Below is a petition in support of Joel Kovel, whom Bard fired for his 
critiques of Israel
and Zionism. As you may recall, I sent out the news of Kovel's firing 
when it happened;
and then I sent out the response that Leon Botstein, Bard's 
president, was sending those
who had contacted him 

So having now received this new petition from Michael Smith, I sent 
him Botstein's reply,
asking for elucidation. Michael has responded:

>Dear Mark,
>    Botstein sent out the form response.   Joel thinks he was 
>terminated because of his position on Zionism and Israel for the 
>following reasons.  He wrote an article in this vein for Tikkun 
>magazine and was thereafter relieved of his chair as the--get 
>this--Alger Hiss Professor in social studies.   He wrote a second 
>article for Tikkun some months later and was put on half-time. Then, 
>a year and a half ago his book, Overcoming Zionism:  A One State 
>Solution in Palestine/Israel, was suppressed by the University of 
>MIchigan, which distributed it for Pluto Press.  We formed The 
>Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism with Howard Zinn, Michael 
>Ratner, Richard Falk, and others as honorary chairs.  We got the 
>book reinstated. Joel complained to Botstein that he did not help, 
>to which Botstein replied to the effect that "you were doing pretty 
>well on your own."  Later, U Mich was pressured by the Zionist power 
>structure to cancel their distribution contract with Pluto, which 
>cost them $l.7 million a year.
>    Joel had been at Bard for 2l years.  He was told some years ago 
>by a dean that he shouldn't worry about his contract being extended. 
>But a three-person faculty committee gave him a bad review.  One of 
>the persons on the committee was Bruce Chilton, a Christian Zionist. 
>He should have recused himself.  With Joel gone, there are now NO 
>radical professors at the school.  Martin Peretz, a real pro-Israel 
>guy, is on the board at Bard; Joel took him on in his book. Botstein 
>goes to Israel l0 times a year.
>    So the circumstanial evidence is, to my mind, heavy, although we 
>don't have and may never have a smoking gun. Joel's termination fits 
>the pattern.  Norman Finkelstein was denied tenure, The Rachel 
>Corrie play got the hook.   Jimmy Carter wasn't even allowed to 
>speak at the Democratic 
>convention. And lately Chas Freeman was forced to withdraw.
>    You may want to go to our website:  Or reach Joel at 
>Thanks for your solidarity,
>Michael Smith

Certainly I welcome any contrary accounts, but I must say I find this 
one convincing on its face.

Here, then, is the link to the petition:


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