Bush's Illegal Wiretaps Included Financial Data
January 23rd, 2009


NSA whistleblower Russell Tice returned to 
Countdown to explain how the Bush Administration 
illegally added complete financial data for 
people they illegally wiretapped.

Olbermann asked where the program came from, and 
Tice guessed it was the remnants of Admiral John 
Poindexter's "Total Information Awareness" 
program, which was specifically prohibited by 
Congress, and the Rumsfeld Department of Defense.

Olbermann also asked who had access to the 
in-depth information about journalists and what 
they did with it. Unfortunately Tice was fired 
when he tried to figure that out.

But it doesn't take much imagination to answer: 
Dick Cheney and Karl Rove had access and used it 
for blackmail and character assassination. For a 
perfect case study, just look at how they learned 
Iraq critic Joe Wilson's wife worked at the CIA - 
and how they leaked that information to try to 
destroy him, according to Bob Fertik at 

Whistleblower Levels Shocking Allegations at Bush's Spying Programs

By Liliana Segura, AlterNet
Posted on January 24, 2009, Printed on January 24, 2009

On Jan. 21, former U.S. intelligence official 
Russell Tice appeared on MSNBC's "Countdown with 
Keith Olbermannn" and broke a sobering bit of 
news that, sandwiched between Obama's 
inauguration and sweeping executive orders, went 
largely ignored by the media: Under the Bush 
administration's notorious warrantless spying 
program, not only did the NSA eavesdrop on 
millions of Americans, it turns out it 
specifically targeted "U.S. news organizations, 
reporters and journalists."

As Olbermannn put it, "non-terrorist Americans, if you will."

"It has taken less than 24 hours after the Bush 
presidency ended for a former analyst with the 
National Security Agency to come forward to 
reveal new allegations about how this nation was 
spied on by its by its own government," 
Olbermannn said on Wednesday night.

"Russell Tice has already stood up for truth 
before this evening as one source for the 
revelation in 2005 by the New York Times that 
President Bush was eavesdropping on American 
citizens without warrants Š tonight, the next 
chapter for Mr. Tice -- a chapter he feared to 
reveal while George Bush occupied the Oval 

The contents of the exclusive interview, if not 
surprising, were chilling nonetheless. Tice, who 
was fired from the NSA in May 2005, discussed how 
part of his job had been to monitor information 
flow among organizations that were expressly not 
of interest, for the ostensible purpose of 
flagging and filtering them out.

"Š In the world that I was in," he said, "(so) as 
to not harpoon the wrong people Š we looked at 
organizations, supposedly, so that we would not 
target them. So that we knew where they were so 
as not to have a problem with them." But, "what I 
was finding out, though, is that collection on 
those organizations was 24/7, you know, 365 days 
a year -- and it made no sense."

Turns out it was a bait and switch, in 
Olbermann's words, in which the "discard" pile 
was actually the "save" pile.

Word of the interview made its way around the 
blogosphere. Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler 
out some of the implications. "First, Tice's 
description of the program confirms everything we 
have surmised about the program," she wrote.

The program:

Established the means to collect all American communications.
Analyzed meta-data to select a smaller subset of communications to tap further.
Conducted human analysis of those messages.
That is, the Bush administration used meta-data 
(things, like length of phone call, that have 
nothing to do with terrorism) to pick which 
communications to actually open and read, and 
then they opened and read them.

And of course, everyone's communications -- 
everyone's -- were included in the totality of 
communications that might be tapped.

Despite the fact that the NSA scandal has been 
one of the biggest stories of the past few years, 
the story made no headlines the next day, 
including no mention in the New York Times, which 
broke the spying story to begin with (albeit one 
year after it first caught wind of it). In a week 
that saw orders from the new Obama White House to 
close Guantanamo and end the policy of torture, 
perhaps it is not surprising that this interview 
did not make headlines -- and indeed, as Wheeler 
pointed out, the news here is merely a 
confirmation of what others have long assumed.

But the implications bear repeating: Tice said, 
despite the Bush administration's claims to the 
contrary, "the National Security Agency had 
access to all Americans' communications, faxes, 
phone calls and their computer communications Š 
and it didn't mater whether you were in Kansas in 
the middle of the country and you never made any 
Š foreign communications at all. They monitored 
all communications."

Granted, not all the information was processed by 
human hands. Sheer volume would make that 
impossible. ("Americans tend to be a chatty 
group," said Tice.) And while Tice said he was 
not sure what had become of the information that 
was gathered, he did say that it was probably 
stored in a database, one that still exists today.


Olbermann points out this is not the first time 
Tice has stuck his neck out to call out the 
criminal activity of the Bush administration. On 
Dec. 18, 2005, two days after the Times story was 
published, Tice sent a letter to both the Senate 
and House intelligence committees, in which he 
characterized the NSA spying as akin to violating 
a sacred oath:

"As a Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) officer, it 
is continually drilled into us that the very 
first law chiseled in the SIGINT equivalent of 
the 10 Commandments (USSID-18) is that 'Thou 
shall not spy on American persons without a court 
order from FISA.' This law is continually drilled 
into each NSA intelligence officer throughout his 
or her career. The very people that lead the 
National Security Agency have violated this holy 
edict of SIGINT. ...

"In addition to knowing this fundamental 
commandment of not violating the civil rights of 
Americans, intelligence officers are required to 
take an oath to protect the United States 
Constitution from enemies both foreign and 
domestic. It is with my oath as a U.S. 
intelligence officer weighing heavy on my mind 
that I wish to report to Congress acts that I 
believe are unlawful and unconstitutional. The 
freedom of the American people cannot be 
protected when our constitutional liberties are 
ignored and our nation has decayed into a police 

In subsequent interviews, including one on Jan. 
3, 2006, with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, Tice 
repeatedly stressed the illegality of the 
program, while also maintaining that he could 
only say so much. "I don't want to walk out of 
here and end up in an FBI interrogation room," he 
told Goodman.

The backlash against Tice was harsh. He was 
assailed by right-wing pundits, who called him 
the real criminal. And others saw his coming 
forward as suspect -- after all, he had been 
officially fired, by his own account, not because 
of his investigation of the wiretapping, but due 
to an earlier controversy over his time at the 
Defense Intelligence Agency in which he made 
accusations about two FBI agents being possible 
spies. Thus, he was seen as holding a grudge.

("What would you say to those who say you are 
speaking out now simply because you are 
disgruntled?" asked Goodman, to which Tice 
replied: "Well, I guess that's a valid argument. 
You know, I was fired. But, you know, I've kind 
of held my tongue for a long time now, and 
basically, you know, I have known these things 
have been going on for a while Š whether you 
think this is retaliation or not, I have 
something important to tell Congress, and I think 
they need to hear it.")

In the end, Tice's hopes that he could provide 
testimony for Congress ultimately amounted to 
very little.


The night after Tice broke news on "Countdown," 
he appeared on the program again, this time 
followed by James Risen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning 
New York Times reporter and the co-author (with 
Eric Litchblau) of the NSA spying story. But 
Risen was not there to discuss the spying program 
from an expert perspective. He was there as one 
of its possible targets.

Risen, who last year was subpoenaed by a federal 
grand jury to try to get him to reveal his 
confidential sources for his book, State of War: 
The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush 
Administration, told Keith Olbermann that 
although he did not know which agency had him 
under surveillance, "what I know for a fact is 
that the Bush administration got my phone records 
Š we know for a fact that they showed my phone 
records to other people in the federal grand 
jury, and we have asked the court to investigate 

Risen joins the ranks of other top reporters who 
were reportedly spied on by the Bush 
administration -- including CNN's Christiane 
Amanpour and the New Yorker's Lawrence Wright -- 
but he says he believes that the point of the 
program was not so much to intimidate journalists 
who exposed questionable government policies -- 
"we have a large organization to support us Š 
whistle-blowers don't have that" -- but rather 
their sources. The effect, he said, is to 
"frighten people in the government from talking Š 
to have a chilling effect on potential 
whistle-blowers in the government to make them 
realize that there's a Big Brother out there that 
will get them if they step out of line."

One such whistle-blower, who was recently 
revealed to be the man who truly blew the lid off 
the Bush administration's wiretapping program, is 
former Department of Justice official Thomas 
Tamm, a prime source of Eric Litchblau's. Tamm 
was instrumental in breaking the story, and 
although he has remained largely anonymous until 
now, his life has been turned upside down ever 
since. In a cover story for Newsweek last month, 
<http://www.newsweek.com/id/174601/>"Is He a Hero 
or a Criminal?", Michael Isikoff reported how 
early one morning in August 2007, his house was 
raided by 18 FBI agents who took his computer, 
his kids' laptops, books, etc. Tamm's college-age 
son, Terry, "was escorted downstairs, where, he 
says, the agents arranged him, his younger sister 
and his mother around the kitchen table and 
questioned them about their father."

After the raid, Justice Department prosecutors 
encouraged Tamm to plead guilty to a felony for 
disclosing classified information -- an offer he 
refused. More recently, Agent (Jason) Lawless, a 
former prosecutor from Tennessee, has been 
methodically tracking down Tamm's friends and 
former colleagues. The agent and a partner have 
asked questions about Tamm's associates and 
political meetings he might have attended, 
apparently looking for clues about his 
motivations for going to the press, according to 
three of those interviewed.

In the meantime, Tamm lives in a perpetual state 
of limbo, uncertain whether he's going to be 
arrested at any moment. He could be charged with 
violating two laws, one concerning the disclosure 
of information harmful to "the national defense," 
the other involving "communications 
intelligence." Both carry penalties of up to 10 
years in prison. "This has been devastating to 
him," says Jeffrey Taylor, an old law-school 
friend of Tamm's. "It's just been hanging over 
his head for such a long time Š Sometimes Tom 
will just zone out. It's like he goes off in a 
special place. He's sort of consumed with this 
because he doesn't know where it's going."


In its first week, the Obama administration has 
been silent for now about cases like Tamm's or 
Tice's. (Tice told Olbermann that he has 
volunteered his service to the Obama team but 
that "they never really utilized me.") Meanwhile, 
Friday morning still saw little in the news about 
the latest spying disclosures, apart from various 
blog posts, a story on Wired's 
and pieces in scattered local and alternative 
media. Among civil liberties organizations, even 
groups like the ACLU and Amnesty International 
have been (justifiably) focused on the news out 
of the Obama camp regarding Guantanamo and have 
not released statements on it.

But one thing remains clear: As we enter the 
Obama era, there are many unanswered questions 
about the full extent of the domestic spying that 
took place under Bush, including whether it is 
still going on. "The NSA has far greater 
capability than it's ever made public," Risen 
told Olbermann on Thursday night. Among its 
endless list of things to do, the Obama 
administration must take a close, hard look at 
the NSA's activities -- activities that have 
already led to heated dissent in the ranks of his 
supporters who decried Obama's support for the 
Protect America Act and his support, in the end, 
on telecom immunity.

As far as what is already in the government's 
hands, said Tice, "this [information] could sit 
there for 10 years and then potentially it 
marries up with something else, and 10 years from 
now they get put on a no-fly list and they, of 
course, won't have a clue why." 

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