The great Shannyn Moore digs into a rich vein of Rovian scuzz (and seem to have
discovered Sarah Palin there).


Karl Rove, Sarah Palin & Tim Griffin walk into a bar...

Shannyn Moore
Just a girl from Homer.
Posted March 16, 2009 | 09:04 PM (EST)

Stop me if you've heard this before. I just don't think it's funny.

I'm always curious why people come to Alaska. 
Born in Homer, I won the ovarian lottery, but my 
parent's adventure to this great state is one 
that can entertain the crustiest of old timers.

"So, what brought you to Alaska?" is a question 
few dare ask a stranger in a bar, but it always 
manages to conjure interesting stories while 
sitting around a fire with friends. Strangers in 
Alaska bars, more often
than not, have checkered pasts and damn near 
sneer at what they perceive as an intrusive 

After receiving a curious email last week from a 
friend in New York, I am searching for the answer 
to that question for one such visitor. Granted, 
in a year, Alaska has four times as many visitors 
as we have citizens.
Old bumper stickers asked, "If we call it 
'tourist season' can we shoot 'em?" The 'visitor' 
who captured my interest is Tim Griffin. In an 
interview last month published in a small 
Arkansas weekly, Mr. Griffin
claimed to have come to Alaska "more than 20 times last year."

Who is Tim Griffin? Why was he here? Prepare for less than savory answers.

>From September 1995 to January 1997, Griffin 
worked with Special Prosecutor David Barrett in 
investigation of Henry Cisneros, former Secretary 
of HUD. For two years after that, he was Senior
Investigative Counsel for the House Committee on 
Government Reform. During his time there, the
committee was very active. They issued 1,052 
dead-end subpoenas to probe alleged misconduct by
the Clinton Administration and the Democratic Party.

The cost to taxpayers? More than $35 million.

In September 1999, he became Deputy Research 
Director for the RNC - special ops for George W. 
Bush's campaign. Griffin was a legal advisor 
working closely with Attorney Ben Ginsberg of 
Patton Boggs, LLP
for the Bush-Cheney 2000 Florida Recount Team. In 
a BBC documentary, "Digging the Dirt", Griffin 
next to a sign reading "ON MY COMMAND--UNLEASH 
HELL (ON AL)," and stated, "We think of
ourselves as the creators of the ammunition in a 
war," he said. "We make the bullets."

>From March 2001 through June 2002, he was Special 
Assistant to Assistant Attorney General Michael
Chertoff. In 2004, Griffin was a key player and 
reunited with Attorney Ben Ginsberg in the Swift 
Veterans for Truth campaign against John Kerry. 
Ginsberg resigned from his position with George W
Bush's re-election campaign after his Swift Boat 
involvement became public. Griffin began serving 
Special Assistant to the President and Deputy 
Director, Office of Political Affairs at the 
White House in
April 2005. His duty was "organizing and 
coordinating political support for the 
confirmation of Judge
John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court."

For a year, beginning in September 2005, Tim 
Griffin was on military leave from the White 
House. He
served as a prosecutor for Judge Advocate General 
(better known as JAG) and then went to Iraq. He
claimed to have prosecuted 40 cases. Among those 
was a case allegedly against a soldier gone 
on his commander.

Griffin claimed he put the soldier in the clink 
for 25 years. The truth is, Griffin served only 
as assistant
trial counsel to three cases that never went to 
trial. Apparently, Tim Griffin's tall tales were 
training for
those he might later tell in Alaska over a beer in some local bar.

In 2006, due to a little known provision in the 
USA PATRIOT Act, George W. Bush & Company fired
a handful of US Attorneys and replaced them 
without Senate confirmation. In December 2006, US
Attorney Bud Cummings was fired from his district 
in Northeast Arkansas and replaced with Tim
Griffin.  In February 2007, Paul McNaulty, Deputy 
Attorney General, testified Cummings was fired
to make a place for Griffin at the urging of Karl 
Rove and Harriet Miers, further cementing 
cozy relationship with the Bush Administration.

On May 30, 2007, investigative journalist, BBC 
Correspondent and best selling author, Greg 
turned over 500 emails to House Judiciary 
Committee Chairman John Conyers. The emails were
inadvertently sent to the wrong email address 
during the 2004 campaign. Those wrongly addressed
emails revealed the caging of over 70,000 voters 
in Florida. The targets of registration scrubbing 
Black soldiers and poor Black and Hispanic 
citizens. Disenfranchising voters based on race 
has been
a felony since the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 
Palast's information had been published for 
nearly 2 years,
but on the day it went to Washington, Tim Griffin 
resigned from his Rovian created job as US 
in Arkansas.

Except for short stints working for the 
presidential campaigns of Mike Huckabee and Fred 
Tim Griffin was off the radar. Until, of course, 
he showed up in Alaska, which brings me back to my
question: Why would Tim Griffin come to Alaska over 20 times last year?

Attached to my email was a news article from the 
Northwest Arkansas News Source dated February 22,

NWANews: What are you up to now?

Griffin: I have two businesses. Depending on the 
time of the year, I am about 50-50 law and public
affairs. I have the Griffin Law Firm. I primarily 
represent businesses in federal litigation in 
My public affairs company, I provide 
communications advice, how to develop a message 
that makes
sense whether for corporate clients or political ones.

NWANews: Can you name a client or two?

Griffin: I went to Alaska last year over 20 
times. Worked on a ballot initiative, which we 

NWANews: What was that?

Griffin: It was related to [the] mining industry.

Wow! So Karl Rove's right hand man and special 
assistant to George W. Bush, under Congressional 
investigation for felony vote caging, got on a 
plane "over 20 times last year" to work against 
Proposition 4, the Clean Water Initiative? That's 
a pretty big gun to get on that many flights-even 
they were first class seats. Tim Griffin 
basically spent 40 days from May to August on 
planes going
back and forth between Anchorage and Little Rock!

Ballot Initiative 4 was an attempt to regulate 
water quality standards in Alaska. The Target: the
proposed Pebble Mine-an open pit, sulfuric acid 
mine. The Mission: to protect the Bristol Bay 
salmon run, the largest remaining wild salmon run in the world.

Alaskans Against the Mining Shutdown was the 
Political Action Committee created by the mining
industry. According to their reports, they paid 
Mercury Public Affairs of New York, $106,507.80. 
payment included a website and all of Tim 
Griffin's services and travel reimbursement. The 
average price
for a ticket from Little Rock to Anchorage was 
about $1000 and takes at least 12 hours. Summer 
rates are easily $200 a night. After expenses, 
Tim Griffin wasn't taking a golden salary.

If I were sitting next to Tim Griffin at a bar, 
I'd have a lot of follow up questions to my 
initial inquiry of
"So, what brought you to Alaska?" Like for instance:

1.) Who called you? With all of your White House 
and Karl Rove connections - WHO do you know in

2.) Did you develop any relationships with 
Alaskans while working on the Bush-Cheney Florida
Recount Team in 2000? Or the Swift Boat Smear 
Campaign for Truth against John Kerry? Or in any
of your illegal electioneering activity? WHO do you know in Alaska?

3.) Why would you waste your vote-caging and 
election-fixing talent on a ballot initiative in 
WHO do you know in Alaska?

4.) What else did you do up here? WHO do you know in Alaska?

5.) Did you get to meet Sarah Palin? She came out 
against the initiative in a massive multimedia 
a fter an anonymous "journalist" asked her how 
she would vote on Ballot Prop 4! Were you that 
"journalist"? WHO do you know in Alaska?

6.) How many frequent flyer miles do you have? WHO do you know in Alaska?

7.) Why didn't the opposition detect your 
presence? You're kind of a big deal. WHO do you 
know in

8.) With all of your credentials, you seem 
underpaid. Did you work for free or was some 
other kind of
payment involved? WHO do you know in Alaska?

9.) When you were working as an "informal 
advisor" to Mike Huckabee, did you talk to Alaska
Congressman Don Young, who chaired Huckabee's 
exploratory campaign? WHO do you know in

10.) After learning of your other "bed-mates," I 
can see how you would ignore Anglo American's
environmental track record. Proven environmental 
terrorists who rape, pillage and plunder resources
then leave the toxic clean-up to locals. But 
you're not local. Again... WHO DO YOU KNOW IN 

Oh, so many questions. Like I get at 
least an hour's worth of conversation when you 
"So, what brought you to Alaska?" Unless the 
person in the bar is that stranger with a 
nefarious Karl Rove Protégé, 
future felon vote-cager and election-fixer Tim 
Griffin. I wonder
who he knows in Alaska. I wonder who picked up the bar tab.
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