The other day, I posted Michael Collins's piece opposing Jennifer 
Brunner's Senate bid,
on the grounds that she's done nothing to combat the GOP's election 
fraud throughout
Ohio in 2004.

Cliff Arnebeck, the lead attorney in the King Lincoln suit, then sent 
an email protesting
Michael's piece, arguing that it contained "misinformation" spread by 
persons trying to
derail that suit.

Here Michael (who supports the suit) answers Cliff's email.


My recent article on Jennifer Brunner's U.S. Senate bid concerned one 
key point regarding her suitability for office:  her handling of the 
loss/destruction of evidence by 58 or 88 Ohio county election boards. 
It is based on 
information.  1.8 million ballots were discovered destroyed, lost, or 
somehow not around when a federal judge ordered that all 2004 ballots 
be sent to Ohio's new Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner.

I share the opinion of Cliff Arnebeck who said: "This is a political 
crime of highest proportion," 
Enquirer Aug 12, 2007

When presented with the massive loss of evidence by county boards, on 
Aug. 12, 2007 
responded, "If I had evidence of a cover-up, I would investigate." 
The failure to investigate the loss/destruction of evidence in an 
election fraud law suit on the 2004 Ohio presidential election is 
what led me to write an article on Oct. 20, 2007.  I wrote:

"Will there be justice and accountability? Will the possible theft of 
a presidential election cause the newly elected Secretary of State 
(Brunner) and Attorney General to reconsider their quick dismissal of 
destruction of election evidence?" 
<>Destruction of 
Evidence - Ohio's 2004 Ballots, Oct 20, 2007

I heard that Jennifer Brunner was running for Senate nearly two years 
after the 58 counties failed to deliver the ballots.  On March 26, 
2009, I wrote the following:

"(Democracy) continues to be mocked by the Senate candidacy of the 
chief elections official, Jennifer Brunner, who did absolutely 
nothing about the massive defiance by the 58 county election boards 
that lost or destroyed the legally mandated records of the 2004 
presidential election." 
 <>Hardball in Ohio & the 
Lost Ballots March 26, 2009

That is the key focus of the March 26, 2009 article.  It is based on 
  There were 1.8 million 2004 presidential ballots lost, destroyed, 
or somehow not available from 58 of 88 Ohio county election boards. 
Brunner dismissed the need for an investigation.   As a result, I 
believe her to be unsuitable for elected office.

Michael Collins

March 28, 2009

Ballots Not Preserved, Cincinnati Enquirer, Aug. 10, 2007

<>Destruction of 
Evidence - Ohio's 2004 Ballots, Oct 20, 2007

<>Stealing Ohio 2004 
The Case Heats Up Nov. 8, 2007

<>Hardball In Ohio & The 
Lost Ballots March 26, 2009
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