Salsa HQ

Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some 
readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point 
out some special stories from the previous month.

Salsa HQ

Salsa HQ

Here is a selection from February 2009, focusing on the challenges 
and the battles facing the Obama administration:

the End of the US Empire," by Ivan Eland, describing the need for 
America to return to its traditions as a Republic. (February 3, 2009)

Jail All Bush's Lawyers," by Robert Parry, suggesting how the torture 
investigations might proceed. (February 3, 2009)

Peace No Longer an Option?" by Norman Solomon, alarmed by the trend 
toward endless war. (February 4, 2009)

Not Cut Military Spending?" by David Swanson, noting the odd 
Washington budget debate that ignores the Pentagon. (February 5, 2009)

Is Deferential to Republicans" by Ray McGovern, observing how 
President Obama's CIA choice finessed tough questions. (February 6, 

of Laws, Not of Men" by Peter Dyer, contrasting the traditions of 
America with the present. (February 10, 2009)

GOP's Jihad on Obama" by Robert Parry, describing the assault on the 
new administration. (February 10, 2009)

Wealth Can Be a Deadly Sin" by Howard Bess, rethinking how America 
views morality. (February 14, 2009)

Report Erodes Bush's Defense" by Jason Leopold, revealing the 
political influence on Bush administration legal opinions. (February 
15, 2009)

and the Media Dilemma" by Robert Parry, examining the strange media 
dynamic that always tilts toward Republicans. (February 16, 2009)

NBC Series: Catch a Cheney" by Jeff Cohen, recommending a new TV 
program chasing down war criminals. (February 17, 2009)

Gore; 'Principled' McCain" by Robert Parry, describing the media's 
double standards on Republican attacks. (February 18, 2009)

US Media & Democracy in Crisis" by Robert Parry, noting the dangerous 
trend from a declining newspaper industry. (February 19, 2009)

for Bush War Crimes" by Marjorie Cohn, making the argument for the 
rule of law. (Febuary 20, 2009)

'Seven Days in May' Moment" by Robert Parry, warning how powerful 
forces are aligning against the new President. (February 20, 2009)

Signals Bush-Lite on Liberties," by Ivan Eland, raising doubts about 
the commitment to roll back the imperial presidency. (February 23, 

Media Disgraced in Levy Casel" by Jeff Cohen, noting how the major 
news media bungled the Chandra Levy murder case. (February 24, 2009)

FDR and 'Seven Days in May" by Lisa Pease, looking back at other 
dangerous challenges to past presidents. (February 24, 2009)

GOP's Anti-Obama Propaganda" by Robert Parry, comparing the war on 
Clinton with the war on Obama. (February 25, 2009)

You Trust the Republicans?" by Robert Parry, tracing the recent 
history of GOP deceptions. (February 27, 2009)

War with the Right (& Media)" by Robert Parry, describing the 
sharpening battle lines in Washington. (February 28, 2009)

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And except for book sales, we depend solely on the support of our 

So, please consider a tax-deductible donation either by 
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For a donation of $100, we will send you a gift, autographed copy of 
Neck Deep in paperback (or another book by Robert Parry, either Lost 
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