From Greg Dinger:

Re: Global Water Awareness & Action Campaign


Do you know there is a big fight with Nestle in McCloud, a tiny 
mountain community in northern California over a water plant?


Originally planned at 1 million square foot (would have been the 
largest industrial building in northern CA), the project was stopped 
after Attorney General Jerry Brown wrote a tersely-
worded letter to Nestle as well as opposition from groups such as above.

Now they are back with a project of 350,000 square feet that they 
want to drive down our
throats.  They own the land on which a lumber mill once operated and 
it is believed there are
toxins buried on the property.  This is where the plant would be 
built. The number of truck
trips in and out of this serene alpine community would result in a 
truck/trailer rig every
3 minutes, 24/7.

Noise, air pollution, water draws that could potentially devastate 
the ecology of the McCloud
River (blue ribbon trout fishing), road wear, traffic accidents 
(particularly in the winter - it
snows here) and other problems would result from this project.

Anyone who is interested in such matters is encouraged to learn more 
about this and support
us if possible.

Greg Dinger

On Behalf Of Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 7:30 AM
Subject: [MCM] Global Water Awareness & Action Campaign

 From Rick Ulfik:

Hey Mark! Don't know if you remember me (Rick Ulfik Founder of 
<>We, The World). Amy Goodman has spoken at 
many of our events as has Danny Schechter and other mutual friends. 
Thanks for your ongoing commitment to informing people about media 
and the issues.
Since you mentioned the water issue, I thought maybe you might be 
interested in spreading the
word about  our <>Global Water 
<>Awareness & Action 
<>Campaign which launches March 
20-22, 2009. If you help spread the word, we can list your link(s) as 
one of our Media Co-Sponsors (of which WBAI is one).


Rick Ulfik
Founder and Board Chair
We, The World
212 867-0846

Mark Crispin Miller wrote:

Water, water everywhere (and US coverage NOWHERE)

Two all-important pieces from the British press.


Western U.S. cities face water crisis


Sea levels rising twice as fast as predicted


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