Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Political Prosecutions of Karl Rove: An Update

We posted yesterday about the Project Save Justice video, 
Political Prosecutions of Karl Rove, which can be viewed through 
three clips at YouTube.

The video notes that former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman is at the 
center of the best known political prosecution under the George W. 
Bush Justice Department. But it spotlights numerous lesser-known 
Democratic officials who were targeted on criminal charges that 
appear to be flimsy or not based on the law.

Since writing our post yesterday, we have learned more about The 
Political Prosecutions of Karl Rove. And it is good news for folks 
who hope to see the appropriate people held accountable for turning 
the Department of Justice into a political weapon.

First, The Political Prosecutions of Karl Rove is not just a series 
of YouTube clips. It is a full-length documentary that is available 
in a video format and can be downloaded on the Web. The complete 
documentary is only 22 minutes long, so it packs a lot of vital 
information into a relatively small package.

Second, the documentary is a first-class piece of work. From watching 
the YouTube clips, it's easy to tell this wasn't put together by some 
schlub with a Web cam. You can tell this was artfully done, and there 
is a reason for that. The documentary was put together by 
<>John McTiernan, whose 
directing credits include Die Hard, Predator, and The Hunt for Red 
October, along with a number of other Hollywood blockbusters.

McTiernan has firsthand experience with the justice system through 
<>the Anthony Pellicano 
case, and that might help explain his interest in the Bush DOJ.

The complete documentary can be downloaded at 
link. My understanding is that downloads can take about 45 minutes. I 
believe the documentary will be available soon in a video format 
through Project Save Justice.

We will keep you posted here at Legal Schnauzer.

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