New information sheds more light on
GOP IT guru's tragic death
01/13/2009 @ 7:39 pm
Filed by Larisa Alexandrovna

New information surrounding the December plane crash which killed GOP 
internet consultant Michael Connell casts doubt on some of the rumors 
and speculation surrounding his death but doesn't close the books on 
the circumstances surrounding the Republican technology star's tragic 

Michael Connell, a high-level IT guru for the Republican National 
Committee and the US Chamber of Commerce, died Dec. 19, 2008 at 5:53 
PM ET when his airplane crashed near Ohio's Akron-Canton airport.

Although there has been speculation in the media about the 
possibility of sabotage in Connell death, authorities do not suspect 
foul play. The official investigation by the National Transportation 
Safety Board (NTSB) has not yet determined the cause of the crash; 
their final report is required to be produced within a year.

Connell's ten year-old, seven-passenger, single engine Piper Saratoga 
II crashed into an empty house on Charolais Street in Lake Township, 
Ohio. The plane's right wing clipped a flagpole in the front yard 
before it broke up, set fire to the garage, and tumbled some 50-60 
feet along the ground toward the back yard of a neighboring home.

Connell was thrown from the burning plane and killed instantaneously 
by massive blunt force trauma, according to the Stark County 
coroner's report. Although the body was not burned, fingerprints were 
required to confirm identity, according to Captain Lorin Geisner of 
the Greentown Fire Department.

According to Geisner, Connell's personal items recovered from the 
crash site included a passport, a driver's license, a rosary and a 
laptop computer. The coroner's office confirmed that these were among 
a longer list of personal effects collected by the authorities.

The Greentown Fire Department was alerted at 5:54 PM, just one minute 
after the crash, following 911 calls by area witnesses to central 
dispatch. At 5:58, according to Geisner, fire department units 
arrived on scene and suppressed both the garage and plane fires 
within several minutes.

Connell's case has drawn particular attention because he had recently 
testified in a case alleging that Ohio's votes were tampered with 
during the 2004 presidential election. However, Connell - who was 
compelled to testify - denied the allegations in his Nov. 3, 2008 

Connell is also alleged to have been involved with the scrubbing of 
emails from White House staff which had been sent through an 
alternate system hosted on Republican National Committee servers.

Information "Lockdown" - Details Withheld from Fire Department

Capt. Geisner expressed considerable frustration during several Raw 
Story interviews over what he alleges was the withholding of critical 
details by authorities.

"While en route to the fire, I asked dispatch to learn the size of 
the plane and the number of souls on board," Geisner explained. "This 
was not provided us."

Such details allow fire department officials to determine whether 
additional equipment is needed and if a wider search and rescue is 
required. Within fifteen minutes of the crash, after officials from 
Akron-Canton Airport had arrived on the scene, Geisner again sought 
to confirm the number of passengers.

"After calls were made I was told that the ATC [Air Traffic Control] 
was 'all in lockdown,' and that they said 'we can't release that 
information,'" Geisner said.

Todd Laps, Fire Chief of the Akron-Canton airport fire department and 
a liaison to the Transportation Security Administration and the Air 
Traffic Control, echoed Geisner's account.

"I had some phone calls placed to see if I could get that number [of 
people on board]. It didn't come in a timely enough fashion," Laps 

But Laps says that the words "lock down" were not used. When asked to 
clarify his earlier comments, Gaisner insisted that the words "lock 
down" had been used in reference to information.

"That info was not available," Gaisner said. "It was secured -- not 
given out -- locked down."

The North Canton Post of the State Highway Patrol received a call 
from the 911 call center at 6:04 PM EST.

According to the incident report prepared by the state highway patrol 
and examined by Raw Story on site, Sgt. Leo Shirkey was the first law 
enforcement officer on the scene at 6:22. Off duty Post Commander Lt. 
Eric Sheppard and Trooper McCarthy, a plain-clothed investigator from 
the Canton Post, arrived within an hour.

The incident report lists the Stark County Examiner Harry Campbell as 
arriving at 7:03 PM to collect the body.

Not mentioned in the report is the role of two members of the local 
Civil Air Patrol squadron. According to Lt. Sheppard and Captain 
Geisner, the Air Patrol was tasked to help locate and turn off the 
Emergency Locating Transmitter (ELT), which was still transmitting 
from the partially intact tail of the plane.

An FAA Aviation Safety Inspector arrived at the scene several hours 
later, and a clean up crew worked through the night to prepare the 
plane for transport and storage.

Connell on Re-Approach

According to a preliminary report authored by NTSB investigator 
Mitchell Gallo, Connell drifted left of course during a 
radio-vectored instrument approach to an Akron-Canton runway and air 
traffic controllers began to direct a re-approach. Before Connell 
could affect the re-approach, he declared an emergency and 
disappeared off radar.

The Akron-Canton Air Traffic Control declined to comment.

Gallo, however, told Raw Story that the declaration of emergency was 
not Connell's final words. He would not elaborate but said that 
Connell did not describe the nature of the emergency.

Neither the radar data nor tapes of the radio transmissions have been 
released by the authorities to the general public or the media.

The only known eyewitness to the crash spoke to the Ohio State 
Highway Patrol but wished to remain unnamed in press accounts. This 
witness told Raw Story in December that he heard a very loud small 
plane engine seconds before seeing the lights of the plane emerge 
from the clouds heading nearly straight down.

"When the lights disappeared and the engine stopped I anticipated a 
crash but a couple of seconds went by before I heard the engine 
again, enough time for me to think, 'he's pulled up,'" the witness 
said. Moments later he heard the crash and saw an orange glow some 
distance from where he'd last seen the lights of the rapidly 
descending plane.

On Dec. 20, the plane wreckage was moved by Belden Village Towing to 
a hangar owned by Summit Aviation at Akron-Fulton International, a 
non-commercial airport which houses a large Lockheed Martin facility. 
The State Highway Patrol said that hangar space at nearby 
Akron-Canton Regional Airport was not available.

Raw Story visited Summit Aviation Dec. 24 and located the wreckage, 
which was being held in a building without gated security or security 
camera surveillance. NTSB officials had examined the wreckage the day 
before. Last week, Summit Aviation said that Connell's insurance 
company had arranged for the transport of the plane to another longer 
term facility.

Allegations Relating to two Previous Flights

Since Connell's tragic death, much confusion has resulted in 
speculation and erroneous reporting relating to two previously 
aborted flights.

On Dec. 21, for example, Channel 19, a local CBS affiliate in 
Cleveland, Ohio reported that an anonymous source had warned Connell 
not to fly and that two separate flights had been canceled

"Connell," the reporter said, "was apparently told by a close friend 
not to fly his plane because his plane might be sabotaged. ... And 
twice in the last two months, Connell, who is an experienced pilot, 
canceled two flights because of suspicious problems with his plane."

The friend to whom this statement was attributed has not been 
identified. Raw Story has not been able to independently confirm that 
Connell had been warned specifically not to fly.

It's also unclear if the reference to Connell canceling "two flights 
because of suspicious problems with his plane" was confused with one 
actual aborted flight and a second flight suspected to have been 
aborted, or if these cancellations are in addition to the those two 

One Aborted Flight Confirmed

On Sept. 18, 2008, just a day before a stay was lifted in the King 
Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association v. Blackwell case - 
which alleged vote tampering in Ohio during the 2004 election - 
Connell embarked on a flight from the Akron-Canton airport. According 
to flight data obtained by Raw Story, he was heading to the College 
Park, MD airport, which he often used when attending meetings and 
functions in DC.

Connell's trip lasted only 23 minutes before he turned around and 
returned to the Akron-Canton airport. (See flight data below):

King Lincoln Bronzeville

On Sept. 22, Connell was subpoenaed to testify in the King Lincoln 
Bronzeville case.

During a Sept. 25, 2008 meeting with Connell's wife Heather near 
their home in Akron, Ohio, Ms. Connell explained to this reporter 
that her husband had aborted his Sept. 18 flight "due to engine 
trouble." Ms. Connell also stated that her husband "then took a 
commercial flight instead" to make "his DC meeting." She did not know 
with whom he was meeting in Washington.

Raw Story met with Ms. Connell several months prior to Connell's 
death as part of another, but related investigation.

Neither Ms. Connell, nor anyone else close to her husband interviewed 
at that time, claimed that any tampering was involved or expressed 
suspicions about this flight. However, if Connell himself was 
suspicious, he might not have shared those suspicions with his wife.

Connell had not, apparently, shared with his wife the news that he'd 
been subpoenaed in King Lincoln Bronzeville Sept. 22.

Ms. Connell expressed shock at learning that her husband had been 
called to testify and expressed doubt when informed that her husband 
was a witness in a federal case.

"I don't believe it," Ms. Connell told Raw Story. "He is a good man. 
He has done nothing wrong."

The case known as King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association 
v. Blackwell was initially filed against former Ohio Secretary of 
State J. Kenneth Blackwell on Aug. 31, 2006 by Columbus attorney 
Clifford Arnebeck on behalf of several Ohio residents.

The original filing alleged that there had been civil rights 
violations by Blackwell during the 2004 election, involving racially 
discriminatory practices such as the selective purging of voters from 
the election rolls and the unequal allocation of voting machines to 
various districts. The filing asked for measures to be taken to 
prevent similar problems during the November 2006 election.

On Oct. 9, 2006, an amended complaint was filed that added various 
forms of ballot-rigging as also having the effect of "depriving the 
Plaintiffs of their voting rights." A motion to dismiss the case as 
moot was filed following the November 2006 election, but instead it 
was stayed to allow for settlement discussions. That stay was later 
extended, and the case dragged on for almost two years for lack of 
detailed evidence.

Connell's lawyers fought the subpoena and refused to furnish the 
plaintiffs with IT network schematics relating to the 2004 and 2006 

His attorneys asserted that the request for documents was burdensome 
because the information sought should be "readily ascertainable 
through public records request" - but also, paradoxically, because 
"it seeks confidential, trade secrets, and/or proprietary 
information" that "have independent economic value" and "are not 
known to the public, or even to non-designated personnel within or 
working for Mr. Connell's business."

In calling for the judge to compel Connell to testify, plaintiffs 
cited recent security breaches in the computer system at the office 
of Ohio's Secretary of State, which were preceded by a barrage of 
threatening phone and email messages and death threats and which led 
to the state website temporarily being taken down Oct. 20. The 
plaintiffs used these events to suggest the possibility of Trojan 
horses or back doors in the system, which Connell had designed.

In addition, the plaintiffs' attorneys provided information of 
alleged threats against Connell. These alleged threats and the 
alleged threats against the Ohio Secretary of State, resulted in the 
court issuing another subpoena compelling Connell's testimony. The 
second subpoena was served Oct. 8 at the College Park Airport office 
when Connell flew in for the day for a meeting in DC.

On Nov. 3, 2008, Connell was finally deposed in the case.

It is uncertain what, if anything, Connell was prepared to confirm 
relating to alleged threats against him. Sources close to the case 
said that even if Connell had denied being threatened under oath, he 
would have had good reason to do so.

That part of the testimony is still sealed. Connell's attorneys have 
not commented and forwarded all inquires to Ms. Connell.

Second Possible Aborted Flight - Unconfirmed

On November 21, roughly three weeks after Connell's court testimony, 
a second flight appears to have been aborted. Unlike the Sept. 18 
flight, there is no confirmation. The flight lasted 10 minutes before 
Connell turned his plane around.

As with the earlier aborted flight, Connell returned to the 
Akron-Canton Regional airport after a short time in the air. There 
has been no confirmation that this second flight was interrupted due 
to any suspicions on Connell's part or any issues around the plane 

If this second flight was aborted, it may have been due to the 
alleged previous engine troubles that Mrs. Connell mentioned. On the 
other hand, a close friend of Connell's who wished to remain unnamed 
explained that Connell could have simply taken someone for a ride 
that day or had a meeting, which was not uncommon.

It's this flight, however, that caused talk among Connell's friends 
and family after his death, because no explanation has been provided 
as to if and why the flight was aborted.

Radar data shows almost a perfect circle, which bolsters the theory 
that Connell was taking someone for a ride.

The Nov. 21 flight was the last flight Connell made prior to his Dec. 19 crash.

Larisa Alexandrovna is managing editor of investigative news for Raw 
Story and regularly reports on intelligence and national security 
stories. Contact:

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