To Michael Gallucci, Managing Editor of CLEVELAND SCENE:

I came across the following article on 
<> today:

<>Point Of 
Impact: If There Was A Plot To Steal The 2004 Election, Michael 
Connell Knew About It. Is That Why He's Dead? By James Renner

What concerned me most of all was the following paragraph:

"After her husband was named as a witness in Arnebeck's lawsuit, 
Heather Connell was hounded
by self-styled online journalists. Some sent threatening postcards. 
One, a reporter for the website Raw Story, handed Mike's daughter a 
slip of paper asking Heather to meet her in a nearby park.
The cloak-and-dagger approach frightened Heather so much that Connell 
called his lawyers and had them prepare a restraining order."

The "self-styled" reporter referenced here is Ms. Larisa 
Alexandrovna, right? She is after
all the journalist from Raw Story reporting this case, and she was 
the reporter to come forward
after Mr. Connell's crash. I apologize if I am wrong in my 
assumption, but to anyone following
this story, it is rather obvious who Mr. Renner is talking about. I 
don't understand why he does
not name the reporter in question.

If I am right, then I am outraged, because I have been reading Raw 
Story for years and have been following Ms. Alexandrovna's work in 
general, including her work with John Cusack, of whom
I am also a fan.

So if you are speaking of Ms. Alexandrovna, would you please do me 
the honor of explaining
how a reputable investigative journalist becomes a "self-styled 
online journalist"? I don't know
what did or did not transpire at Mrs. Connell's home, or if Ms. 
Alexandrovna did in fact stalk
that family. I have no way of knowing. But I am astonished that these 
accusations are
presented by suggestion. It is underhanded. And why is Ms. 
Alexandrovna not responding to
the allegations? Did you try to contact her? Did she decline to 
comment? I am entirely confused
by this article.

Is the implication that Ms. Alexandrovna sent the threatening 
postcard to Mrs. Connell supported
by any documentation? Do you have this postcard? If you do have it, 
how do you know who it
was who sent it?

As a long-time reader of the Cleveland Free Press and now your 
publication, I am shocked at
the lack of answers and the amount of unsubstantiated claims 
delivered in such an underhanded

What about these other people who have allegedly stalked the Connell 
family? We are not told
who these people are, what they did, nothing.

It's bizarre and rather troubling to see a journalist attack a fellow 
colleague in this manner. You simply don't see this often. I am just 
wondering why Mr. Renner uses such peculiar verbiage in referring to 
Ms. Alexandrovna, who has been nominated for several awards. True, 
she is not
Big Media. She is an independent investigative reporter, as Mr. 
Renner claims to be. She is well-respected within the journalistic 
community and throughout the general public. She is
the Managing Editor for investigative news of Raw Story, and a 
contributor to Alternet, The Huffington Post, and other publications. 
Her work has been referenced in major news outlets
online, in print, on talk radio and in reference collections, 
scholarly works and historical books. Furthermore, she and her 
research were even quoted during Rep. Kucinich's impeachment
efforts against Bush-Cheney. All of this as well as other credits, 
and yet Renner dismisses
her as a "self-styled online journalist"?

I am sorry if I seem overly upset. But Ms. Alexandrovna is one of the 
few people who have
kept me sane during the Bush years. Her courage in demanding the end 
of torture, and the release
of political prisoners, was inspiring to me. She inspires loads of 
us, which is why she has a
following. I would not be surprised if others write to you about this 
issue. I cannot imagine how
she must feel right now being so attacked and in such an ugly way.

Again, I don't know if Ms. Alexandrovna stalked Mrs. Connell per your 
article - although I find
it difficult to believe - but the way you people have presented this 
reads like character assassination.

Again, if I am wrong, and you know that this is not Ms. Alexandrovna 
who is being described,
then you should still clarify who it is that you are talking about, 
or you should provide their
response. Because anyone following this story will think it is she, 
given that she has openly
discussed that she had met Mrs. Connell in a park. Also, I am 
confused why in the article in
does not say that Mrs. Connell and Ms. Alexandrovna met. Did Mrs. 
Connell deny this? If so,
why did you not publish the denial? I am entirely confused as to the 
purpose of this article, the
agenda of its writer, and the decency of your publication.

I do not plan on reading Cleveland Scene again. And, if I recall 
correctly, at Ms. Alexandrovna's personal blog she has a section for 
links to publications she respects. I remember seeing your 
publication there, which I promise you did more good for you than you 
can imagine. I hope
she removes that link. As a fan of hers who has left comments on her 
blog, I will suggest this
course of action.


James O'Connell
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