Steve Heller on Rush Holt's "new" bill, ostensibly promoting "election reform":


Same As the Old Holt Bill


Bev Harris, founder of <>Black Box 
Voting, one of the nation's leading election integrity watchdog 
groups, and our colleague Brad Friedman 
of <>The BRAD BLOG, weigh in on a draft of a 
new bill from Congressman Rush Holt, (D) New Jersey, tentatively 
called the "Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2009."

The discussion draft of the bill can be 
read <>here [pdf, 
62 pages].

the so-called "new" Holt bill is "basically exactly the same as the 
old Holt Bill, and every bit as much a danger to our liberty as the 
other Holt Bill. In fact, clause for clause, it's pretty much the 

She continues: "Now, one wonders, in a new administration and with 
new political realities, why would one put forth a bill that supports 
secret vote counting?"

Good question.

"The new Holt Bill, just like the old one, seeks to further 
centralize power and to further institutionalize the concept of 
counting our votes in secret. It is a danger to our right to 
self-government," writes Harris.

Brad Friedman has done 
some <>analysis of the proposed bill, 
and he finds much to be concerned about. In general, he finds that 
"while the bill offers some improvements over previous versions, the 
major flaws still inherent in the legislation -- as it's currently 
drafted -- will fail to ensure the security, accuracy, and 
transparency that American democracy requires and deserves."

One the one hand, the bill would require "the use of an individual, 
durable, voter-verified, paper ballot" for every vote. And that's a 
good thing. But in its current form, the bill would also allow those 
ballots to be "marked through the use of a non-tabulating ballot 
marking device or system." That's a problem.

Ballot marking devices, or BMDs, are touchscreen computers on which a 
voter makes his/her selections, and then the ballot is printed out. 
They are dangerous devices on which to run an election. For one 
thing, they are known to sometimes flip votes. 
See <>this report for Brad Friedman's 
own personal experience with a BMD in June of 2008, and how it 
mismarked his ballot.

"Further," writes Friedman, "concerns about computer-printed ballots 
was illustrated by several academic studies. One, from Caltech/MIT 
described how some 80% of voters do not take the time to verify the 
accuracy of computer printed records or ballots. Another, even more 
disturbing, from Rice University in the Summer of 2007, found that, 
among those few who do bother to review the computerized summary of 
their selections at the end of the voting process, two-thirds of them 
don't notice at all when the computer has flipped a selection from 
one candidate to another, or changed a vote on a ballot initiative."

The very important issue of transparency, a vital component to clean 
and verifiable elections, receives no boost in this draft bill. 
Friedman reports that in this bill, "corporate trade secrets, fully 
protected, take precedence, apparently, before you, the voter. Not 
good for a public voting system, designed for, and paid for by, the 
public, who deserve no less than 100% transparency for any system 
used to carry out public elections, the very heart of our democracy."

Friedman does find some good things in this draft, including a 
requirement that "federal voting system test labs must disclose test 
results, good or bad, and make them 'available promptly to election 
officials and the public' after testing is completed."

More details on his analysis can be read on 
his <>blog post

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