs 
to vote independently and New York has satisfied this requirement 
with accessible paper ballot marking devices in every poll site. 
There is no need for New York to spend more money or to replace lever 

We urge you to consider the overwhelming evidence against 
computerized voting systems (see: 
<> Other 
states have acted unwisely when they computerized their elections, 
and we should not follow the same path.


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