Conyers Cuts a Deal With Rove, Miers for Testimony in Attorney Firings

Written by Jason Leopold
Wednesday, 04 March 2009 15:10
By Jason Leopold

The House Judiciary Committee cut a deal with 
lawyers for George W. Bush that will see his 
former aides Karl Rove and Harriet Miers testify 
in Congress's long-running investigation into the 
firings of nine U.S. Attorneys in December 2006. 
But their testimony, at least for the time being, 
will not be public.

Democrats in Congress have been seeking testimony 
from Miers and Rove about the Bush 
administration's firing of nine U.S. Attorneys in 
2006. To stymie the investigation, Bush barred 
the witnesses from cooperating and asserted a 
broad claim of executive privilege.

Before leaving office, Bush insisted that his 
executive privilege extended into his 

In a statement issued Wednesday afternoon by the 
panel's chairman, John Conyers, Rove and Miers 
will provide "transcribed depositions under 
penalty of perjury." Miers and Rove were 
subpoenaed by Conyers's committee last year but 
refused to appear before his committee saying 
they were protected by Bush's assertion of 
"absolute immunity." Conyers said an agreement 
was reached "that invocations of official 
privileges would be significantly limited." 
Conyers's office declined to elaborate on what 
that would entail.

Conyers said the Judiciary Committee reserves the 
right to have Rove and Miers testify publicly in 
the future but he did not indicate if that would 
happen anytime soon. His office did not say 
whether Rove would testify about the prosecution 
of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, which 
Conyers demanded when he subpoenaed Rove for the 
third time in less than a year late last month. 
Siegelman has long maintained that Rove was 
intimately involved in the prosecution as part of 
a strategy to blunt Democratic southern inroads 
that Siegelman's governorship represented.

"I have long said that I would see this matter 
through to the end and am encouraged that we have 
finally broken through the Bush Administration's 
claims of absolute immunity," Conyers said. "This 
is a victory for the separation of powers and 
congressional oversight. It is also a vindication 
of the search for truth. I am determined to have 
it known whether U.S. Attorneys in the Department 
of Justice were fired for political reasons, and 
if so, by whom."

Conyers said the Judiciary Committee has also 
secured an agreement from Bush administration to 
secure White House documents that may contain 
information about the U.S. Attorney firings.  

"Under the agreement, the landmark ruling by 
[U.S. District Court] Judge John Bates rejecting 
key Bush White House claims of executive immunity 
and privilege will be preserved. If the agreement 
is breached, the Committee can resume the 
litigation," Conyers's office said in a statement.

Last July, Bates ruled that the White House's 
legal argument of blanket executive privilege 
lacked legal precedent and that Miers must comply 
with the congressional subpoena, invoking 
executive privilege only on a 
question-by-question basis.

Bates called the White House executive-privilege 
position "entirely unsupported by existing case 
law. Š In fact, there is Supreme Court authority 
that is all but conclusive on this question and 
that powerfully suggests that such advisors do 
not enjoy absolute immunity."

Conyers's committee has also subpoenaed Bush's 
former Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, who was also 
held in contempt last year for refusing to 
testify about the attorney firings and the White 
House's involvement in the prosecutors' 
dismissals. Conyers's office would not comment on 
where things stand regarding Bolten's testimony.

The timing of Conyers's announcement came on the 
same day the Department of Justice was due to 
file legal briefs with the U.S. Court of Appeals 
for the D.C. Circuit stating whether the Obama 
administration supported Bush's broad claims of 
executive privilege. As of Wednesday afternoon, 
legal briefs were not available on the federal 
court systems website. However, the agreement 
reached with Rove, Miers and Congress ends the 

Obama's Justice Department attorneys told the 
appeals court two weeks ago that it was hoping to 
negotiate a settlement in the matter and avoid a 
lengthy court battle.

"These tripartite discussions have been 
complicated and time-consuming," the Justice 
Department said in its court motion last month. 
"The requested 14-day extension is appropriate to 
permit these negotiations an opportunity to 
succeed, potentially obviating the need for this 
Court to address the sensitive 
separation-of-powers questions presented in this 

Two weeks ago, White House Counsel Gregory Craig 
said Obama has privately urged congressional 
lawmakers to try and negotiate a settlement over 
a separate dispute in which former Bush adviser 
Karl Rove has refused to appear before Congress 
and testify about the federal prosecutor 

"The President is very sympathetic to those who 
want to find out what happened," Craig said. "But 
he is also mindful as President of the United 
States not to do anything that would undermine or 
weaken the institution of the presidency. So, for 
that reason, he is urging both sides of this to 

Michael Hertz, an acting assistant attorney 
general in Washington, told the appeals court 
"the inauguration of a new President has altered 
the dynamics of this [Miers-Bolten] case and 
created new opportunities for compromise rather 
than litigation."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the deal "is a 
great victory for the Constitution, the rule of 
law, and the separation of powers."

"I appreciate the strong leadership of Chairman 
John Conyers and the assistance of the Obama 
Administration," Pelosi said. "Congress now has 
the opportunity to uncover the truth and 
determine whether improper criteria were used by 
the Bush Administration to dismiss and retain 
U.S. Attorneys."

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy 
said the deal means the public would finally get 
"overdue answers to serious questions about 
political interference" by the Bush White House.

"It should not have taken until now to obtain 
testimony and documents from Bush administration 
officials connected to the investigation into the 
firings," said Leahy, who held a hearing 
Wednesday on creating a "truth commission" to 
probe Bush-era policies.

But Rep. Lamar Smith, the ranking Republican on 
the Judiciary Committee, said Wednesday "there is 
no credible evidence that Karl Rove did anything 
wrong,  but Democrats refuse to acknowledge the 

"While more and more American families face the 
fear of unemployment, Democrats remain focused on 
an old grudge, prioritizing their own political 
vendetta over the needs of the American people," 
Smith said.

Last year, Rove made an end-around against 
Democratic leaders by having his denial of 
sponsoring Siegelman's prosecution inserted into 
the Congressional Record by the Texas Republican.

In written responses to questions from Smith, 
Rove denied speaking to anyone "either directly 
or indirectly" at the Justice Department or to 
Alabama state officials about bringing corruption 
charges against Siegelman.

Ass part of the deal, Conyers said the Judiciary 
Committee also has the right to secure testimony 
from former White House attorney William Kelley 
if his panel's inquiry turns up evidence 
requiring he discuss his role in the attorney 

In an 
interview with me two years ago, John McKay, the 
former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 
Washington, said he believed Kelley and Miers 
were responsible for his firing.

According to a Justice Department watchdog 
investigation into the firings of the federal 
prosecutors, McKay's firing was due, in part, to 
the fact that he would not convene a federal 
grand jury and secure indictments of alleged 
voter fraud in the 2004 governor's race in the 
state in which Democrat Christine Gregoire 
defeated Republican Dino Rossi by a margin of 129 

McKay told me some Republicans in his district 
with close ties to the White House demanded that 
he launch an investigation into the election and 
bring charges against individuals for voter 
fraud. But McKay concluded there was no evidence 
to support the suspicions.

McKay also said he believes he was not selected 
for a federal judgeship by local Republicans in 
Washington State last year because he did not 
file criminal charges against Democrats.

McKay said he requested a meeting with then-White 
House Counsel Miers to discuss the matter.

"I asked for a meeting with Harriet Miers, whom I 
had known since work I had been involved in with 
the American Bar Association, and she immediately 
agreed to see me in August of 2006," McKay told 

McKay said that when he met with Miers and her 
deputy William Kelley at the White House, the 
first thing they asked him was, "Why would 
Republicans in the state of Washington be angry 
with you?"

That was "a clear reference to the 2004 
governor's election," McKay said in 
characterizing Miers's and her deputy's comments. 
"Some believed I should convene a federal grand 
jury and bring innocent people before the grand 

The meeting with Miers and Kelley did not have a 
positive impact on McKay's request to be 
appointed a judge at U.S. District Court. 
Instead, McKay said it appears that he landed on 
the list of U.S. Attorneys to be fired just a few 
weeks after his meeting with Miers and Kelley.
David Iglesias, the former U.S. Attorney for New 
Mexico, whose firing was singled out in a Justice 
Department watchdog report as the most 
"controversial" of the nine and was "engineered" 
by Rove, said the agreement to have Rove and 
Miers testify "represents true progress in this 
matter which has been on-going for over two 
years." The DOJ report concluded that
However, "I trust that the initial private 
testimony of Mr. Rove and Ms. Miers will become 
public at the soonest possible date."
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